Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 215 Not far away

"Isn't it easy to see us? Just pass the word and I can come see you! I was also negligent. I should have thought of going to see you when I knew you were pregnant." Ms. Liu felt a little guilty this time. .

"My eldest sister can't be more considerate to me. There is no oversight! It's not an exaggeration to be a parent again."

Even during her pregnancy, Mrs. Liu would send a lot of good food to her from time to time to replenish her body.

Xu Wenhui couldn't help crying when she thought of all the things in the past.

When Foreman Liang saw this, he helped her to carry it, "How could I suddenly burst into tears even though I was doing so well!"

"You are already a mother, and you are still like a child. Don't cry when you are pregnant, otherwise the child will be ugly when it is born." Mrs. Liu also comforted her with threats.

Being a mother means being tough, and many mothers will endure anything for the sake of their children.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Xu Wenhui quickly wiped away her tears.

Mrs. Liu talked to her about the things that need to be paid attention to during pregnancy, especially during childbirth. In this era, giving birth can be a life-threatening matter. Xu Wenhui listened carefully.

Shen Chengyao took Foreman Liang to the front yard study, where Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi had long been discussing fungus cultivation.

"The materials needed to grow mushrooms are much cheaper than growing off-season vegetables. You can build many shelves in a small thatched house, as long as you master the temperature in the house and the humidity of the culture medium..."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and Xiaoer continued:

"Actually, the mushrooms sold in markets now are too limited, and many people don't know about many edible mushrooms. If we can find them all, people will be in good hands."

It's spring now, and there are a lot of mushrooms in the mountains, so she has to find some strains to bring back.

"When are you going to look for her?" The mountains are dangerous. This girl is extremely courageous and does not care about her life. She is not afraid of anything. She is a person who knows that there are tigers in the mountains but prefers to go to the tiger mountains! We can't let her go alone!

Shangguan Xuanyi listened to Xiao'er while drinking tea, nodding his head or replying to the previous sentence from time to time.

"Just these two days, or wait until after the rain." Mushrooms appear more after the rain.

Shangguan Shuyi nodded. He would see if he could accompany her then. If not, he would have to let the secret guards follow him!

"These things are treasures from the mountains, and they are still very rare among people in the city. If they are really cultivated, they will be promoted in some poor and backward mountain villages in various counties. They will grow them and take them to the markets in towns, counties, and prefectures. Selling it online can also improve the living standards of many people.”

Xiaoer already knew from Shangguan Xuanyi that Shen Chengyao would be promoted to another official.

Although the imperial edict has not yet come down, since Shangguan Xuanyi can

If you say it, it's a sure thing!

Xiao'er naturally knew how much criticism and looks would be caused by Shen Chengyao, a white man, who wanted to be this official. There might be many people waiting to see the joke, and she would successfully artificially plant these delicacies that could only grow in the mountains and forests. Come and slap these people in the face!

After these fungi are grown and promoted in poor villages in counties across the country, they will not only improve the living standards of some people, but also add more dishes to the people of the entire country.

Especially for people in the northern region, the dishes on the winter dinner table will no longer be so simple.

Being an official is to benefit the people! Being an agricultural official is closely related to the people!

Let Shen Chengyao's first fire as new official take office be ignited by this mushroom!

She wants to tell everyone that her family has made so many contributions to agriculture, and Shen Chengyao deserves the title! And when he became this official, he could do more practical things for the people!

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, he could naturally figure out these joints.

Therefore, he felt that there was no one in the entire dynasty who was more suitable to be this official than Xiaoer's father, Shen Chengyao.

It is good to select talents through the imperial examination, but not all talents will participate in the imperial examination!

You can't be so rigid in employing people. Knowing people and making good use of them has always been his style.

He has been traveling around since he was a child, and he also knows that masters come from among the people.

If this bridge is successfully built, then thousands of such strong bridges will be built across the country. Not to mention such a small agricultural official, even Shen Chengyao, the Minister of Industry, can do it.

The problem of the bridge is not only a problem for that village, but also a problem for many places in the entire dynasty!

If a bridge could be built on the rivers in various regions that would last for decades, and if there were new breakthroughs in agricultural development, he believed that the Minze Dynasty was not far away from becoming a prosperous dynasty!

Shen Chengyao walked in with Foreman Liang.

Now Foreman Liang has three houses under construction in addition to the villas of Xiaoer's family. He has brought out a group of his men. He only needs to go to the construction site to inspect and supervise every day, and solve bottlenecks when encountering them. That’s it.

"Uncle, I want to build a bridge. Do you have anyone available?" Several people bowed to each other, and Xiaoer said straight to the point.

Foreman Liang has built many houses and repaired roads, but he has never built a bridge. Now when he heard this, he knew that Xiaoer had given him another chance to learn.

"Yes, now the first batch of people who follow me under me can take charge of their own business, and they have also brought out many new people. I only need to visit the projects under construction regularly." He also learned a lot from Xiao'er. There are few new words, but you can use them smoothly.

Foreman Liang has an infinite love for construction. He visits various construction sites every day and even does the work himself.

Xiaoer taught him a lot of knowledge about construction engineering technology. If he had anything he didn't understand, he could ask Xiaoer and get the answer.

"Should we build a bridge with cement and steel bars?" He had already thought about this question, but building a bridge is a difficult task. You have to consider the best distance between the piers. If it is too close, it will be a waste of manpower and material resources, and if it is too far, it will be a waste of manpower and material resources. There is also a problem of breaking.

There are also many bridges that are washed away by floods every year during the flood season. Some wooden bridges are even washed away without a single pillar left!

So when building a bridge with concrete, how deep should the foundation be, how big should the piers be, how far apart should the two piers be, and how much reinforced concrete should be put in order to avoid the problem that the bridge will be broken when there is a flood?

There were so many factors to consider that he felt there was no way to start.

Xiaoer nodded, "Tomorrow, Foreman Liang will follow me to a place for an on-site inspection. By the way, we will investigate and learn more about it. Let's work together to build the world's first concrete bridge!"

Foreman Liang was so excited by Xiaoer's words!

He led people to build the first concrete house in the world!

He led the people to build the first concrete road in the world!

Just these two things have made him a household name throughout the state, and people even come to him to build houses in Linxian County!

Now we finally have the world’s first concrete bridge built by him!

How could he not be excited!

Who is a good man who doesn’t want to stand out! Who doesn’t look forward to success and fame?

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