Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 13 When the family separation is in progress

"The family has a total of 20 acres of top-grade farmland, 10 acres of medium-grade farmland, 10 acres of dry land, and 10 acres of sandy land. There is one shop and 60 taels of silver. I want to divide it into six parts. Each of you four brothers will have one share. You and your mother share one share, even if Yuzhu’s dowry is not ready yet. Your eldest brother has always been in charge of the grocery store in the town, and Wen’er is still studying, so the cost is relatively high, so the grocery store will be divided between If you have a big house, the land will not be allocated to the big house. Each of your three brothers has 4 acres of fine land, 2 acres of medium land, 2 acres of dry land, 2 acres of sandy land, and 10 taels of silver. The same goes for Yuzhu's share. Me and The same goes for your mother's farm money. We will live with your elder brother, and you will give us an additional 2 taels of silver for living expenses every year, plus clothing and etiquette for all seasons."

Mr. Shen took a sip of water and continued: "As for how you live in the house now, you can divide it how you want. The vegetable garden is divided into four parts, one for each family. There is only one chicken coop and pig pen, which belongs to me and your mother. The house belongs to me and your mother. The chickens, ducks and cows belong to me and your mother. The pigs will be divided after the pigs are killed during the Chinese New Year. You three brothers and one family will have two sets of farm tools."

When she heard that all the shops belonged to the big family, Li was a little dissatisfied. Her sister-in-law was even more unhappy when she got exactly the same things as them. The old man and Shen Zhuang had 4 acres of fine land and 2 acres of medium land. , 2 acres of sandy land, 2 acres of dry land, 10 taels of silver and 2 taels of silver per family as pension money every year, and clothing and etiquette for all seasons are extra. She got so angry that she just started doing it, which she had never done in a long time in her life. Sitting on the ground, slapping the ground with both hands, shouting and shouting: "Oh, this is not letting people live. The person in the big house has a shop worth 150 taels, and he can earn several taels of silver every month. My sister-in-law's dowry The things we got were actually as much as the brothers in the family. The two of us got as much as the six of us, plus 2 taels of living expenses per year. Clothes and etiquette for the four seasons were all provided in a year, and there was no less than 1 tael. Silver, my husband-in-law can’t earn even 2 taels of silver even if he goes out to work all year round. Oh my God, you can just take us in. We will starve to death if we don’t farm. If we farm, we don’t have money to honor our parents. It’s all evil. You use different ways to subsidize others. Jinghua, Jingye, Jingzhi, you are not descendants of the Shen family, and you deserve no one to hurt you."

Shen Xiaoer once again refreshed her understanding of the Li family. In her two lifetimes, she had never seen such a shameless person who acted recklessly.

"My son, why aren't you the eldest grandson of the eldest son, so that you can eat other people's flesh and drink other people's blood? Now you don't plan to marry a wife. Let's become a perfect couple."

The faces of the old man, Mrs. Shen Zhuang, sister-in-law, and the whole family could not be darker.

"Second brother, you don't care what your wife looks like!" Mr. Shen shouted loudly.

"You evil-hearted bitch, don't you want to support your parents? I'm going to go to the government to sue you and put you in jail." Shen Zhuang's voice was stern. She was really angry. The old man only wanted 1 last night. She thought the two taels of pension money was too little, so she still caused a scene, and the old man took a step back and said that if the daughters-in-law didn't have any objections, they could let her do it. Now that Li is making trouble, she loses 3 taels every year, but that won't kill her.

"Oh my God, who's going to judge? I have to give you two taels of silver. How can I feed you when the whole family is starving to death?" Li ignored it and pushed away Shen Chengzong, who pretended to dissuade her and pulled her away. hand. She couldn't stop. There was no hope for a third or fourth bedroom. Her parents would do whatever they said. It was simply stupid.

"My three sons, Hua'er, are going to marry each other in two years. I'll give them twenty taels of silver every year, and you can't even talk about marrying me! Why don't we separate our families? My son's money for marrying me will be my daughter's dowry. Don't worry." At this point, Mrs. Li suddenly thought that since her sister-in-law can get a share of the family property as a dowry like a son, why can't her own sons and daughters, so she howled louder: "My sister-in-law can actually get a share of the dowry. My son and daughter’s betrothal gifts and dowry will also be shared, and the things in the house will be divided again.”

