Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 212 Compensation

"Young Master, I am grateful for your life-saving grace. I am willing to stay with you and take care of you..." The woman did not give up even after being kicked away.

Xiaoer couldn't help but rolled her eyes. How come women in ancient times were always so cruel in repaying kindness? In the end, they always wanted to commit themselves to each other.

"Girl, it was the big brother who saved you! If you want to repay your kindness, you have found the wrong person." Xiaoer said, and she wanted to think about whether she was happy or not.

There was a scar on the face of Secret Guard Fourteen, and he looked a bit ferocious.

The woman holding the baby also came over at this time, "Thank you, sir, for helping me!"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and said nothing. He didn't want to pay attention to these trivial matters and just wanted to leave quickly.

"Quickly find some clothes for your child to change into!" Xiaoer reminded.

The woman nodded and ran away.

"Brother Shangguan, my stomach feels uncomfortable due to the pressure and I feel like vomiting." Seeing that he was still trying to carry her, Xiaoer hurriedly stopped him.

"How can she feel uncomfortable if she is in the mood to meddle in other people's business?" If she doesn't feel uncomfortable, she might jump into the river again next time!

However, he thought so but still changed his posture to a princess hug. After all, he still couldn't bear to let this girl feel uncomfortable.

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that he was finished, completely defeated by her, and had no principles at all, but he was still willing.

Xiaoer looked up at the sky speechlessly, did she want to go to the ground? After living two lifetimes and still being held like this as a child, she felt ashamed to see others.

"Young Master asked him to save me, of course I have to repay him." The woman glanced at the secret guard and quickly lowered her head in fear.

She just wanted to repay the favor when she saw that the man in purple was handsome, noble, and had an extraordinary bearing. He must have come from everyone.

As for other people, he is lucky to be able to save himself, and he wants to repay the favor himself! How can this be!

The secret guard glanced at her with disdain. If it hadn't been for his master's order and she died in front of him, he wouldn't have blinked an eye.

He doesn't even want this kind of woman to buy a house or a shop!

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't even look at her. He changed Xiaoer's position and held her in his arms before wanting to leave.

But this time the people who stopped him were the villagers who were watching the fun before.

"You can't just leave like this! You have to pay for breaking this bridge!"

"Yes, every year it's you people who come to Maba for horse riding to break our bridge and then leave! As a result, every household in our village has to collect money to build the bridge every year!"

"Yes, you are not allowed to leave without paying money! This bridge was built with money from our village. If you damage it, you have to pay for it. If you don't pay, you have to repair it!"

Several villagers talked to each other one by one.

Every year, many young men and women from wealthy families come to Maba to learn horseback riding and play. They are eager to get closer and walk on this wooden bridge that their village spent money to build.

The bridge was built for people to cross, and they didn't care at first, so just cross it! It's just that more and more people crossed this bridge, causing it to be broken two or three times every year.

In the past, when someone fell into the river, the villagers were enthusiastic to save the person at first. However, some people were not grateful after being rescued. Instead, they said that the broken bridge built in their village caused them to fall into the river, and they demanded compensation from the villagers.

After some girls were rescued, they even said that the rescuer had ruined her innocence and demanded compensation.

Of course, everyone was unwilling to do so. Besides, there were many bankers, so how could they get so much money to compensate? If they didn’t compensate, they would be severely beaten! Some villagers were beaten until they could not get out of bed for several days.

Later, even if the villagers encountered someone who fell into the river, they would not dare to save him.

Later, the villagers pooled money to build the bridge every year, and more and more people had objections to the idea. It was not easy for any family to make money, not to mention that many families had trouble even having enough to eat.

A hundred and dozens of coins were saved throughout the year, but all of them were spent on building bridges.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned tightly, why is it so troublesome.

Xiaoer took a look at the bridge. The wood was not too old. It was probably because there were so many people walking on it that it had some cracks. Their horses ran too fast and broke with too much force when passing by.

At this time the village chief came out and saluted Shangguan Xuanyi, "This young master..."

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand to stop him from talking.

He took out a tael of silver and asked, "Who has clothes suitable for this girl? I want new ones. Unworn ones. Clean ones."

It seems that we can't rush to the town right away. We can only see if these farmers have clothes suitable for this girl.

"I have them at home! I just made a new set of clothes for my eldest daughter, and I haven't even tried them on yet! They're just made of linen, and they don't cost as much as one tael of silver. Fifty cash is enough." A woman He said timidly.

"Girl, go ahead and change out of your wet clothes." Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head and said to Xiaoer.

Xiaoer nodded. She was used to washing newly made clothes before wearing them, but she had clothes in her space. She could wear her own clothes inside and put on this woman's clothes outside. There was no need to force herself to wear wet clothes.

"Lead the way!" Shangguan Xuanyi said to the woman.

"Huh?" The woman didn't understand for a moment.

"Auntie, please take me to your house to change clothes."

The woman then understood and nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, okay, please come with me."

The two of them followed the woman.

"Village chief, what if they run away?"

The village chief shook his head, "We just wait."

"Brother Shangguan, I can go by myself." Xiaoer wanted to take this opportunity to be down to earth.

"Hold her for warmth." Besides, people's hearts are sinister, and they know their faces but not their hearts. He didn't trust her to go alone. Of course, he didn't say this out loud.

"I'm not cold!"

Shangguan Xuanyi did not answer, but still followed the woman with her in his arms.

Well, she compromised, it wouldn't be long anyway.

"I also made a set of clothes for my head, and they are clean and unworn. Sir, do you need to change?"

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head.

He can only wear silk and pure cotton clothes. Clothes made of linen and the like can cause allergies.

"Wearing wet clothes will make you catch a cold."

"I'll just use my inner strength to dry it."

Xiaoer didn't say anything after hearing this.

After Xiaoer changed her clothes, Shangguan Xuanyi put a tael of silver on the table and took Xiaoer out.

"This is too much, we can't take it!" The woman took the silver and chased him out.

"Auntie, take it, consider it our thank you gift to you." Xiaoer turned around and said with a smile.

"Isn't this bad?"

"It was neither stolen nor robbed. It was given voluntarily by us. There is nothing wrong with it."

The woman accepted it and kept thanking her.

The two returned to the bridge.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Fourteen.

"Master, everything is normal."

This means there is no such thing as a deliberate conspiracy.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

"How much money do you have to pay?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the village chief.

"Sir, don't be fooled by them. The broken bridge built in their village caused us all to fall into the river and almost die. It's better if we don't settle the score with them. They dare to ask us for compensation!" That girl He thought he was doing Shangguan Xuanyi a favor by saying this.

She was secretly happy, thinking that Shangguan Xuanyi would keep her by his side because of her cleverness in acting according to the situation.

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