Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 207 Will you be in danger?

Shangguan Xuanyi waved his hand to make Twelve retreat.

Then I walked out of the balcony and stared at the waterfall in the distance.

Dishaowei also came out: "Foxes raise foxes, they are so cunning! It's hard to catch even the tail."

"Everyone will be negligent sometimes. Don't rush, there will always be a chance!" Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly.

Such strict confidentiality proves that there is a problem.

Dishaowei picked a flower and threw it away, "Just in case it's an airtight one! How long will it take?"

"If you don't want to wait, you can go back first."

"Wait! No matter how long you wait!" Why would he want to go back so quickly because the food and accommodation here are so good.

Xiaoer came up with a plate of her newly made cookies, a plate of French fries, and a plate of grilled chicken wings on a tray.

Seeing both of them standing on the balcony, she asked with a smile: "You two are so excited and have time to look at the scenery. Have you found the evidence?"

The two walked in one after the other.

"No." Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head.

"What's new? It smells so good!" Di Shaowei took the lead in picking up a piece and eating it.

"Butter cookies, French fries and grilled chicken wings. I haven't eaten them for a long time. I suddenly wanted to eat them today, so I tried them. I didn't expect them to taste good. Come and pay for them." Xiaoer put the tray on the coffee table. Go up and sit down.

Shangguan Xuanyi sat down next to her.

"This cookie is delicious, melts in your mouth, sweet yet greasy, and fills your mouth with fragrance. Remember to prepare more when I leave."

Dishovi has a mantra these days, that is, every time he eats, he says, "Remember to prepare more for me when I leave."

Xiaoer's ears got calluses when he heard it, and she was too lazy to answer his words. When the time comes, he can take care of things.

"Haven't found what you're looking for?"

"The house of those three people is very well guarded. Even the roof is secretly guarded twelve hours a day. Our people can't find a chance to get close." This is a typical example of a thief with a guilty conscience. Who in a good family will take all precautions? , Dishaowei thought bitterly.

"This is not too tiring! But there will always be gaps in every hundred meters, and there will always be a chance!" Xiaoer picked up a chicken wing with a hairpin and gave it to Shangguan Xuanyi.

"I think so too." Shangguan Xuanyi took it and started eating after finishing speaking.

Dishovi was already on to the second one.

"Well, it's delicious! It tastes amazing! The roast chicken and braised pigeon at Yunlai Inn are said to be delicious. That Jiang Tao goes there by himself once a month. If he has eaten these chicken wings, he will probably eat them. Not to mention the roast chicken!" Di Shaowei held the chicken wings in one hand and bit into them, and gave a thumbs up with the other hand, full of praise.

"Of course good things must be shared with others to taste good. What's so good about eating alone!"

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't speak when he was eating. He ate the chicken wings in his hands gracefully and listened to the two of them.

"Don't tell me, he's so weird. Twelve said that he has reserved the Tianzi No. 1 room there, and on the fifteenth day of every month, he will order a table of food for himself."

"Have you finished all those dishes?" Xiaoer felt something was wrong.

"That's not true, but it's pretty cool. He's just like a skinny monkey. I didn't expect it to be so edible!" Di Shaowei shook his head.

"Are you sure he's the only one eating?"

"I'm sure, no one went in during this period. Later, after the waiter took away the dishes, he locked it from the outside."

"No one was waiting inside until he got in?"

"No, Twelve could see clearly that there was no one inside when he entered." They had all asked these questions.

"Room Tianzi No. 1 is on the first floor?"

"Second floor."

"What kind of room is it downstairs?"

"Room No. 1 was rented by someone ten years ago, but I heard that the person had never used it. The shopkeeper in the store also forgot who rented it. He only remembered that he was a businessman. Once he made a deal, it was always a good deal. With twenty years of money, I buy locks and lock the doors myself.”

"What a coincidence! I think maybe the other two people got in from underground."

"How do you get into the underground? You're not a god, you can escape to the ground!" Di Shaowei shook his head.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything, thinking thoughtfully: Maybe it's a mouse that can dig holes!

"Let Twelve find a way to go in and explore the situation in Room No. 1." Shangguan Xuanyi decided.

Xiaoer remembered that he could become invisible during the day, so it would be safest to explore the situation during the day.

Even if the evidence is hidden in underground tunnels or secret rooms, you can go there with the space ring during the day and collect them all.

But how could she explain that she had accomplished all this so easily?

If Twelve were asked to investigate, they could only determine whether there was a tunnel. If they went in, they would definitely alert the enemy. Xiaoer had an inexplicable strong intuition about this.

If you can go to such great lengths to dig a tunnel, you will definitely have some backup plans!

Xiaoer thought for a while and said: "I may have a way to get what you want, but don't ask me how."

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that Xiaoer had a secret, but if she didn't tell him, he wouldn't ask any more questions. She couldn't tell the secret, maybe because it would be detrimental to her if she told it.

And he didn't want anything bad to happen to her!

Even now he just wants to know: "Are you in danger?"

If there is danger, that is absolutely not possible. There is nothing in this world that is important enough for her to take risks.

After hearing this, Xiaoer decided to help. She is a person who will definitely treat others better if others treat her well.

"No! Don't worry! God will definitely not know it, and ghosts will not notice it." Xiao'er shook her head.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer seriously, wondering if she had anything to hide. He found that she was still frank, so he nodded.

"Wait for my good news!" Xiaoer left these words and left.

Xiaoer sent Tian Tian out to inquire about the situation, come back and tell her, and then discuss what to do with Shangguan Xuanyi.

It can only become invisible during the day, but cannot pass through walls, so it also went to Hu Yiming's house to guard him and wait for an opportunity.

After returning in the middle of the night and during the day, it told Xiaoer exactly what it saw.

It turns out that there really are tunnels. There are tunnels in Tan Mansion and Hu Mansion that lead directly to Room No. 1 in Dizihao.

There is also a path leading to a broken house outside the city. There is a person guarding each tunnel exit.

There is also a small secret room in the tunnel, which contains many ledgers and a list.

Early the next morning, Xiaoer personally served breakfast to the two of them, and then recounted what she saw during the day word for word.

"I didn't expect that even he would be a part of it, great! That's great!" After hearing the list, Di Shaowei laughed angrily.

"Let me know when you want those account books and lists!" As soon as they take away those things, they will definitely alert the snake. Now that they have the list, they have to make arrangements in advance so that they can catch them all in one fell swoop!

Xiaoer left after saying these words, and she couldn't help with the rest.

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