"Are you going to set off the fireworks after making the dumplings? Can't you wait until you finish eating the dumplings? I'm so hungry!" Qingqing touched her belly after hearing this. These colorful dumplings looked delicious. ah!

She wasn't in the mood to watch the fireworks since she hadn't eaten enough.

"Pig! How long have you just finished eating? You're hungry again!" Mo Zhi couldn't help but roll his eyes at Qingqing after hearing her words.

Wait until you finish eating the dumplings before setting off the fireworks. It’s almost dawn!

"You're a pig! So what's the matter when I'm hungry! Imperial Grandma said eating is a blessing! It's better than you thinking about having fun all day long! You're ignorant!"

"Who is ignorant and incompetent? I am better than you in all my studies! It's not like you who only think about eating and don't use your brain!"

"Who doesn't use their brains! My father said that my handwriting is better than yours!"

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters were about to quarrel, the Queen Mother quickly said: "Okay! Okay! Qingqing is not a pig! It's a blessing to be able to eat it! Qingqing is hungry, and the Ai family will let someone cook some dumplings for you to eat!"

When Qingqing heard that there was food, she smiled and said, "I want to eat two bowls!"

Ink couldn't help but roll his eyes! This is nothing but a pig!

The Queen Mother comforted Qingqing and then comforted Mo Zhi: "Huai Mo is not uneducated, look at the Ai family! Huai Mo is very smart! He does his best in all the homework at once, so he has more time to play than others!"

"It's the great-grandmother who understands me!" Mo Zhi looked satisfied when he saw someone with a keen eye for recognizing talents.

In fact, he just likes to tease Qingqing, and is worried that she only has flesh but no brains, and she doesn't know if she is being bullied by others!

But every time there is something delicious, he will immediately set aside a large portion for Qingqing!

"I envy you so much. It's so exciting to have four children at once." The fifth princess couldn't help but said as she watched Mo Zhi and Qing Qing bicker.

The fifth princess has only given birth to a daughter named Jiang Yue so far. The daughter is already two years old. She is not pregnant with the second child yet. She can't help but feel a little worried. She is worried that she will not be able to give birth to another child as she is old!

"They argue every day, and I'm almost to death from the noise! ​​How can Yue Yue be so well-behaved!" In fact, Xiao'er also knows that Mo Zhi is not forgiving, but he is very good to his brothers and sisters, so he doesn't care about him.

This is how these brothers and sisters get along. Their relationship is going well!

Every time he wanted to punish one of his two daughters, the older brother would stop him in front of his younger sister, saying that he had not educated his younger sister well, so he would punish him if he wanted to.

So Xiaoer felt relieved and let them get along by themselves.

After hearing what the fifth princess said, the Queen Mother said: "It's time for you to give Yueyue a younger brother! Yueyue is already two years old!"

"I think so too! It's just that my stomach is not up to par! There is nothing wrong with my body, but I just can't get pregnant!" The fifth princess expressed her troubles for the first time.

Another year has passed in the blink of an eye! She is almost thirty years old! Don't be impatient, and if you don't get pregnant, you will definitely have a son! She was worried that Brother Jiang would have a divorce because of her!

After hearing this, Xiaoer realized that the fifth princess was not what she usually showed. Yueyue was still young and she would wait until she was older to have children.

"Those imperial doctors don't even know what they do! Can't they even help you conceive a child?" the Queen Mother said angrily.

"Could it be that someone in your house did something wrong?" Xiaoer guessed.

"No way! The imperial doctor has checked my body. I'm in good health! And every meal is tested for poison. There is no possibility of poisoning! It's probably because I'm old!" The fifth princess was a little bit The lost way.

"It's not necessarily the woman who has a problem with giving birth! It's possible for the man too! And if you want a person to be unable to conceive a child, you don't have to be poisoned! Eating too much of some foods can also make a man unable to have children."

"What kind of food?" The fifth princess was surprised when she heard this and couldn't help but mention it.

"Tofu, celery, barbecue, fried food, etc. If men eat too much, it will affect fertility." Xiaoer listed some foods.

When the fifth princess heard this, she was so shocked that the dumplings in her hands fell to the ground.

Jiang Yuheng loves tofu, so she asks the kitchen to make different kinds of tofu for him every day! There are fried tofu, mapo tofu, fried tofu, fish head tofu soup...

Jiang Yuheng was so proud every time that he ate them all!

I’m sorry that it’s all my own fault that I haven’t been able to conceive a child!

What do the people here not understand when they see the appearance of the fifth princess?

The Queen Mother said angrily: "Who dares to harm the consort! You must not be leniently spared!"

You can't say unlucky words during the Chinese New Year, so the Queen Mother could only curse like this.

