Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 213 Building a Bridge

After hearing this, the villagers' faces turned pale, and at the same time their hearts were filled with anger. They were both worried and scared.

Is this another case of being unreasonable? !

An old woman burst into tears after hearing this, "Oh my God! Why don't you always open your eyes? All my family's money was used to fill this bridge, and my old man was interrupted just for this bridge." My legs are broken! The sky has no eyes!"

"Village Chief, my family no longer has the money to repair this bridge. I would rather go further than repair it!" These people are either rich or noble. They are all powerless people. They insistently demand compensation and get bloody! They can't afford to offend them, so they can only hide!

"If you don't pay, then don't pay. My family will no longer walk on this bridge, and my family will no longer contribute money to repair it." All year round, the money earned from walking on this bridge to the city is not enough to repair the bridge!

"I won't leave home either. The money I earn is not enough to build the bridge!"

"Yes, if you don't practice it anymore! If you practice it, you'll get into trouble!"

"I'm not leaving either! I'll never leave again! I lived peacefully without this bridge before!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't repair it, or if you go further, this bridge is a bottomless pit! This bridge is a disaster!" The village chief was also discouraged.

Xiaoer looked at these villagers and suddenly deeply understood the hopelessness and hardship of the people at the bottom in this hierarchical society.

"I'll pay for the money." Shangguan Xuanyi felt uncomfortable seeing the way these people dared to be angry but dared not speak.

It is estimated that this bridge has brought them many disasters, and he knows that the people's lives are not easy.

"Master, they are seeing your kindness and want to win your sympathy! Don't be soft-hearted. I have seen many poor people like them. They spend all day thinking about how to make money from noble people like us. I tell you You, deal with these..." The woman had an upright appearance and beautiful features, but she didn't expect that what she said would be so ugly.

"Shut up! Say one more word and I'll cut your tongue out! Get out!"

The Fourteenth Sword was pointed at her, his face full of anger, coupled with the hideous scars, he looked very scary.

The woman was so frightened that she covered her mouth and her eyes were wide open, full of fear!

The villagers also looked at her angrily. They were poor, but it was poor people like them who built the bridge for them to cross!

So what if you have money and power! I can't bear to take out even a penny!

Fourteen brought the sword closer to her again.

The woman was so frightened that she finally ran away with her maid.

"Brother Shangguan, let's build a bridge here, a concrete bridge!" Xiaoer pulled Shangguan Xuanyi's sleeve.

"Build a bridge? Use cement and steel bars?" Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head and looked at Xiaoer.

This girl can also build bridges using reinforced concrete? !

"Yeah! It's solid!" Xiao'er nodded.

He believed this. Houses made of concrete were very strong, and so were bridges made of concrete.

"Okay!" Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

There are many people walking on this bridge, so it is reasonable for the imperial court to fund the construction of the bridge.

From now on, the affairs of this bridge will be under the control of the imperial court, so it will not cause trouble to these villagers.

"After the bridge is repaired this time, it will be managed by the government." Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the village chief.

"Controlled by the government?" the village chief repeated. When he understood, he was overjoyed, "Really? Who is the young master?"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and did not answer his subsequent questions.

Shangguan Xuanyi's words are always brief, and only Xiaoer and the village chief can understand them here.

Other villagers thought that the government would repair the bridge this time, but breaking it again would bring trouble to them.

"Believe it or not, the government fixed it this time. What if it breaks next time?"

"Yes, if it's broken, those people will fall into the river and cause trouble for us, so it's better not to repair it!"

"I also think it would be better not to repair it, and just take a detour."

“If it’s not repaired, this bridge will be a troublemaker!”

"If we don't repair it, it would have been a little harder before there was a bridge, but it wouldn't be as troublesome as it is now!"

Everyone started talking again.

When Xiaoer saw this, she opened her mouth to explain. She also knew that Shangguan Xuanyi cherished words like gold.

"Dear fellow villagers, from now on, the government will be responsible for this bridge. If something happens to it, it will be none of your business. Since we have agreed to compensate for the money to build the bridge this time, it will be paid by us. Besides, the bridge built this time will not be easy." Break! Do you know that the official roads being built by the imperial court are all cement roads? This bridge will also be built with cement and steel bars."

"An official road built with cement? Ah! I've seen it before! That road is as hard as stone!"

"Is the cement official road? That's a good thing! I even went to repair it. As long as someone makes the effort to repair it, my family won't have to pay tolls to take that road! I have that free sign on me!"

"That's great. Such a strong bridge will never break after a lifetime of walking!"

Xiaoer smiled and nodded: "It's possible. I hope you fellow villagers can help me when we are building the bridge. We will calculate the wages for you. Thirty-five cents a day does not include food!"

After hearing this, everyone exploded again. Where can I find such a good job for thirty-five cents a day?

"Oh my God! I finally met a kind person this time!"

"God finally opened his eyes!"

"This is really great. We will finally have a peaceful life in the future."

"In the future, the money I earn from selling mushrooms in the city will no longer have to fill this bottomless pit. I can finally raise enough money to get married to my youngest son and grandson!"

Xiaoer's heart moved slightly after hearing this, but now is not the time to mention it. We will wait until the bridge is repaired.

Everyone came here to sign up.

Shangguan Xuanyi slightly stood in front of Xiaoer, fearing that the villagers would bump into her accidentally.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. If you want to do anything, just go to your village chief to sign up. In a few days, the people responsible for repairing the bridge will come over. Then you can just follow their instructions. Only twenty people are recruited this time. The village chief needs to find someone with strong strength and good knowledge of water!" Xiaoer said after making some plans in his mind.

Xiaoer gave five taels of silver to the village chief and asked him to pay the villagers wages. In fact, the money was also given to appease the uneasy hearts of the villagers.

The village chief nodded in agreement after hearing this. He really met a good person this time!

Everyone believed it even more when they saw the money, and they all moved their positions to besiege the village chief.

After delaying for a while, the sun is almost setting. The sunset on the horizon is red and pink, giving people unlimited yearning and hope. Tomorrow will definitely be a sunny day.

"Let's go!" He had to buy a horse and drive back. It was getting dark, so Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer's hand.

When Xiaoer was in the water, he gave Heilei a pill to take. Now his foot injury is probably much better, and jogging is absolutely no problem.

After listening to Shangguan Xuanyi's words, Heilei came over and kicked the injured leg to show that it was fine!

Is this good?

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at its legs and then at Xiaoer, feeling somewhat clear in his heart.

He carried Xiaoer onto the horse, then turned over and rode away.

The villagers watched them leave.

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