"It's too remote here. You're a kid, so you better not come alone." Xiaoer couldn't help but remind her.

"I used to come here with my mother. Sister, brother, let's pick mushrooms quickly!" After the little boy finished speaking, he started to pick mushrooms.

After hearing this, Xiaoer said nothing more.

Xiaoer wanted mushrooms, so she picked up a small shovel, scooped up the mushrooms and the rotten leaves and soil around them, and put them in the basket.

Just shovel one shovel of each type.

The little boy saw this and asked strangely: "Sister, do you want to grow mushrooms?"

"How do you know?" This kid is so smart.

"My mother sometimes digs up some vegetables and plants them on another piece of land."

"So smart!" Xiaoer couldn't help but praise.

"But..." The little boy hesitated to speak. He had tried to dig some mushrooms and grow them at home before, but his mother said that mushrooms would not survive.

Facts have also proved that it is indeed unviable.

"You want to say that mushrooms are dead, right?" Seeing his confused look, Xiaoer simply helped him to explain.

"How do you know?" The little boy's eyes widened.

"I can see that your thoughts are all written on your face." Xiaoer said while looking around for fungi that she knew were edible.

Shangguan Xuanyi also helped shovel, but did not speak.

"Then why are you still planting?" The little boy touched his face. Is it so obvious?

"It's not that mushrooms can't be grown, it's just that no one has found the right method before. Everything in this world has a solution, it just depends on who can find the solution."

Shangguan Xuanyi was thoughtful after hearing this.

The little boy was doubtful, "Then you planted it?"

"No." Xiaoer shook her head honestly.

faint! The little boy couldn't help rolling his eyes. He said something so profound, it turned out he was just bragging.

Xiaoer didn't care about the little boy's eyes, he would know it by then.

Facts speak louder than words! She likes to tell the truth.

After Xiaoer dug up all the edible mushroom types here, she called Shangguan Xuanyi to leave.

Xiaoer glanced at the mushrooms Shangguan Xuanyi dug, and then looked at Shangguan Xuanyi's hands covered with mud, and she couldn't bear to hit him.

The little boy ran over and took a look and shouted loudly: "Brother, all you dig are poisonous mushrooms! Why are you so powerful? You can't dig up anything edible."

After hearing this, Xiaoer laughed unkindly.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face darkened, he stood up and clapped his hands, "Destroy it! Don't harm anyone!"

After hearing this, the little boy suddenly realized, "Brother, you are thoughtful and kind at heart."

Shangguan Xuanyi's face looked better after hearing this.

Xiaoer couldn't help but roll her eyes, this little kid was too easily fooled.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Xiaoer, who quickly rolled back her half-rolled eyes, and then smiled flatteringly: "Brother Shangguan is the kindest person in the world."

What is true and false cannot be false anymore!


"Really. Otherwise, would he help you build the bridge?" Xiaoer nodded seriously.

"That's right!" The boy nodded solemnly after hearing this.

Shangguan Xuanyi ignored them and left.

The two hurriedly followed.

Xiaoer asked before getting on the carriage: "My little friend, what is your name? When I grow mushrooms, I will be the first to teach you how to grow them, in return for taking me to such a good place today."

"Okay, my name is Jiang Shan, and everyone calls me Shanzi!" Although the little boy didn't believe it, he still handed the basket of mushrooms he picked to Xiaoer: "For you."

Xiaoer didn't refuse, smiled and thanked him, and then took out a bag of dried meat from the carriage and gave it to him: "Reciprocity."

The little boy didn't know it was dried meat, so he smiled and thanked him, but when he got home, he was given a lecture by his mother.

When Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi returned home, they saw the housekeeper directing people to move two large bags of things into the kitchen.

Several people saw the two of them busy saluting.

Xiaoer asked casually: "What did it come from?"

"Girl, this is salt. The price of salt in the town has skyrocketed in the past two days, and many people are rushing to buy it. I asked my wife and bought two packs first."

After hearing this, Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanye looked at each other.

Xiaoer nodded and said to the housekeeper, "In that case, it's okay to buy more." Although it didn't mean much.

The two of them continued walking inside.

"Brother Shangguan, when are you going to get that thing?"

Shangguan Xuanyi calculated the time and said, "Just a day or two."

Xiaoer nodded, and the two said nothing more.

That night, a secret guard quietly asked for an audience outside Shangguan Xuanyi's house.

Xiao Fuzi arrived early the next day.

At midnight, Shangguan Xuanyi received a roster and a pile of account books given to him by Xiaoer.

Shangguan Xuanyi stayed up all night to confirm that the roster was correct, and then handed a token to Xiao Fuzi.

Xiao Fuzi took the token and left quickly.

Shangguan Xuanyi then lay back on the bed and rested.

Before dawn, Xiao Fuzi knocked on the city gate with a token and shouted for the defenders to open the gate.

The sleepy gatekeeper opened the city gate impatiently, and then saw a group of soldiers arrayed neatly and orderly at the city gate. He was so frightened that he thought someone was trying to break the city!

Xiao Fuzi took out the token, and the soldier took it and looked at it carefully. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded and bowed and opened the city gate.

A thousand soldiers quietly surrounded Tan Mansion, Hu Mansion, Jiang Mansion...

At this time, some diligent people were already carrying burdens and going out to sell things.

Seeing this situation, I was so frightened that I turned around and went home to close the door. Then he couldn't help but move the ladder and climb up to the wall to take a peek.

On the same day, such scenes occurred in different state capitals, counties, and even the imperial capital throughout the Minze Dynasty.

These large households had their homes confiscated before they even knew what happened.

This time, more than 500,000 tons of illegal salt were found across the country! There are countless amounts of people's fat and money collected by various officials!

The emperor looked at these account books, lists, contract documents and other evidence, and was furious!

The Longevity Festival is approaching, and the emperor has always governed the country with benevolence, so these people can be exempted from the death penalty, but cannot escape the living penalty.

The right prime minister was dismissed from his post, and all the young men in the family were demoted to common people and sent to mine coal mines. All the young women were listed as slaves!

Other officials, young and old, and businessmen will be arranged according to the seriousness of the case, sales of sales, and labor reform!

Mining coal, iron ore, mining,...

The Minze Dynasty was at a time when all businesses were waiting for prosperity, so these people were imprisoned and had to live with rice. For those who were pampered, hard labor was the best punishment.

Since you are plundering the people's fat and anointing, ignoring the interests of the country, selling private salt to enrich yourself! Then I will go to work for the rest of my life and do the most painful and tiring thing in the world! It’s good to contribute to the people and the country the fat and oil raised by the country and the people!

The imperial concubine knelt outside the imperial study room all day and night, crying until she was in tears, but she could not make the emperor change his mind.

The eldest prince walked around the room, still worried that there would be evidence against him.

Although his mother-in-law has secretly ordered people to stop herself from messing up.

Regarding his affairs, Prime Minister Right has never left any evidence.

But he was still worried that he couldn't sleep well or eat well.

Without the help of Prime Minister Grandpa in the future, it will be even more difficult for him to sit in that position!

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