Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 209 A match made in heaven

Xiaoer quickly ran into the woods, but Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't call him back no matter how much he shouted.

He could only run ashore in a hurry without even bothering to put on his shoes before chasing her.

He used Qing Kung Fu and came to her in two leaps.

"I've heard of a woman being molested in this forest before. Don't go there."

Xiao'er was a little surprised when she heard this. She often heard about flower pickers in costume dramas. Could it be that there were also flower pickers here?

"Brother Shangguan, are there flower pickers here?"

Flower picker, what kind of description is this? This girl's words are really fresher than the last!

"No, he's just an ignorant dandy. Let's go back to the river and sit down. Don't leave my sight."

This place has beautiful scenery and open space. Every year, many young masters and young ladies come here for outings and horse riding lessons.

If you meet some playboys, it is possible to be teased.

Xiaoer was not the kind to cause trouble, so she nodded.

"Then let me go down to the river with you to catch fish!" She was not the type to sit still.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked up at the sky speechlessly. No matter what he said, he just refused to sit there obediently.

"The water in the river is cold. It's not good for a woman to soak in the cold water. Just sit and wait."

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled her back to the stone by the river and asked her to sit down.

Xiaoer saw Shangguan Xuanyi lift up his robe and roll up his trouser legs to his calves. His feet were very white and covered with mud and grass leaves.

"Brother Shangguan, your feet are so white!"

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, the tips of his ears suddenly turned red.

He looked down at his feet, said "Sit down!" and ran back to the river.

This is really the first time in my life that I have run away in panic!

Xiaoer smiled when she saw this, but she blushed just after saying such a sentence?

This face is too thin.

Xiaoer walked to the river and said, "Brother Shangguan, I have bait. I will help you lure some fish over."

Xiao'er squatted by the river, put some bait on the palm of her hand, and then soaked her hand in the water.

Shangguan Xuanyi thought she was playful, so when he saw that she didn't go into the water, he let her go. As for whether he could attract fish, he didn't care.

At this time, several young boys and girls came not far away, and four men also went down to the river to catch fish.

The girl on the shore smiled after hearing Xiaoer's words.

"Isn't that girl a fool? She can attract some fish like this? It's so ridiculous." A woman in green chuckled.

"No, it's such a pity for that good skin." The woman in pink shook her head with pity on her face.

"This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful fool." The woman in purple also had a pityful tone.

Several women smiled and said to each other. Some of them were beautiful, but the words they spoke were completely lacking in quality!

Xiaoer glanced at them and was about to sarcastically reply.

Shangguan Xuanyi threw a piece of mud and blocked the first woman who spoke.

Then he lowered his head and continued to look for fish in the water.

The woman didn't know what happened, so her mouth was filled with mud, and she swallowed it subconsciously.

Another woman next to her screamed: "Why did you eat mud?"

When the woman reacted, she gagged and kept vomiting.

The girls' maids were busy fetching water and wiping.

At this moment, all the fish in the river swam toward Xiaoer's hand, "Brother Shangguan, come and pick some big ones."

Xiaoer took the opportunity to release two big fish from the space.

Shangguan Xuanyi also found that all the fish in the river swam towards Xiaoer.

He walked over and took a look at the two big fish released by Xiaoer. He caught them quickly and threw them to the shore.

The bait in Xiaoer's hand was quickly eaten up, and Xiaoer withdrew her hand.

"Brother Shangguan, come up, those two fish are enough for us."

At this time, the fish in the river found that they had nothing to eat and began to swim away.

Several men at the other end saw this and ran over to catch fish.

But a lot of fish in the river were attracted by Xiaoer, but they were not easy to catch. It took a lot of flopping before everyone caught a small fish.

When I wanted to catch them again, the fish in the river were scattered again.

"I actually attracted a fish!" the woman in purple said in surprise.

The woman in green had just finished rinsing her mouth before she could speak.

She ran up to Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi angrily, "Tell me, did you do it?"

Seeing this, several other women also came over with their maids.

Xiaoer glanced at her and lowered her head to watch Shangguan Xuanyi kill the fish.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't even look at her, let alone speak.

"You used to kill fish a lot?" Why are you so skilled?

"No, this is the first time." Shangguan Xuanyi used a dagger to scrape off the scales of the fish, and then cut open the fat belly of the fish.

Xiaoer nodded and joked seriously: "So you were born to be a fish killer!"

Shangguan Xuanyi laughed when he heard this: "Then you were born to be a fish farmer?"

Those fish just come when she wants them, even the ones she raises are not so obedient!

One was born to kill fish, and the other was born to raise fish. Aren't they a perfect match? Well, not bad, very good, Shangguan Xuanyi thought to himself.

"I was born to be able to raise anything, and I can raise anything well in my hands!" Xiaoer said half seriously and half jokingly.

"That's true." Shangguan Xuanyi nodded in agreement.

"Hey! Are you deaf or mute? Let me ask you a question! Fool, you said..." The woman in green got angry when she saw that the two of them were only flirting and did not pay attention to her.

Ever since she was a child, no one has ever dared to treat her like this!

Shangguan Xuanyi picked out the intestines of the fish with his dagger and waved it hard. The fish's intestines blocked the mouth of the woman in green.

"Ugh... vomit..." The blood of fish intestines and the bitter taste of fish bile filled her mouth and nose with a fishy smell. She was so disgusted that she started to vomit.

"Let's go collect firewood!" Shangguan Xuanyi tied the two fish with straw ropes, washed his hands, held the fish in one hand, and took Xiaoer with the other hand to go into the forest.

"Don't go!"

"It's just too much!"

"Let's see who dares to leave!"

"How outrageous! Do you know who she is? How dare you leave like this!" She blocked the mouth of Pothos with mud and fish intestines. How dare you leave like this!

Several people said something to each other, but they all stopped in front of the two of them.

Shangguan Xuanyi then looked at them, but only said two words: "Get out of the way!"

presumptuous? He had always said these two words to others, and no one had ever dared to say them to him like this!

"Get out of the way? What a joke! Are you going to just walk away like this?" Seeing that there were so many of them, with four men and four servants on their side, the woman in pink clothes didn't believe that she couldn't defeat him alone!

But who is this young man? He is really handsome and noble.

"Otherwise?" Shangguan Xuanyi said matter-of-factly.

"Of course, you have to apologize, and you have to let her eat a mouthful of mud and a mouthful of fish meat before we let you go!" The woman in pink pointed at Xiao'er and said arrogantly.

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