The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and when the sun comes out it becomes unbearable.

The imperial edict to reward Xiaoer's family has been issued, and Shen Chengyao will go to the imperial capital to thank him and take office during the Wanshou Festival.

Therefore, Xiaoer's family is getting busier and busier.

Xiaoer leaves early and comes home late every day. She has to go over to the bridge construction side from time to time to explain technical issues, and teach the villagers there to grow mushrooms. Unfortunately, not many people dare to follow suit. There are only five families in total, and Xiaoshanzi's family is one of them.

However, some villagers also said that if these families really planted it, they would follow suit.

Xiao'er didn't care and said with a smile, just let Xiao Shanzi teach them when the time comes.

But her supermarket only signed contract documents with these families. From now on, when purchasing fresh mushrooms in supermarkets, we will first accept the products from these companies. If the quality is not good or insufficient, we will accept products from other companies.

The paperwork also states that only high-quality mushrooms will be collected.

Later, those who followed the planting carried their burdens and went around selling mushrooms until their intestines turned green.

Xiaoer's supermarket and restaurant require a large volume of goods, and there are horse-drawn carriages that come to collect the goods in person. Those families can make money without going out. Not only is it easier than them, but they also make a lot more money.

But the opportunity to make a fortune always comes to the first person who dares to try.

Opportunities are fleeting.

In addition, Xiaoer also has to take time to train the bartenders every day, which is not an easy task. She even tastes wine every day until she feels like vomiting.

Shen Chengyao is also busy. He is responsible for the opening of wine lists, supermarkets, and hotels in Fucheng. The furniture shop and iron shop will open a branch in Fucheng and the Imperial Capital. Besides, there are many things that need to be taken care of before entering Beijing.

After all, you are settling in the imperial capital. You may only come back once a year or so, or you may not come back for several years.

These days, Xiaoer is always accompanied by someone when she goes out early and returns home late at night.

By the time Xiaoer noticed that someone seemed too idle, Shangguan Xuanyi had been with Xiaoer's body for more than a month.

Xiaoer, who was rarely free, was sitting on a chair on the balcony of the mountaintop villa, eating ice-cold watermelon, while blowing the mountain breeze and asked: "Brother Shangguan, why are you so free?"

"I finished my work before the year." Shangguan Xuanyi sat on the chair on the other side and picked watermelon seeds for a piece of watermelon. After picking it, he handed it to Xiaoer.

This girl loves to eat watermelons, but she is too lazy to spit out watermelon seeds. She always complains that she has forgotten to cultivate seedless watermelons.

"I heard Brother Di say before that you travel around every year. Where have you been? Are the scenery in those places beautiful?" Xiaoer's tone was full of envy and yearning.

In this life, transportation is so backward that I don’t even know if I have the chance to visit the world’s famous mountains and rivers.

In her last life, she had the opportunity to travel to various places around the world, but she didn't have the time to calm down and look at the scenery there. Now that she thinks about it, it's such a pity. If she had known she would die so early, she would have enjoyed her life!

"Many, most of them are beautiful." Shangguan Xuanyi picked up a mango and peeled it. Watermelon is cold in nature, so eating too much is not good.

"Have you been to every state and county in the entire Minze Dynasty?"

Xiaoer put down the watermelon rind and glanced at the watermelon on the plate. She still wanted to eat it!

"Only the states." Shangguan Xuanyi handed the mango to her.

Xiaoer was also speechless at his concise words.

"Since most of the scenery is beautiful, why don't you go now?" It's too unfree to be surrounded by yourself all day long and care about this and that. There are so many beautiful places in the country, hero, hurry up and bend your waist!

Xiaoer frowned and ate the mango. She also wanted to eat watermelon, but she knew that this man would never let her eat it again.

"The most beautiful scenery is around you."

This mango was already sweet and juicy. After hearing this, Xiaoer choked on the sweetness.

Shangguan Xuanyi hurriedly patted her on the back.

Xiao'er felt like her lungs were twisted due to coughing, and then she regained her breath.

"Why are you so careless?"

After hearing this, Xiaoer almost felt her heart beat to the right with anger. What he said was too scary, okay?

She never thought that such sweet words would come out of his mouth.

But Xiao'er didn't say anything. Some things are better to just let nature take its course.

Thinking of the envy and longing in Xiaoer's tone just now, he spoke again after Xiaoer regained his breath: "I will take you to see it again in the future."

Xiaoer immediately became happy after hearing this: "It's a deal!"

Shangguan Xuanyi thought of the flying pigeon message he received last night and said: "Brother Four Emperors sent a letter yesterday saying that envoys from various countries will come to pay homage to the Wanshou Festival, and the ladies from the imperial capital's aristocratic families will perform talents to celebrate the birthday of their father. He also reported it for you by the way. Name, as for the performance, you can just go to the Imperial Capital and talk to him again."

After hearing this, Xiaoer choked on the mango juice again. Who told Shangguan Xuanhao to be so troubled? When did she say she was going to perform?

Shangguan Xuanyi patted Xiaoer's back with one hand and took the mango from Xiaoer's hand with the other hand. This girl should not eat mangoes when chatting with her in the future. She choked twice before finishing a single mango.

Xiaoer calmed down and said quickly: "Can you not perform?"

Do you think she is a god? Just tell me what you want to perform! She was not prepared for anything! Besides, she has no interest in this kind of thing at all!

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head. He didn't want Xiaoer to perform, but it was too late. "I guess the list is already on my father's desk now."

The emperor already knows it. If you say you don't perform, it's disrespectful.

In fact, many daughters of officials below the fourth rank would not be able to get such an opportunity unless they were talented.

The Wanshou Festival is not held every year. When the late emperor was in power, the country was just established, and the people were in dire straits. In order to avoid extravagance and waste, the late emperor stipulated that the Wanshou Festival, which is celebrated by the whole world, can only be held once every five years.

Therefore, those who can perform at the Wanshou Festival are women recognized by the aristocratic circles of the imperial capital as both talented and beautiful. The women who perform at each Wanshou Festival are different.

Every time they perform for the Longevity Festival, many ladies from aristocratic families start preparing and practicing two years ago.

Because every time the woman who comes out on top will be granted a marriage by the emperor on the spot, and the recipients of marriages over the years have always been the princes and grandsons, this has become an unwritten tradition.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say this out loud, he also had his own selfish motives!

Although he didn't want so many people to see the beauty of this girl, and although he had other ways to get his father to marry him, he felt good about settling it earlier.

Obviously Shangguan Xuanyi never thought that Xiaoer would not win first place, even though she just knew she was going to perform, even though she had no preparation.

Xiaoer felt her head hurt. She absolutely believed that Shangguan Xuanhao was avenging his personal revenge!

She never liked to be in the limelight, although she always stole the show in everything she did.

But if you think about it with your toes, you will know that such performances are to provide a stage for those young ladies who have been raised in the boudoir and no one knows them, so that they can try their best to find a suitable husband for themselves.

Xiaoer really thought about the meaning behind it, but she was not interested in it at all!

If Shangguan Xuanhao were here now, she would have the urge to strangle him to death!

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