Seeing that the queen mother had misunderstood, the fifth princess quickly said: "It's none of anyone else's business! It's because the prince-in-law loves tofu, so I asked the kitchen to prepare tofu in different ways every day for the prince-in-law to eat. He finished it every time!"

Everyone: "..."

Queen Mother: I dare say it was my granddaughter who caused her to be unable to give birth to a son!

The Queen Mother hated the iron and said: "How can anyone feed their husband tofu every day? Why don't you make him some Shiquan Dabu soup every day!"

"He doesn't like this soup!" The fifth princess lowered her head and said aggrievedly.

The Queen Mother was so angry that she ignored the Fifth Princess for the first time!

She secretly decided to send more velvet antler, deer whip, bull whip and other aphrodisiac supplements to the Duke's Mansion, and let her nanny stew them for the consort to eat every day! Hurry and mend the body of the Prince Consort!

She can't count on such a stupid granddaughter!

After making dumplings, the sky was completely dark. Shangguan Xuanyi asked the eunuchs to place the fireworks in the open space in front of Zichen Palace in preparation for setting off the fireworks.

He wanted to put the ink away, but was frightened by Shangguan Xuanyi's look and didn't dare to move. He just stayed by Xiao'er's side and watched the fireworks.

But in his heart, he was planning to ask his mother and concubine to get some fireworks for him one day.

The emperor took several important officials to the Star Observation Tower to watch the fireworks.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer took their four children to watch on the second floor of Zichen Palace.

The queen, the queen mother, Shangguan Xuanhao, Gu Qiqi, Prince An and Princess An, Shangguan Ruixi and Du Yijin, as well as the five princesses were all here with their children to watch.

As explosions sounded in the sky, colorful fireworks exploded in the dark night sky, blooming into flowers of different shapes!

The dark night seems to be dotted with colorful gems, bright and eye-catching! After the dazzling effect, those gems fell one by one like broken pearls, forming a series of starlight waterfalls, which were extremely beautiful.

The children screamed and jumped with excitement when they saw such beautiful fireworks blooming in the night sky.

There was joy and laughter in the palace, and outside the palace, the people ran out when they heard the noise.

The streets of the Imperial City were filled with people watching the fireworks. People in every street and alley looked up at the sky above the Forbidden City, with surprised smiles on their faces.

There was laughter and praise everywhere in the Imperial City.

This fireworks feast lasted for a long time, a full hour, until midnight.

When the New Year's bell rang, several large characters composed of fireworks "Celebrating the whole world, Happy New Year" hung in the sky for three seconds in the night sky!

When the emperor saw these words appearing in the sky, he couldn't help shouting: "Okay!"

The loud voice spread far, far away~~

After the people in the entire Imperial City were silent for a second, they suddenly burst out in unison: "Okay!"

At this moment, Nuan Nuan suddenly shouted to the emperor on the observatory: "Happy New Year, Grandfather, Long Live Grandfather, Long Live Long Live!"

There was an empty space outside the Zichen Palace, and the sound spread far away. Then the officials in front of the Zichen Palace knelt down and shouted: "Happy New Year to the Emperor, long live the Emperor, long live the Emperor!"

The people on the street were as happy as their souls. They also knelt down in unison and shouted: "Happy New Year to the Emperor, long live the Emperor, long live the Emperor!"

The sound is like a loud bell that never stops ringing!

"Okay! Good! Haha!" The emperor laughed happily and said "good" several times.

Time seems to freeze at this moment, and the beautiful picture of this moment will last forever in everyone's heart.

Shangguan Xuanyi hugged Xiaoer, and in front of them stood four laughing children.

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but kiss Xiaoer's cheek. His heart was filled with something called happiness: Thank you for appearing in my life and making my life so bright and beautiful!

——End of text——

It’s the end! There are still a few extra chapters, but I’m really a bit reluctant to leave them. But what I want to say to everyone most is: Thank you!

I would like to take a deep bow and thank all the book friends of Farm Girl Qingcheng!

Thank you little cuties for your subscription support so that I can persevere until the end.

Also: Sorry! (Bow here) I didn’t write this book well enough, I know that.

I have taken note of what everyone pointed out, and I will try my best to correct these shortcomings and shortcomings in the next book.

Thank you all for being so kind and tolerant of my shortcomings! Love you! ~(^з^)-

Of course, everyone said it was good-looking, and I also wrote it down, because sometimes it really touches me!

Over the past year or two, there have been many book friends who voted silently every day or silently read books and followed articles without commenting. I have remembered all the names of those little cuties who have been following articles. .

thank you!

I hope to see familiar names in the next book.

The new book "Sweet Wife Fell Into Her Arms, Mysterious Husband Is Too Clingy" has been released! Welcome to the pit!

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