Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 14 When the separation is completed

Lan usually doesn't cook by himself in town, so he hires a rough lady to do the work.

Of course, she didn't dare to directly say that she was invited to come back to serve her. She only said that the shop was sometimes too busy and she was afraid of delaying meals and leaving Jing Wen hungry to go to school. .

Lan is a very determined person. As long as she has her heart, she knows how to please others and make them like her. Therefore, among the several daughters-in-law, Lan lives the most comfortable life.

Now they are planning to separate the family, and the two elders will live with their family from now on, and Mrs. Shen Zhuang is not an easy person to get along with. She has to fall in her eyes to live a good life in the future.

So now Lan took the initiative to take over the work without any instructions: "Mom, you don't have to worry about dinner. Just go back to your room and rest after you give the instructions. It's not easy for you to take care of your older children. Now all your sons have wives." Now, it’s time for you to enjoy yourself. We will prepare dinner. I bought a box of pastries from Yipinxiang a while ago. I heard that even the county magistrate’s wife likes to eat these pastries from Pinxiang, and she often sends people from the county to buy them. Yes. Bao'er, please accompany grandma into the house to have snacks, and remember to make a cup of honey."

While Mrs. Lan was trying to please Mrs. Shen Zhuang, she also made excuses to get rid of Shen Baoer so that she didn't have to do these menial tasks.

Her daughter has never had any hard work except writing and reading. Her hands are delicate and delicate. Yang also hoped that she would marry into a wealthy family and enjoy happiness in the future.

Shen Bao'er understood and hurriedly came over to hold Shen Zhuang's arm and walked to the upper room: "I'll help you go back to have snacks."

"Is this really a snack that the county magistrate's wife loves to eat?" Shen Zhuang envied the official wife most in her life. She couldn't do it herself, so she pinned her hopes on her son. She could be an official wife, but her son also disappointed her. Fortunately, I have a grandson, and I am about to realize my dream.

Mr. Shen Zhuang was particularly interested in the things that the ladies of the official family liked, and was afraid that one day he would become one of them, and would be ignorant in front of others and lose face.

"Yes, that's what the Yipinxiang people say. Grandma, I embroidered a forehead for you. The pattern is new from the embroidery village. I heard that it has become popular in the imperial capital. The old ladies of the big families in the city like it very much. Grandma Wearing it will definitely make you look more noble than those old lady ladies. It's autumn now, and the weather will get cold soon. Grandma must remember to wear it sooner or later to avoid catching a cold." Shen Baoer helped Shen Zhuang to go to the upper room while cheering her up. .

"What a good granddaughter, grandma! You are the only one who still cares about me, otherwise no one would care about you."

Their voices gradually disappeared into the kitchen.

When Lan saw the two people walking out, she looked around, picked a pumpkin, sat on the bench and started peeling it. Her movements were so slow that she thought she wanted to peel the pumpkin into flowers.

Lan thought in her heart that she would quickly finish dividing her family and return to the town. If she stayed here any longer, she would not be able to get anything with her hands.

But thinking that after the family separation, Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang would live with her family, she felt a little helpless.

Fortunately, it would be three or more years before Wen'er won the imperial examination. The two elders probably wouldn't live in the town for the time being. When Wen'er was assigned to serve as an official, he would find a way to leave them alone and go to the place where he and his family were officials.

On the other end, Shen Jingwen had already invited Li Zheng, the village chief and his son, Uncle Shen's family, Mr. Guo, Mr. Lin and others. After everyone was seated and tea was served, Mr. Shen said, "I invite you all to come here today to witness the separation of our family. I'm sorry for bothering you."

Everyone was surprised when Shen Rengui suddenly said that he wanted to separate the family.

Because most families in the village divided their families soon after their sons got married, the old man lived with his eldest son.

After all, everyone knows why it is difficult to get along well with each other.

But Shen Rengui had never separated his family before and now they were surprised.

But no one said much. There were only a few reasons why a family was divided. The more people there were, the more friction there was. There was nothing surprising about it.

Mr. Shen told several people about the division of the family that had been discussed before. The village chief asked Shen Chengguang and his brothers if they had any objections. Everyone said they had no objections, and the village chief signed a document.

In this dynasty, family separation documents also had a certain format. Generally, the son of the current rank was separated from his biological father/stepfather and biological mother/stepmother's family and started a new business. How much land was allocated to him? Where is it, how much silver is there, other livestock, farm tools, etc.

After you have a family, how much pension money you need to give your parents every year or every month, what kind of things you need to honor your parents during the New Year, etc.

After the family is divided, the property of each family belongs to each family. Other parents and brothers are not allowed to use and possess the property acquired after the family separation for any reason without the consent of the family owner. Of course, property deliberately hidden before the family separation is not included.

This document was witnessed by at least four fingerprints.

When Xiaoer later saw this document, she thought it was very thoughtfully written. When there was a real property dispute, it would be convenient to take it out to speak to the government.

After the family separation document is drawn up, there are four copies. One is for the government to keep when transferring the ownership, one is for the village chief to keep, one is for Mr. Shen to hold, and one is for each person to keep.

Everyone pressed their fingerprints on it, and the family separation was completed.

The village chief will take the documents to the county government office tomorrow to transfer the household name, and then take the household registration slip back to each family. From now on, the court will collect taxes and draw people according to this household registration registration slip.

"The family has been separated now, but in order to provide for the eldest son and grandson to obtain fame, everyone has been hungry and cold, and worked hard without complaint. In the future, if the old man really succeeds, he must not forget to help his younger brother. Chengguang, what do you say? ?" In order to show that he treats everyone equally, Mr. Shen once again reiterated that he was partial because he needed more money to study, and he would pay it back in the future when his eldest son became successful.

"Does that need to be said? My brother is still my brother after the family is separated. The separation will not distract me. I will do my best to help those who can help in the future." Old Shen and Shen Chengguang have never thought about the other families in the future. The people in the house are more promising than the big house, and they all think that the people in the other houses need to rely on them to live their lives. Of course, there were people present who thought the same as them. After all, there was a big difference between those who had read books and those who had not read books in ancient times.

"Chengguang is a responsible person." Shen Renfu said happily. He was also very happy that his nephew had a promising future, although he did not agree with Mr. Shen's partial approach.

"Brother and brother, my dear brother, you are so blessed. You will soon have children and grandchildren." Everyone said good things.

At this time, the food was ready. Lan came in and asked Mr. Shen: "Dad, the food is ready. Do you want to serve it now?"

Mr. Shen responded and asked everyone to come to the table. Because there are guests, tonight's dinner can only be served by men, and the women can only make do with it in the kitchen.

The food was very rich. Mr. Shen loved his face and usually prepared sumptuous meals when inviting people to dinner. However, generally hospitable people would prepare the best things at home when inviting people to dinner. The villagers are very hospitable and honest. They don't want to put a little extra effort into their own lives, but the banquet must include fish and meat.

As for the Shen family, in addition to fish and meat, there will also be chicken and duck meat. Makes enough for 12 dishes. Chicken with mushrooms, roast duck bought in town, steamed fish, braised pork belly, fish-flavored eggplant, fried pork with pumpkin, cucumbers, scrambled eggs with chives, large plate of beans, fried vegetables, fried peanuts, cold fungus, rice as staple food, White flour buns. The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal.

The only food for the female family members is fried pumpkin meat, fried vegetables and multi-grain steamed buns. If you want to eat meat, wait until the men's table has finished eating and see if there is any left.

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