Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 210 Eat it all

Xiao'er was speechless. She had provoked someone, and she said she was a fool for no reason. She didn't even care. Now she has to apologize for what Shangguan Xuanyi did!

What’s the point!

"No! You eat it all. You have to swallow it. You have to pour it into me even if you spit it out. You have to eat even what I spit out!" The woman in green took advantage of the opportunity to say these disgusting and vicious words while she was not nauseated!

"Yes, I ate them all! You are really trying to mess with Tai Sui, and you didn't even ask who we are! Not only do you have to eat that pile of things today, but you also have to crawl under my crotch before I let you go. !" said a man with short stature, slanted eyes and a bulbous nose.

Shangguan Xuanyi threw a pebble into his mouth and knocked out several of his teeth!

Then he raised his foot and swept him under his feet, "Very good! Then eat everything she said! Then kneel down and kowtow to apologize! Don't even think about leaving without breaking your head!"

Shangguan Xuanyi was extremely angry. Who is this person who is not easy to bully? He is bullying the person he cares about most!

Shangguan Xuanyi always talks little, and this is the longest sentence he has ever said!

He thought for a long time but couldn't think of a way to make the girl happy. It would be better for these people to come directly to trouble her!

A mouthful of a fool, harsh and unpleasant! He also wanted her to eat that dirty thing, but he wouldn't let her touch it and would rather do it himself! It is simply an unpardonable crime!

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts so much. If you dare to step on me, you're dead!" The man's teeth were all gone, his speech was leaky, and he still hasn't learned his lesson!

"You are just asking for death. If you don't get there, catch these two people and give me all the things to feed them. Tie that woman back to me. She looks like a beautiful woman. I will keep her for several years. , and take it back to the room!" Another man with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that he was overindulging in lust, calling to the servant behind him.

The servants all rushed up after hearing this.

Shangguan Xuanyi became even more angry after hearing this. He raised his foot and kicked the man in the chin. As the man flew away, his teeth and blood spurted out.

He stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers. A secret guard jumped out from nowhere and knocked four people away with four palms.

"Master!" The secret guard knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Do as I say!" Shangguan Xuanyi said expressionlessly.


Shangguan Xuanyi was too lazy to do anything, and he didn't want to entangle, so as not to taint Xiaoer's eyes and ears!

It was already more than half past noon, and he was worried that Xiaoer would be hungry, so he had better get down to business by grilling the fish.

Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head and said to Xiaoer: "Let's go and collect firewood."

"Okay!" Xiaoer smiled at him and nodded. It turned out that it felt so good to be protected by someone like this.

The secret guard kicked the man in front of him until he knelt on the ground, "Kowtow!"

The voice was cold, as if coming from the depths of hell.

One of the girls in yellow remembered that she had heard her father say that generally only royal relatives could train secret guards, and this person who came out halfway, if she guessed correctly, should be a secret guard.

So even if this person's identity is not the prince's grandson, he is still beyond her reach.

This man had a graceful and elegant demeanor, but he was completely dismissive of people like them.

She knew that in his eyes, they were nothing, and they didn't bother to ask about their identities. If they were offended, they would be offended.

If their status was not extremely noble, and they and their group did not appear to be children of ordinary families, and they were also rich or noble people, they would probably have some scruples!

"Young lady, please stay!" Thinking of this, the woman in yellow hurriedly said.

Shangguan Xuanyi ignored what he heard and continued walking forward into the forest with Xiaoer without stopping.


No one paid any attention to her.

"Girl, many of our people have offended us just now, and I am here to apologize to you!" The woman in yellow, out of urgency, bent her knees and saluted.

She could tell that the man was very protective of the little girl.

Shangguan Xuanyi ignored her, but Xiaoer looked back. She could clearly see that the woman in yellow had not said a word from beginning to end, and she obviously had no intention of doing anything wrong with them.

She was considered a disaster, and she was the first to take the initiative to apologize.

Xiaoer is not someone who can kill a whole boatload of people with one bamboo pole.

"Brother Shangguan, this woman in yellow has never said a word."

This means he wants to spare her.

"Then let her forget it! Are you hungry?" Shangguan Xuanyi would not offend Xiaoer. All he thought about in his heart was that Xiaoer would be hungry.

This girl is just growing up, so she can't starve.

The others wanted to resist, but as soon as they moved, the man in black kicked them to their knees.

As soon as he stood up, he stepped down again to make them apologize.

He was counting on the four servants, but under the palm just now, they couldn't even stand up.

They were all panicked and frightened, so they hurriedly apologized.

This time neither Xiaoer nor Shangguan Xuanyi looked back.

Shangguan Xuanyi's words must be followed to the letter by his subordinates.

Xiaoer would not sympathize with such a person. As the saying goes, he who teases someone first is cheap.

The two never looked back.

The woman in yellow bit her lower lip and breathed a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, she couldn't even get a look from the man.

She shook her head. Some people should not be wishful thinking.

After seeing them apologize, the secret guard twisted their collars with one hand and threw them in front of the pile of fish offal, "Eat!"

The woman in green resists!

"Don't bully me too much. Do you know who I am? My uncle is the prime minister and my cousin is a noble concubine. If you dare to do this to me, I will let you die without a burial place!"

The secret guard grabbed her hair and pushed her head down against the pile of things.

The imperial concubine’s cousin deserves to be eaten even more!

His master's previous poison was caused by this noble concubine. Now that he couldn't touch her, he took it out on his cousin first!

The master is as kind to me as a mountain, and the master's life is my own life!

The poor people in this group vomited bile. From then on, they even vomited fish and meat and had to eat vegetarian food.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer to a place farther away, lit a fire, then skewered the fish with bamboo and started grilling the fish.

As the fish gradually becomes cooked, a slight fragrance will spread.

Xiaoer brought out a small baggage, which contained several small porcelain bottles of condiments and two pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

"Add some seasoning into it, it will definitely be more fragrant." Xiaoer took out the seasoning.

"Here I go, sit farther away, be careful of burning yourself." Shangguan Xuanyi took the condiment.

"Don't be afraid, I often bake something to eat. Let's bake one each and see who can bake it better!"

"I'll just do it." Shangguan Xuanyi sprinkled some salt on both fish.

"Then add some cumin powder as well."

Shangguan Xuanyi found a bottle with cumin powder written on it and sprinkled some on the fish.

"Also add salt and pepper and chili powder. Add more chili powder. I like spicy food."

Xiaoer muttered to the side and pointed.

"Okay" Shangguan Xuanyi didn't mind it and followed the instructions one by one.

When eating fish, he picked all the fish meat into the bowl. He couldn't find a single fish bone before handing it to Xiaoer.

Xiaoer smiled and took it and ate it happily.

Shangguan Xuanyi was holding a fish and eating it gracefully.

Xiaoer felt that the whole fish from Shangguan Xuanyi looked more delicious than a pile of minced fish!

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