Then Xiaoer slowly discovered that the space had changed.

First, the open space in space becomes larger.

Xiao'er saw that the open space in the space had become larger, and she could vaguely see the shadow of the stone house. Although she couldn't pass it yet, it at least meant that this approach was right!

"Brother Shangguan, the space has become larger! I think if we really transform the northwest, they will definitely come back during the day!"

"Yes." Shangguan Xuanyi put one arm around Xiao'er and looked around at the space. The open space had indeed become larger.

However, the regeneration ability of space soil is not very strong, and only three bags of soil can be generated in one day outside.

Last time Xiaoer dug 60 bags of space soil, and it took twenty days to fill the big hole in space!

This speed is considered slow.

"Brother Shangguan, report this matter to your father and then handle it in the name of the imperial court!"

"Okay!" He had already thought about how to say it.

There is a kind of soil that can turn wasteland into fertile fields. Naturally, such an important thing cannot be hidden from the emperor.

This kind of thing that helps poor people turn wasteland into fertile farmland and benefits the country and the people can naturally be done in the name of the imperial court.

Since it is done in the name of the imperial court with great fanfare, the origin of the space soil must have a reason that makes no one suspicious.

Shangguan Xuanyi set up a formation near a cave in a large mountain in the suburbs, and then filled the cave with space soil.

He arranged for three different groups of people to dig space soil into the cave at regular intervals and then transport it to different places to fertilize the land for the people.

Externally speaking, these space soils are fertile soils. Shangguan Xuanyi accidentally discovered these fertile soils on a certain mountain. After digging, they are gone!

Many people heard about it and wanted to dig out the fertile soil in the mountains. Especially some wealthy businessmen, they want to dig out the fertile soil and sell it. Even if they don't sell it, they can just fertilize their own land! Just because Shangguan Xuanyi set up the formation, everyone couldn't find the cave at all.

Many people heard that wasteland could be turned into fertile farmland and started to open up wasteland one after another.

Blind land reclamation will destroy the environment! In the end, it will not benefit the people but endanger them!

Xiao'er heard about this and immediately said to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Brother Shangguan, we cannot let the people blindly open up wasteland at will! The court must issue an order to prohibit this matter."

"I know, I have also heard about this. I mentioned it to my father during the early court meeting. My father has issued an order prohibiting people from blindly clearing wasteland! Therefore, people need to apply to the Yamen to open up wasteland. In addition, because the fertile soil is limited, all land reclamation is limited. For the newly opened wasteland, the court did not provide fertile soil to help fertilize the land. At the same time, the price of the wasteland also increased, which was the price of medium-sized fields, and taxes would start in the first year! As soon as this policy was issued, the people Their enthusiasm for opening up wasteland will fade away."

"The common people just open up wasteland on a large scale when they see that they can take advantage of it and make a profit! If the money the court charges for the newly opened wasteland is expensive, and it does not provide support for fertile soil, it will have to pay public grain in the first year. This can be said to be a loss. Too big! No one will want to do it again!"


Blindly opening up wasteland will cause environmental damage and soil erosion, which is not worth the gain!

People only know that they are greedy when it comes to cheap things, but they never think of the harm caused by destroying the environment.

The annual flooding alone can give people a lot of headaches! Because a large amount of sediment flows into the river, causing the river bed to rise, there is a greater chance of flooding during the rainy season!

And it’s not just such harm!

In short, it is easy to destroy the environment, but difficult to transform it! So it’s better to protect it!

The soil Xiaoer in the space is only intended to be used to relieve poor people, those vulnerable groups in need of help.

Of course, the most important thing is to transform the barren northwest.

In the following time, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer focused on this matter.

Day after day, year after year, Shangguan Xuanyi traveled back and forth between the imperial capital and the northwest.

The transformation of the barren land in the northwest was so important that Shangguan Xuanyi needed to go to the northwest from time to time to personally supervise the transformation of the fertile land.

Xiaoer stayed in the imperial capital, filling the cave with soil from time to time.

The two therefore lived a life of less gathering and more separation.

Unconsciously, two years have passed, and some places in the northwest have changed a lot.

In the northwest, people can no longer only see the vast sky and vast fields with windblown grass and cattle and sheep, or the desert where people can get lost.

When the sun turns golden, we can see the yellow wheat waves rolling in the endless fields; we can smell the aroma of ripe wheat; we can see people sweating and standing in the golden wheat fields with the joy of harvest!

Shangguan Xuanyi was riding on his horse, looking at the endless wheat fields in front of him, thinking: I must bring Xiaoer to see it, she will be very happy to see it!

He didn't take a second look at the beautiful scenery in front of him. After just one glance, he turned his horse's head and started galloping.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, if it is not shared with your lover, it will lose a taste of happiness!

Imperial City

It was getting colder, so Xiaoer went to the four children's houses respectively. After seeing that they had fallen asleep, she returned to her yard.

After walking around for such a long time, she felt like her whole body was getting cold.

Xiaoer returned to the room, closed the door, and entered the bathroom. She planned to take a hot spring bath before going back to sleep warmly.

Xiaoer soaked in the bathroom pool and let out a comfortable breath!

I’ve been so tired lately! I gathered with many ladies and ladies to prepare cotton-padded clothes for the soldiers who attacked Nangong Kingdom. They left early and came back late every day.

Two years have passed, and Nangong Kingdom has been captured by Min Zeguo. Half of the country has been conquered!

And her space has basically returned to its original appearance.

During the day, the place where they practiced was still shrouded in white mist.

But recently, the white fog has faded away, and Xiaoer knows that they are about to wake up during the day!

very nice!

Xiaoer was soaking in the pool, thinking about when to wake up during the day, and fell asleep unknowingly.

The door to the room was opened quietly.

The dusty Shangguan Xuanyi walked in lightly.

It was late at night, and he thought Xiaoer had fallen asleep, but he didn't expect that there was no one on the bed.

Shangguan Xuanyi thought Xiaoer had gone to the space to sleep, and he didn't intend to wake her up, so he went to the closet to get a set of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked into the bathroom and saw Xiaoer sleeping on the edge of the pool.

Her long hair was spread on her flawless white back, steam was rising in the pool, and Xiaoer was sleeping soundly.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned: Why did this girl fall asleep like this! If she hadn't come back tonight, how long would she have had to stay in the water!

Shangguan Xuanyi took off his dusty clothes, carefully got out of the pool, and picked up Xiaoer.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer into his arms and Xiaoer woke up immediately.

When she found out it was Shangguan Xuanyi, she breathed a sigh of relief, then yawned and rested her head on his chest: "Brother Shangguan is back."

After Xiaoer said this, she fell asleep peacefully.

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