Shangguan Xuanyi wanted to scold Xiaoer, but then he found that she was asleep!

This made him feel like he was punched in cotton.

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled helplessly: "Pig!"

You can even fall asleep with this!

Xiaoer slept peacefully, and it was already dawn.

It's so comfortable, the quilt is warm, like someone is next to you.

I haven't slept so peacefully in a long time.

Wait, the quilt is warm? Xiaoer, who belatedly realized something was wrong, finally felt something was wrong!

Xiaoer quickly opened her eyes and saw a familiar handsome face covered with stubble.

It’s not like someone is by your side! But someone is simply by his side!

Xiaoer then remembered that she seemed to be too tired last night and fell asleep unconsciously, and then she saw someone approaching in a daze.

That time happened to be the time when she was most sleepy. When she found out it was him, she fell asleep peacefully!

Thinking of this, Xiaoer couldn't help but cover her face. How piggy she must be to sleep like a pig when he comes back!

Sensing that the people around him were waking up, Shangguan Xuanyi chuckled softly: "My little pig, are you awake?"

"You are the pig!" After hearing this, Xiaoer pushed him away and shouted back! The first thing this person said when he woke up was to call himself a pig. That was too much!

"Anyone who can fall asleep in the bath is a little pig!" Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he thought of last night's scene. How tired he must be to be able to fall asleep in the bath.

Someone definitely hasn't had a good rest these days.

Xiaoer rolled her eyes at someone and said, "I'm a pig, so who are you?"

"Me? I'm the big bad wolf! The big bad wolf that specializes in eating pigs!" Shangguan Xuanyi meant something.

"It's dawn, the children are coming to say hello! Get up! The children will be very happy to know that you are back." Sensing someone's intention, Xiaoer thought of several children coming to say hello at this time every day, so she quickly got up.

How embarrassing it would be if the children broke it!

"Don't worry, let the four of them wait!" It's better to save a few children from greetings in the future! What a bother to come so early to say hello! It's better than when I didn't have children, and I was free!

In recent years, this girl has not tried to sleep until she wakes up naturally for a long time, Shangguan Xuanyi pulled her over and thought to herself.

Suddenly, Xiaoer heard a sound in the space, and she subconsciously took Shangguan Xuanyi into the space.

Shangguan Xuanyi misunderstood. He was very satisfied with it. He was not afraid of being disturbed in the space. This was the biggest advantage of this space.

Just when Shangguan Xuanyi was secretly rejoicing, their happy voices sounded during the day: "Master, we are awake!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer pushed Shangguan Xuanyi away and ran out quickly.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face stiffened. Did this girl drag him in because the two geese were awake?

Humph, I can’t eat piglets today, so I’ll eat roasted goose tonight! Drink snake soup! Someone thought bitterly in his heart.

During the day, several of them sneezed together outside.

After more than two years, Xiaoer finally saw them in the daytime!

"What happened to you during the day?"

"That Gu Xuan actually knew how to destroy the space. When he destroyed the space and wanted to beat the master to death, we tried our best to protect you and the space, so we fell asleep injured!" Tian Tian explained.

"How could Gu Xuan be so capable and injure all of you? Aren't you very powerful?"

"Because he is determined to die and be wiped out in ashes. He does not intend to reincarnate again. It can be said that he used all his reincarnation power to deal with the space and you, the master. The power is immeasurable! But we don't want to die, so naturally we can't We fought so hard like him! So in the end, with the combined strength of the few of us, we were able to save the space and prevent Master from losing his soul." Tian Tian Cheng did not expect that Gu Xuan would be so decisive.

"But Master, your soul was injured, how come you woke up faster than us? What did you do to make the space upgrade so fast? I thought you had to wait for us to wake up before I could save you, and then you probably He must be sixty years old!" said the golden python.

In the space, Shangguan Xuanyi could hear what they said during the day.

Shangguan Xuanyi came out and happened to hear the golden python's words. He thought to himself: Fortunately, there is Master Yunfa, otherwise Xiaoer would have been in a coma for the rest of his life!

"Master Yunfa saved me, and then he reminded me what I should do to wake you up."

"Then Master, how did you do it?" Tian Bai asked curiously.

"At that time, there was only a piece of empty soil left in space. I could only use the soil in the empty space to transform the barren land outside to benefit the people! I didn't expect that it would take more than two years to wake you up."

"That's already very fast! If the master hadn't thought of doing this and relied on us to heal our wounds, it would have taken at least forty years for us to wake up!" Bai Tian said.

"Brother Shangguan came up with the idea! That's why you guys woke up so quickly." Xiaoer finally remembered her husband.

Shangguan Xuanyi thought to himself: It is indeed too fast! If he had known they would wake up, he would have been pushed out of bed by Xiaoer. He would have thought of ways to prevent them from waking up for the rest of his life!

I glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi during the day and didn't understand why his face smelled so bad.

Xiaoer naturally knew the reason why Shangguan Xuanyi was unhappy.

At this time, the sound of children knocking on the door happened to be heard outside, so Xiaoer said: "Brother Shangguan, the children are here to say hello! You haven't seen your children for several months, they miss you! Go and see them!" "

So Xiaoer didn't wait for Shangguan Xuanyi to say anything, and directly threw Shangguan Xuanyi out of the space.

Xiaoer, on the other hand, continued to reunite with them in space during the day.

Shangguan Xuanyi, who was kicked out of the space, had a black face!

When did a few beasts become more important than me?

Shangguan Xuanyi has some ambitions to turn the northwest back into a barren land!

He opened the door to the room with a dark face.

Several children rushed in instantly, saw Shangguan Xuanyi, and hugged his thigh:

Rooftop: "Father, you are back!"

Nuannuan: "Father, I miss you so much!"

Mo Zhi: "Father, you came back ten days earlier than before!"

Qingqing: "Father, have you brought back anything delicious?"

Shangguan Xuanyi originally wanted to drive a few children to school and tell them not to come to say hello tomorrow! But when he heard them shouting about his father around him, his heart softened and he said, "It's snowing, and my father came back early to teach you how to ski."

Mo Zhi jumped up with joy when he heard this: "Great! Finally I don't have to study anymore!"

Going to school every day is so annoying!

Shangguan Xuanyi immediately straightened his face after hearing this: "You can only skate when you are resting!"

Mo Ji refused to give up: "But what if the snow melts during the bath break?"

"Then wait until next year!"

Mo Zhu fell over and said, "Oh, God is going to kill me!"

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