This winter, there has been no heavy snowfall. Many people could not help but frown when they saw the small snowflakes falling from the sky and disappearing as soon as they fell to the ground.

Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest! Everyone understands this! If we don’t get a few heavy snowfalls in winter, and if the wheat in the fields is not covered with a thick quilt, there will be a lot of insect pests in the crops next year.

The four children did not understand the worries in the hearts of the people. They stood in the yard and looked at the snowflakes in the sky. They also frowned. However, they were not worried about the country and the people, but they were worried that their father had promised to take care of them. The goal of going skiing cannot be achieved.

"Mother, when will it snow heavily?" Mo Zhi knew that Xiaoer's weather predictions were always accurate.

Every time they go to the Imperial College in the morning, if it rains that day, their mother-in-law will remind them to bring rain gear.

"Well, your wish is going to come true." Xiaoer said while busy counting the supplies sent to the soldiers in the south.

The New Year is coming soon. Xiaoer has cured a lot of bacon, ham, duck, and rabbit this year, all of which he plans to send to the south for the soldiers to eat during the New Year.

Fresh meat doesn't last long, but cured meat can last for several months, especially in winter.

In addition to cured meats, Xiaoer also prepared a lot of dry goods, including abalone, fish maw, scallops, sea cucumbers, etc. This was planned for the New Year’s Eve dinner to prepare a Buddha Jumping Over the Wall for the soldiers who had not been home to celebrate the New Year in several years!

"God, thank you! I really want to ski!" Mo Zhi made a blessing gesture to the sky.

"Go and practice your calligraphy! If you don't practice your calligraphy well, your father will not take you skiing even if it snows." Xiaoer couldn't help laughing when she saw Mo Zhi's childish behavior.

Among the children, Mo Zhi is the most playful! Doing things is very neat and tidy, because once you’re done, you’re ready to play!

Qingqing just wants to eat! The first thing I do when I wake up every day is eat! Not full, satisfied! Been listless all day!

As an older brother, Rooftop is the most sensible and sets a good example for his younger siblings in everything: playing with his younger siblings is the most dangerous and exciting! Makes you mad to death! When studying, he behaves the most seriously, learns the fastest, and is the best! Very gratifying!

As for Nuan Nuan, he is very smart, he is silent and is a blockbuster! President Xiaoer thinks she is a scheming master!

"Oh, concubine, why do you always mention my sad things!" Mo Zhi gave Xiaoer a sad look, and then went back to the study.

well! He is most impatient when practicing calligraphy! Who came up with this torture on earth!

After Xiaoer counted the supplies, she said to Yang Mei, "Let Zhao Yong come over."

Zhao Yong came soon.

Xiaoer pointed to the things on the ground and said: "Zhao Yong, please arrange for people to send these materials to the front line. These things are used to prepare New Year's Eve dinner for the soldiers. By the way, don't forget to send a chef from the Four Seasons Restaurant Go cook New Year’s Eve dinner for the soldiers, but the cooks can’t make the authentic taste of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. Also, go to the winery and transport more wine.”

"Princess, the soldiers' New Year's Eve dinner is so sumptuous. I will personally deliver it to you. Come back after eating the whole night dinner!" Don't be too happy eating meat and drinking wine with so many soldiers!

"Okay! But don't ask me for New Year's red envelopes when you come back!"

"Forget it then!" After a busy year, the most anticipated thing is the New Year's red envelope! Don’t let the small lose the big!

After Zhao Yong left, Xiaoer glanced at the sky.

It is indeed a mild winter this year and there won’t be any heavy snow. The children’s wish to go skiing will be in vain. Of course, the common people’s wish of looking at the sky every day and praying for heavy snow will also be in vain.

But no matter whether there will be a bumper harvest next year, don’t worry!

The people and court of Min Zeguo can withstand the storm!

In the past two years, the people of Minze State have accumulated more and more food! In more than two years, except for the northwest, which has not been completely improved, the transformation of inferior fields or wasteland for poor people in other prefectures and counties has been completed.

Moreover, the emperor specifically asked officials from various states and counties to count which poor families had no land, and then find a suitable wasteland to open up wasteland. Give each poor family an acre of transformed wasteland to ensure that people across the country have enough to eat.

The emperor appointed Shen Chengyao as the imperial envoy and conducted nationwide inspections to implement this matter to prevent local officials from violating the law by falsely reporting the number of poor people in order to defraud the imperial court of fertile land.

Shen Chengyao has also been away from the Imperial Capital for more than two years, so he should be back before the Chinese New Year this year!

When people grow up, they will have their own missions to complete, and it is difficult to get together even in the New Year.

Xiao'er thought of this, turned back to the house, and started to check the account books of each shop this year. She didn't have much time to feel sad about the spring and autumn.

As long as everyone is safe, it doesn't matter if we don't get together, because we share the same beauty even though we are thousands of miles apart!

Xiaoer was checking the accounts quietly in the room. What I have to say here is that the several swiftlet houses built by Xiaoer in Yanziling, Zezhou, successfully attracted swallows last year.

This year, each of the several swiftlet houses has an annual output of no less than 100 kilograms of bird's nests! And the quality of the bird's nest is very good.

Such high-quality bird's nests are cheaper than those picked from natural caves, so they are naturally sought after by many ladies and ladies. Almost every time it comes on the market, it is sold out.

Next year, the swiftlet houses will be more mature and the output of bird's nests will definitely be higher. Xiaoer plans to build a few more swiftlet houses to increase the total output of bird's nests.

While looking at the general ledger of each store, Xiaoer made a summary and made plans and plans for each store for the coming year.

Looking at the account books one by one, Xiaoer felt a little rich. This feeling is really wonderful!

In addition to checking the accounts, Xiaoer also needs to arrange New Year's gifts and New Year celebrations. In this way, she is busy every day, and the New Year has arrived.

The New Year's Eve dinner is traditionally eaten in the palace with the ministers.

Because Min Zeguo is getting richer and stronger every year, the New Year's Eve dinner is also getting richer and richer every year.

This New Year's Eve dinner lasted from noon to sunset.

The emperor received the good news from the south early on New Year's Eve. Shangguan Xuanjun, Di Shaowei and others led troops to capture two cities in Nangong Kingdom. He was so happy that he almost got his ministers drunk. The emperor stopped after the queen ordered someone to replace the emperor's wine with water.

On New Year's Eve, it was customary to keep a vigil. The whole family stayed in the Queen Mother's Cining Palace, talking, chatting, and playing cards. Xiaoer felt that it was too boring.

It happened that the weather was sunny this New Year and there was no snow, so Xiaoer said: "I have prepared a lot of fireworks this year. Let's finish making dumplings and set off the fireworks!"

"Okay, I'm going to set off the fireworks myself! Great-grandmother, I'm going to set off the fireworks. Look, those fireworks are so beautiful!" Mo Zhi said while making the dumplings into the shapes of various small animals.

"Okay! Okay! Let Huaimo set off the fireworks!" The Queen Mother said happily after hearing this.

The next chapter is the ending.

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