Xiao'er felt funny when she saw Foreman Liang's expression full of excitement, but she could understand it.

"Uncle, please have a cup of tea first, and then listen to me explain what I have to do tomorrow, and what you need to pay attention to when working on the water. You must keep these in mind, otherwise it is easy to cause an accident."

Foreman Liang nodded cautiously, straightened his back and placed his hands, looking like a typical good elementary school student.

Xiaoer almost laughed when she saw him like this! She coughed slightly to hide her impoliteness.

"Tomorrow you take a few people with you. Let's first conduct an on-the-spot investigation to see the soil quality on both sides of the river, where is better to build the bridge, the width of the river where the bridge is built, the water level of the river during the rainy season, and the highest water level of the river during floods. , the approximate flow rate of the river throughout the year... these need to be found out clearly."

Foreman Liang wrote it down carefully.

"With these data, I will design the length of the bridge, the thickness of the piers and the spacing between each other. Then we will discuss the materials used. Since we are going to build it, we will try to make it last as long as possible! The river is not very wide. , a small river, the water is not fast, it is easy to intercept, it is not difficult to build a bridge, and there is probably no need for bridge piers in the middle." Doing the best you can when you do something is one of her handling styles.

Gong Liang nodded and said he understood.

"Do you need me to find some people?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked Xiaoer.

"Okay, let's learn from each other and learn from each other's strengths." Of course it is better to have someone who is experienced, and it is easier to explain. Shangguan Xuanyi asked this, so naturally he would not find someone who knew nothing to teach her.

It is estimated that a bridge-building expert from this dynasty will be found.

"Because it is building a bridge, it is also a water-based work. When looking for workers, we need to choose workers who know how to use water, are strong and physically strong, and... we also need a few who can punt. And when building a bridge, you need to pay attention..." Xiaoer elaborated Explain the precautions clearly in detail.

Foreman Liang carefully wrote them down one by one.

In this era, there are no life jackets, no helmets, no anti-skids... many safety guarantees are not available, and you can only rely on yourself to pay attention to safety and protect yourself.

If you are not in good health and soak in the water, you will fall ill, so why don’t you do it!

If you don’t know how to swim, you have to be rescued if you fall into the water. Even if your life is not in danger, it’s troublesome! It would be even more tragic if his life was in danger. If this kind of thing can be avoided, it would be better to avoid it!

"It's best to choose someone who is careful in their work." Xiaoer added after thinking for a while.

Gong Liang nodded. When he recruits people, he will try his best to select those who are serious, cautious and careful.

In their profession, if you are not careful, you will fall off the house, and even if you don't die, you may lose half your life. People who are too careless can easily harm others and themselves.

The next day Xiaoer, Shangguan Xuanyi, Foreman Liang and his men went to the village together.

The village chief heard the villagers say that they were coming with people, and he finally felt relieved after being worried for the past two days.

This bridge is a big concern for the villagers. Although only a few people came to do the preliminary preparations, everyone in the village came out to watch.

Some villagers even enthusiastically served tea and water.

Xiaoer had to sigh: loving to watch the excitement is also a good traditional habit of Chinese people that has been around since ancient times.

Foreman Liang arranged for people to complete the tasks one by one according to Xiaoer's instructions the day before.

To measure the width of the river, to measure the width of the river, to inquire about the water level, to inquire about the water level...

The villagers were all eager to help.

The villagers knew everything they needed to know about the river.

Everyone rushed to answer each other.

Okay, it’s okay to rush to answer, but can you please stop taking the topic further?

Some people talked for a long time and even talked about the glorious deeds of their grandfathers who bravely rescued a child who fell into the river because of play during the flood.

Foreman Liang nodded and looked for an opportunity to get back to the topic: "Then the flood was so severe back then. How high did the water level rise?"

"This is not important. Brother, please listen to me first..." This dear man waved his hand and continued the interrupted topic.

Foreman Liang almost wanted to cry. The water level is important to me. I’ll tell you about your grandpa’s glorious deeds next time, okay?

When Xiaoer passed Foreman Liang, she felt funny when she saw him wiping his sweat while trying to bring back the distant topic.

The enthusiasm of the villagers is too overwhelming!

Xiaoer led people to find several places along the river to check the soil quality and nearby environment, and finally decided to build a bridge next to the original wooden bridge.

The wooden bridge was also repaired first to facilitate walking and work on both ends. Anyway, the broken section was not a big one.

There is a wooden bridge next to it, which makes it much easier to build a bridge.

Under the enthusiastic words of the villagers, Foreman Liang finally found out everything he wanted to know.

As for the water flow speed, villagers said that as long as the rain is not heavy, continuous rain, floods, or drought, the river will flow at the same speed all year round.

Xiaoer took out the tools and ordered people to test them. Then I roughly calculated the flow rate according to the formula in the physics book of my previous life.

Then, combined with the data asked by Foreman Liang, he first reported the approximate quantity of materials that needed to be used (cement, steel bars, iron wire, sand, gravel, plywood, etc.), and asked Foreman Liang to go back and prepare, and start delivering the materials tomorrow. After the materials are in place Construction begins immediately.

The village chief came over with an almanac in his hand, and then taught them a lot of knowledge about the Five Elements and Bagua.

The ultimate goal is to find a good time and auspicious day to start construction.

Only then did Xiaoer discover that all the villagers in this village, from top to bottom, at least had the advantage of long tongues!

Foreman Liang kept nodding at this, obviously agreeing with the village chief's idea.

Xiaoer has no objection to this. Anyway, the day he is looking for is the day after tomorrow.

It won't have any effect for a day or two, but it won't work for four or five days.

We must take advantage of the fine weather in this half month to build the bridge quickly, otherwise working in the rain will be troublesome and dangerous.

After the bridge issue was settled, Foreman Liang took the people away. The villagers still wanted to keep them at home for dinner!

He was so frightened that he left quickly, and he was worried about coming back next time!

Xiaoer asked the villagers where they could get mushrooms, and a little boy enthusiastically said that he knew where the most mushrooms were.

"There are many kinds of mushrooms there, and they grow very big. This is a secret that only I know." The little boy said while leading the way.

"Then why did you tell us?" Xiaoer asked with a smile.

"Because my mother said that you are the benefactors of our village, and I have to repay the favor!" the little boy said matter-of-factly.

Xiaoer smiled after hearing this: "Your mother is such a good mother."

"Of course!" The little boy nodded vigorously.

The little boy took them to a deep forest. There were indeed many mushrooms here, and many types, but they were too remote.

I didn’t have time to finish two chapters today, so I’m sorry.

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