Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 15 The Autumn Harvest Continues

After dinner, after Li Zheng and others left, Mr. Shen called the whole family to gather in the upper room.

"The autumn harvest is coming soon. The past two years were not good, with floods and then droughts. Fortunately, our family has some food reserves. Our village was not as badly affected as other places, so we were able to get through these two difficult years. This year We finally have a good harvest. Now that the families have been divided, the grain harvested this year will be divided according to the fields that have just been divided. The grain belongs to whose land the family has just divided. Do you have any objections?"

Several brothers said in unison: "No objection."

"Let's harvest this year's grain together!" Mr. Shen ordered: "From tomorrow on, children and adults over eight years old must go to the fields to harvest. No one can be left behind, and the entire family must go. The weather is nice. For some time, many old people in the village have speculated that it will rain in a few days, and we must quickly collect the grain, dry it and store it in the warehouse."

No one can be left behind? After hearing this, Xiaoer had to remind her grandfather again: "Grandpa, my mother is still in confinement and cannot work, otherwise she will get the root of the disease and she will be in trouble when she gets old."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was angry: "You are so evil, in this farmer's house, the whole family has to work when someone is harvesting. God forbid, I have to serve your whole family. You can stay in bed without fear of shortening your life." ?" As for the failure to have a good confinement period and the root cause of the disease, it is none of her business. Now that the family has been separated, her money will not be used for medical treatment in the future.

"No need for the third daughter-in-law, special circumstances will be dealt with." Old Shen glared at Mrs. Shen Zhuang. After a while, she started to make a fuss again.

Mrs. Li was not happy either. For the people in the first few rooms, the one in the older room was just a foil. It would be better to make trouble than to work. The couple and two children in the third house are capable, but Liu has only one main laborer without working, and the fourth house only has two people. They only have a large number of people in the second room, so they don't have to do all the work. Now that the family has been separated, she is not willing to help others work: "Dad, since the family has been separated, the crops on the ground belong to each family. Of course, each family can harvest their own crops."

Mr. Shen simply ignored Mrs. Li's words. The daughter-in-law of the second son's family just refused to stop and was unwilling to suffer any loss. He turned to Mrs. Shen Zhuang and said: "Old lady, starting from tomorrow, you have to take care of enough food for the three meals. There must be at least one meat dish for each lunch and dinner."

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang was not happy again: "The food must be enough to satisfy the needs, and there must be meat for every meal. The money has already been divided. Where can I get the money to get food? It will ruin my heart and liver, and it will rot in the water." Guys, I still have to take care of their food as long as I am old. Even if they don’t eat, the families have been separated anyway. After work, everyone can go back to their respective homes to eat."

Mr. Shen's head hurt. The old man and the young man were both ignorant, and they didn't stop for a moment.

"Whatever I say will be done, why do you keep making such nonsense!"

"Am I kidding? I gave birth to children and took care of the housework for you. I suffered so much and suffered so much with you. When you get old, you start to dislike me. Oh my God, what kind of sin have I done? I "

"Okay, it's just unreasonable. Stop shouting. The new grain has not been confiscated. The remaining grain is in your hands. How can everyone eat what they have? How about you share the remaining grain with everyone!" Mr. Shen These past two days my lungs have exploded.

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang immediately stopped shouting. Under her management, the Shen family saved every meal. The year before last, they took advantage of the cheap food and bought several kilos of food. Now there is still a lot of leftover food, so they just need to grab one. For a month, it is enough for a big family to eat.

Mr. Shen really hit her key point this time, so Mr. Shen is the one who knows Mr. Shen Zhuang best.

After hearing what Mr. Shen said, Ms. Li's eyes brightened a little. Just when she was about to speak, Mr. Shen jumped in and said, "That's it. If anyone has any objections, who will provide food for everyone during the harvest period?" I don’t care. Now everyone should go back and have a good rest, and get up early to work tomorrow.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Li didn't dare to speak out, but she was very unconvinced.

After Xiaoer returned to her room, she closed the door and entered the space. She first took a bath in the stream of the space. Then she managed the space: last night she collected some medicinal seeds in the space. First she planted an acre of ginseng, an acre of Ganoderma lucidum, and an acre of other common herbs. She also went to the Shen family's warehouse to sneak some Rice, wheat, corn, and other vegetable seeds are planted in an acre of land. Now ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum have grown, and other herbs can be harvested. Rice, wheat, corn and other vegetables can be harvested. Those vegetables have bloomed and set seeds. The seeds have fallen to the ground, and then New vegetables are growing. These new vegetables are just right to eat now. Xiaoer immediately harvested what can be harvested. This is too fast!

Then he planted another acre of rice harvested. Then she went to the Flower and Fruit Mountain, harvested all the flowers and fruits, and put them into the cave by category. The nest of rabbits in the pasture was also fertile, and she saw more than ten rabbits.

She took some fruits, sat by the stone pool under the worry-free tree, and ate them. She was very happy today. The Shen family was finally separated. She didn't have to think of ways to divide it herself, which saved a lot of effort. After the autumn harvest, she can work hard with her family to make money and become rich. We also need to think of ways to bring out some of the things in the space for them to eat. The days to come will surely become more and more comfortable.

The space is really magical. There are no four seasons or dark nights here. It is always warm as spring, the sun shines, and the climate is pleasant. After Xiao'er finished eating the fruit, she lay down by the stone pool and fell asleep unconsciously.

In another room in the west wing, Shen Chengyao and his wife were not asleep yet. They were still discussing the separation of the family today, and planning how to make money and save money. When enough money was saved, they would send Jing Hao to study. Jin Rui was also older. Well, once I save enough money, I probably won’t be able to study anymore. The two of them talked and talked about the autumn harvest. Mrs. Liu thought about helping with the cooking at home. Shen Chengyao disagreed and felt that Mr. Liu would definitely go against the rules, so he said: "I will send you and my little sister back to your parents' home early tomorrow morning. I'll take you back after the autumn harvest. You haven't been back to your parents' home for a long time." Ms. Liu agreed after thinking about it. The two talked for a while about what they would do after they separated, and then they both fell asleep with longing for the future.

Shen Chengzu and his wife were also discussing similar topics.

In the east wing, Dafang's family was the happiest. Lan and Shen Bao'er were very excited. They finally got rid of this group of poor relatives. From now on, they no longer even dared to carry too much gold and silver jewelry, and always hid it. Living, living a very miserable life. And every time they came back, they felt dirty when they ate at the same table with a lot of country people. It would be perfect if Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang didn't live with their family, but no, those fields were worth dozens of taels of silver.

"Wen'er's father, my father said that Wen'er has a high probability of being selected as a scholar this time. He will be elected again next spring and become an official. Bao'er has also married the second son of the county prime minister's family. Then our The good days have begun." Lan felt so happy that he wanted to jump up when he thought about it.

Lan's father was the master of a private school in the town and was also a scholar. This is why Mr. Shen Zhuang thinks highly of her. Lan also felt that she was the daughter of a scholar, so she was superior to others, and she had always looked down on the Shen family's peasants. Under the influence of Lan's thoughts, Shen Baoer also felt that she was a wealthy lady, so she was not close to her cousins, and even felt that talking to them was a loss of status.

At that time, Mrs. Lan also thought that Shen Chengguang had some talent in reading and was willing to work hard, so he married his daughter. Unexpectedly, after more than ten years of taking the exam, not even a scholar has passed the exam. Fortunately, his grandson lived up to his expectations and was selected as a boy at a young age. Even the master of the college said that he should be selected as a scholar next year.

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