The old man saw an extraordinary and noble man coming out. Just by looking at his face, he knew that he was an extraordinary noble man.

He calmly raised his hands and saluted: "I see you, Prince Rui!

Shangguan Xuanyi did not show any airs, and quickly returned the greeting: "Master Yunfa is so polite! I finally expected the master to show up! Don't be surprised if I offended you just now!"

My girl is still waiting for Master Yunfa to save her! Shangguan Xuanyi's attitude can be said to be condescending and very polite!

He has never been so polite to his father!

He was worried that Zhang Qingqing had offended Master Yunfa just now. He was unhappy and said that there was no way to save Xiaoer! Then who should he cry to?

Shangguan Xuanyi does not allow this to happen! So for the first time in his life, he took the initiative to accompany someone guilty.

In the past few months when Xiaoer was unconscious, Shangguan Xuanyi lost his temper! In short, whoever can save her will be the ancestor!

What does it matter if he is polite!

The guard guarding the door was extremely surprised when he saw his master lowering his body like this.

Although the master's attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, he is really very polite in his words! unprecedented! And he even came to the gate to greet him in person, which shows how important this old man is!

Apart from the emperor, the queen, the queen mother, and the princess, there is no one in this world who is qualified for the master to greet him at the gate in person!

But it turns out that this old man is the world-famous Master Yunfa! It’s really far from what I imagined!

Fortunately, they didn't judge a book by its appearance just now, and their attitude towards him was pretty good! Otherwise, the noble man who has offended the master will really be unable to eat and walk away!

Master Yunfa shook his head after hearing Shangguan Xuanyi's words: "I blocked the way of the female donor!"

Master Yunfa is a person who sees through common things, so how can he argue with a common person.

And everything in this world has a cause and effect!

We were destined to meet each other. If the girl just walked into the palace with him, she would have been able to avoid today's disaster. Unfortunately, she was so determined to drive him away that she opened her mouth to form a bad fate for herself. This It is when the cause is sown that there will be subsequent results.

The cycle of cause and effect is God’s will, and God’s will can never be violated!

"Master Yunfa, please!" Shangguan Xuanyi invited Master Yunfa into the house.

Master Yunfa followed Shangguan Xuanyi into Prince Rui's Mansion.

Looking at the past along the way, I saw the feasible layout and reproduction in the garden.

He couldn't help but praise: "The garden in Prince Rui's Mansion is the best garden I have ever seen!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi said: "This is arranged by my princess."

There was no trace of pride in his voice.

Master Yunfa sighed: "The princess is a blessed woman. It is rare to be blessed and yet make progress."

A blessed person can live his life well.

A blessed and motivated person can lead many people to live a better life.

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled after hearing this and said nothing.

No one in this world knows better than me how hard my girl works to make progress.

Except for sleeping, she is never idle when she is awake. There is no idleness or boredom in her.

After entering the room and serving tea, Shangguan Xuanyi was not polite and said directly: "Master Yunfa came here today, is it about the king's concubine?"

"That's right, I'm just here to settle the debts left by our master!" If it hadn't been for this, he wouldn't have deliberately left a message.

He is still continuing to study other people's Dharma in other ancient countries.

"My princess is Master Lao Yunfa!" After hearing these words, Shangguan Xuanyi finally felt like he could see the sun from the clouds.

When Xiaoer wakes up, the dark clouds will disperse, the sky will be clear, and the sun will be shining brightly!

"Your Majesty, please take me to see Princess Rui!" Master Yunfa said knowing that Shangguan Xuanyi was anxious.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded quickly, then stood up and personally led Master Yunfa to his and Xiaoer's house.

Master Yunfa casually looked at the furnishings in the room, and then his eyes fell on an ancient sword on the ancient shelf.

Shangguan Xuanyi noticed Master Yunfa's gaze: "Master, is there anything wrong with that ornament?"

"This ancient sword is the weapon of a general in ancient times. That general was born to kill. This ancient sword has been with him all his life and has killed countless people. It is already too evil and has been buried in an ancient tomb for thousands of years. The yin energy is also strong! Fortunately, the prince and the princess are both good people in distress." Otherwise, they would have died a long time ago.

"The pregnancy of Princess Rui didn't go well either!" Master Yunfa thought of the vision of Tianjiang Zhenxiang, and sighed in his heart: I have to say that all the people with good fortunes have entered the same family! Otherwise, how many families can raise quadruplets and multiple children? Some of them have died long ago!

Although God’s will can be measured, no one can ever stop what God wants to do!

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, his expression changed: This ancient sword was a birthday gift given to his father by the king of Xiyue Kingdom. When his father saw that he liked it, he gave it to him. He has always liked it, so he placed it on In the room, I didn’t expect that such a statement would be made!

"Yang Liu, throw away this ancient sword immediately!" What's the use of keeping such an ominous thing!

"Yes, Master!" Yang Liu walked over and wanted to take it down. It was an ominous object that would affect the Feng Shui aura, and no one wanted to keep it.

"It's such a good ancient weapon. It's a pity to lose it. I can defuse it and King Rui can use it as a decoration. And no matter where it is thrown, this ancient sword is inappropriate. If someone picks it up, it will still cause harm to others." Not everyone in this world is as lucky as King Rui’s family! Those who can suppress its evil spirit and yin energy.

Master Yunfa walked over and was about to perform the method.

Shangguan Xuanyi stopped him: "Master Yunfa, I don't plan to keep that ancient sword in my mansion anymore. I'd better take a look at my princess first!"

How could resolving the evil spirit on the ancient sword be as important as rescuing his own girl? God knows he was so worried!

Master Yunfa saw that Shangguan Xuanyi was so impatient, even though he had seen through the world of mortals, he couldn't help but laugh: "My lord, don't worry, if you don't suppress the evil spirit and yin energy on this ancient sword, it will not be conducive to rescuing Princess Rui."

That's why he took care of the furnishings in the house immediately when he walked in just now.

Shangguan Xuanyi stopped talking after hearing this: "Master Yunfa, please."

Master Yunfa walked up to the ancient sword. He took the sword off the ancient sword, and then pulled it out: a cold light flashed across the sword.

In Master Yunfa's eyes, the ancient sword exuded bursts of thick black evil aura and yin energy.

The black mist-like evil spirit and yin energy began to spread along Master Yunfa's hand.

Master Yunfa recited incantations on the ancient sword and drew talismans in the void.

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