"Bah, your son and daughter don't have to pay for the betrothal gift and dowry themselves, and you still expect me to pay for it. What's the point of that! You think so beautifully, you are eating from the bowl and looking into the pot!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang couldn't sit still either. He stood up, put one hand on his hip, and took a sip of saliva at Mr. Li.

"That's enough! Shut up, everyone!" Mr. Shen threw the drinking bowl on the ground and shouted: "500 Wen, 500 Wen per year for each family's pension."

The world suddenly became quiet, and Xiaoer couldn't help but rub her buzzing ears.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang reacted and refused to comply. Mrs. Li couldn't think of a single penny. The two of them just wanted to continue the quarrel. Old Shen quickly shouted: "Okay, it's settled. Whoever is dissatisfied can go back to her parents' home. Our Shen family can't afford this unkind and unfilial daughter-in-law!" After that, he stopped caring about the two of them and said directly to Shen Jingwen. : "Jing Wen, go and invite Li Zheng, the village chief and the great grandfather's family, as well as Mr. Guo and Mr. Lin." Old Shen mentioned a few more prestigious elders in the village. Then he waved his hand and asked Shen Jingwen to invite someone.

Shen Chengzong pulled Ms. Li's hand and motioned her to stop talking. He had Shen Chengguang's handle in his hand, so he didn't worry that he wouldn't be able to get money out of his hands in the future.

Old Shen calmed down for a moment before speaking: "Do you have any other opinions?"

Everyone shook their heads and said no.

"If you don't have any, then clean up the house quickly. Don't be rude when people come later." Old Shen originally wanted to separate the family after the autumn harvest, but after being tossed by Mr. Li, it would be a long night and a dream, so he decided to make a quick decision. He is Knowing that Mr. Shen Zhuang had hidden 100 taels of silver, Dafang must have had many private houses himself. As time passed, Li's calculations went through another twist and turn. I am a little unfair, but this is also for the advancement of the entire family and the glory of the ancestors. In the future, when Jing Wen becomes an official, won't everything get better? She is really an ignorant woman with short-sightedness.

Shen Chengguang remembered that after the family was divided, he had to invite Li Zheng and the others to dinner, so he said to Mr. Shen, "Dad, after the family is divided, we have to prepare dinner."

"Yes, yes, look, I almost forgot. Chengzong, go to your father-in-law's house in the town and buy some meat. Also, see what vegetables are available and buy some. Don't be rude for dinner later." Mr. Shen He slapped his thigh and almost forgot such an important thing. Fortunately, his eldest son was attentive.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang also invited several daughters-in-law to prepare dinner. The meat and vegetables did not come back, so the vegetables had to be washed first.

"Mom, you are still in confinement. Go back to your room first to avoid the wind." Xiaoer took the opportunity to ask Ms. Liu to go back to her room.

Mr. Shen Zhuang was dissatisfied after hearing this: "How can this villager be so particular? There are guests tonight and there are not enough people to cook, so you can help with the cooking."

"It's just because there are guests coming that I asked my mother to come in. If outsiders see my mother cooking for them, they won't be able to eat with peace of mind!" Xiaoer replied rudely.

After hearing this, Mr. Shen couldn't sit idly by and ignore it. If someone came and saw it, it would not look good: "Third wife, please go back to the house and don't come out if you have nothing to do." This was still not good for them. I have a problem with helping with the cooking, but I can't express it properly.

In fact, Mr. Shen doesn't care whether Mr. Liu cooks or not, he just doesn't like Shen Xiaoer contradicting Ms. Shen Zhuang. All three members of the family have always obeyed the advice of their two elders. He didn't want anyone to escape his control, but he was sorry to let him down. Soon he knew that after the separation, everyone was out of his control, and he stood up as the master of the family.

After Xiaoer took Ms. Liu back to her room, she remembered that she had promised Shen Zixuan yesterday to go to his house for dinner today. It seemed that she couldn't go, so she called Jing Hao and asked him to go and talk to Shen Zixuan.

I stayed at home to help pick and wash vegetables.

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