Master Yunfa recited incantations on the ancient sword and drew talismans in the void.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Master Yunfa from the side, and could faintly see a bit of golden light traveling on the sword at a very fast speed.

After Master Yunfa finished drawing, he pointed his two fingers at the sword body, and a golden light covered the entire sword body.

"Okay!" Master Yunfa put the ancient sword back into its scabbard and put it back on the ancient shelf.

"Thank you, Master Yunfa." Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the ancient sword on the Bogu rack and decided to put it away after Master Yunfa left!

Master Yunfa seemed to have seen through Shangguan Xuanyi's inner thoughts and said: "If the prince does not want to keep this ancient sword, he can send it to a place where the incense is flourishing, where the evil spirit and yin energy on it can be slowly washed away."

"Thank you, Master Yunfa, for reminding me." Most people know that something is an ominous thing, and even if it is resolved, they are not willing to put it in their home. This is because they have a shadow in their hearts.

Shangguan Xuanyi is not afraid of being alone, but he does not live alone. He also has a wife and children! So forget it!

Master Yunfa came to the bedside, looked at Xiaoer, and said nothing for a while.

"Master Yunfa, what's wrong with my princess?" Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but ask.

"The soul was seriously injured and fell asleep." Princess Rui's soul did not belong to this body in the first place, so that was why she was almost beaten to death by her uncle, right?

Master Yunfa took out a jade bottle and handed it to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Feed Princess Rui first!"

Xi'er ran in at this time, grabbed the bottle from Master Yunfa's hand, and said mischievously: "Master Yunfa, is this the soul-reviving pill? I haven't seen what the soul-reviving pill looks like. !Let me consider!"

After Xi'er snatched the bottle, she uncorked it, poured out the pills inside, and studied it curiously.

In fact, she was checking whether the elixir was poisonous!

Xi'er was invited by Yangliu.

After Yang Liu knew that Master Yunfa was coming, she thought that Master Yunfa would probably give Xiaoer a soul-reviving pill.

Although Master Yunfa is famous all over the world, who can guarantee that the pills he gives will be edible! So she immediately ran to ask Xier to come over.

Master Yunfa nodded: "Exactly!"

Shangguan Xuanyi also laid his eyes on the pills in Xi'er's hand. The pills were similar to the ones he stole back from Gong Qinghua, and they also had traces of green light lingering on them.

"Master Yunfa, can you tell me what the soul-reviving pill is made from?"

Master Yunfa did not hide anything after hearing this. He named a series of medicinal materials, and finally said: "The medicinal materials of the soul-reviving pill are not the most important. The most important thing is that it needs to be refined with ancient magic. Otherwise, it will be like this The refined elixir has no effect."

The wounds of the soul are not controlled by mortal medicinal materials!

It is magic that heals the soul.

"Is the green light inside that magic?"

"You can say it like this." In fact, it is the magic that gives the elixir vitality, and the magic is invisible.

"It's amazing! I can also make alchemy, but I don't know the magic. Master Yunfa, can you teach me?"

"Is the donor willing to convert to Buddhism?"

Convert to Buddhism? I guess if she said she was willing, her parents would kill her directly! Thinking of this, Xi'er immediately said: "I was joking."

Master Yunfa smiled and said nothing.

Everyone in this world is born with a destiny! Not everyone has a predestined relationship with Buddha.

After Xi'er used her unique method to confirm that the elixir was not poisonous, she said, "Let me feed my sister the medicine!"

"Miss Xi'er, give the pill to the slave first. I'll break it into pieces!" Otherwise, how could the comatose princess swallow such a big pill.

"No, just feed it directly. This pill melts in your mouth." Since it is a pill specially designed to treat people with injured souls, it is natural to take into account the fact that comatose people cannot eat.

"I'll do it!" Shangguan Xuanyi sat down by the bed. He carefully lifted Xiao'er up, then leaned on his shoulders, and gently opened Xiao'er's mouth with his hands, and then put the pills in. Sure enough, as soon as I put it in my mouth, it disappeared.

Everyone looked at Xiaoer nervously.

But Xiaoer still didn't wake up.

"Master Yunfa, how long will it take for my sister to wake up after taking the pills?"

"Donor, please be patient and wait patiently."

After Master Yunfa said this to Xi'er, he said to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Please put the princess on the bed, I need to do something for the princess!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi gently put Xiaoer back on the bed and then stepped aside.

Master Yunfa came to Xiaoer's side. He was chanting spells and drawing talismans in the air.

No one knew what he was reading or what he was painting.

While reciting the incantation, he drew random strokes in the void with two fingers, and then pointed one finger at Xiao'er's eyebrows. A golden light flew out from Master Yunfa's fingertips and quickly sank into Xiao'er's eyebrows.

Then he continued his previous actions, and streaks of golden light flew into Xiaoer's heart, palms, and soles of feet.

Finally, Master Yunfa withdrew his hand, and his face turned pale. His whole person seemed to be translucent, but this state soon disappeared.

Everyone just stared at Xiaoer on the bed, and no one noticed.

Shangguan Xuanyi noticed something strange about Master Yunfa out of the corner of his eye, and asked, "Master Yunfa, are you okay?"

"It's okay, just take a rest." He was suffering from mental collapse caused by excessive use of mana.

Because matters related to the soul consume extremely mana and mental energy.

Princess Rui was injured by Gu Xuan who spent his whole life practicing! When Gu Xuan injured Princess Rui, he probably knew that he was bound to die. He even used his soul to collide with hers and use ancient spells to destroy her space. That's why Master Yunfa was in such a state.

When Yang Liu heard Master Yunfa say this, he quickly moved a chair next to Master Yunfa: "Master Yunfa, please rest!"

Master Yunfa did not refuse, sat down, and began to close his eyes and regulate his breathing.

Xi'er originally wanted to ask Master Yunfa when Xiaoer woke up, but she saw that Master Yunfa looked exhausted and did not disturb him.

Shangguan Xuanyi sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Xiaoer without blinking.

Xiaoer's body was covered with a shallow golden light, and the golden light flowed everywhere on her body. When the golden light gradually faded and then disappeared, Xiaoer's fingers moved, and then her eyes moved.

"Girl!" Shangguan Xuanyi immediately noticed that she was moving and immediately held her hand, suppressing his excitement and shouted softly.

Seeing this, Xi'er also leaned over: "Sister!"

Xiaoer slowly opened her eyes.

The book is almost finished! You little cutie who urges you to update, please stop urging me! Let me slowly think about how to end it better! If you have any questions, you can ask them. I'm worried that some people and things have forgotten to explain clearly.

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