Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 206 The Emperor Leaves

After the banquet, several people returned to Shen's house to exchange their harvests.

Mrs. Tan, Hu Yiming, Jiang Tao?

These three people are usually unrelated people.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the three names on the paper, thoughtfully.

Mrs. Tan sells rouge and gouache.

Hu Yiming is a grain merchant.

Jiang Tao is a medicinal materials dealer.

The business of the three of them is not very big, but they do business throughout the state capital.

If the business is not done well, the status is not high among wealthy businessmen. In short, it is not enough compared to the superiors, but more than adequate compared to the inferiors.

On weekdays, he doesn't stand out for anything, he just follows the public and is very inconspicuous.

But this low profile is their protective color.

Jiang Tao and his people have noticed him. They just sent people to secretly explore all related properties, houses, and houses in his name, but found nothing. No evidence about that person was found.

I've never seen him interact with the other two.

But... the target person already knows, is it still far to find the evidence?

"These three people may just be in charge of this state capital."

Di Shaowei said as he picked out a piece of peach flesh with a bamboo skewer.

"So what?" Shangguan Xuanyi didn't care.

"That's right, we just need to find evidence about that person. Doesn't it matter to the whole country? If he does it, he can't defend himself! If he knowingly commits a crime, the crime will be increased!" Di Shaowei opened his mouth and ate a piece of apple.

To capture the thieves, capture the king first, and the leaders will be captured. If the skin is gone, the hair will not be attached.

"Twelve!" Shangguan Xuanyi shouted out of thin air.

A dark figure jumped in and knelt in front of Shangguan Xuanyi.

"Check all the eighteen generations of ancestors of these three people, as well as the people they have come into contact with in the past ten years, and everything they have done." Di Shaowei flew the paper to him.

Twelve caught the paper but didn't move it.

"Go!" Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

Twelve left after hearing this.

"Even the apples at this girl's house are sweet and crispy. I don't usually like to eat fruits, so I can't stop eating them!"

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the fruit plate on the table, this man!

This fruit plate was brought over by the girl just now. From the looks of it, it was prepared by the girl herself. It was cut neatly and evenly, and most of it was eaten by him.

"It's already dark, why are you still here!" Shangguan Xuanyi chased people away.

"Let's discuss things with you!" Di Shaowei ate with gusto.

"No need!" Zabugun finished all the fruits that the girl had prepared for him.

In fact, Xiaoer prepared it for the two of them.

"I'll leave after eating these fruits!" Dishaowei chewed faster.

"Go away! If you want to eat, go to the kitchen and wash it off!" Shangguan Xuanyi's face turned dark.

There are also a lot of fruits prepared in the kitchen, and they can wash them themselves when they want to eat.

"Why should I make it myself when there is something ready-made?" But why didn't Di Shaowei understand his little idea? However, he pierced a bunch of candied haws with a bamboo skewer before standing up and walking out.

By the way, he left a sentence: "Stingy!"

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the plate with only a piece of apple, which he disliked the most, and his whole face turned stinky.

Refuse to interact!

The emperor was leaving on the second day. Before returning to the imperial capital, he had to go south to see Prince An.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei did not follow. The affairs of those three people had not yet been found out. They decided to resolve the matter before leaving.

Huang Wei and the two young masters from the Admiral's Mansion followed him. They were protecting the emperor openly, but of course there were many others secretly.

Doctor Luo was worried about the emperor's health, so he also left together.

When the emperor left, he felt for the first time that he had the qualities of a bandit.

He arranged another carriage to carry the food produced by Xiaoer's family.

"Lao San, get more of those dried meats, shredded squid, dried fruits, biscuits, and nuts. These can be stored longer." Doctor Luo looked at the things in the carriage and said, thinking that he should bring more. Suffer less.

"Okay." Shen Chengyao agreed and asked the boy to get more.

The emperor nodded beside him. It was still a long way back to the palace. If he didn't bring more, the food on the road would sometimes be too hard to swallow.

"Get some more cakes and breads. You can eat them even if you're bored in the afternoon and evening. The weather isn't too hot now, so I won't be afraid of eating them for two days." Dr. Luo said hurriedly, thinking of his favorite durian layer cake and chicken and ham sandwich.

The emperor nodded. He didn't like desserts, but he found these desserts delicious.

The royal chef in the palace didn't know if he could do it.

"Just one basket of this fruit isn't enough! Get two more baskets. This stuff will quench your thirst. If you're thirsty on the way, you don't need to make tea. Just eat one or two."

The emperor nodded. Why didn't he think that Dr. Luo was so good at life before? He was so impressed.

"I heard the girl said yesterday that she was going to make tea eggs. Have you done it?" Dr. Luo asked Ms. Liu.

Mrs. Liu nodded.

"It's really good. These tea eggs are durable. Give me more."

"Take all of them in one pot. The tea eggs will become more delicious after soaking for a long time. If you boil them every day, you can eat them for many days. If they want to eat them, we can just cook them in another pot today," said Liu.

"Third sister-in-law still loves people." Doctor Luo smiled and nodded hastily. He also had the intention, but he was too embarrassed to ask for it all.

Mrs. Liu hurriedly asked people to put the tea eggs and tea leaves into the jar.

earthen jar? right! Almost forgot!

"Well, you have to bring two jars of sauerkraut and chili sauce! These things are good for rice, and the ones sold outside are not as delicious as those made at home!"

He said it as if it was his own home!

Di Shaowei was dumbfounded. He could be so shameless. Why didn't he know this before?

Dr. Luo mentally reviewed the things that had been packed into the car, but he still felt that there was still something missing!

He clapped his hands!

"Have the bacon, sausages, dried fish, large and small shrimps, etc. been loaded into the truck?"

"This thing can't be eaten raw, do you want it?" Shen Chengyao asked strangely.

"Yes, when we get to the inn, just ask the people there to cook it! Take more of these things, they can fit in them, and you can eat them for ten or eight days, no problem!"

"Then I'll ask someone to decorate it more!" After hearing this, Mrs. Liu hurriedly went in to find someone to pack it.

In the end, the entire carriage was so full that the carriage door could not be closed, and some things had to be put on the carriage where the emperor was sitting.

There is a saying that nine out of ten daughters are thieves!

People who don’t know this think they are Liu’s daughters who are married to someone else and are coming home to visit their relatives!

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't stand it anymore. It's so embarrassing, it's like being a starving ghost in a previous life!

Di Shaowei felt that Jiang was still hotter. He never knew he could be so considerate before! You have to learn as you go!

At the end, Shen Chengyao asked, "I only prepared two jars of apple cider vinegar, are they enough?"

The emperor nodded, "That's enough. I can prepare two more jars of wine."

When he turned around, he presented two altars to Prince An and Uncle Wang.

Wines from the Western Regions don’t have this rich flavor, so this good stuff has to be shared with others!

The emperor and his entourage finally left, and Shangguan Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt ashamed to have such an ungrateful father.

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