Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 22 Butler Hu arrests people

When they came to Cloth Shop, Xiaoer also knew the current economic situation of her family, so she asked the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, do you have any more affordable cloth, for example, it is out of date, damp, etc."

The shopkeeper saw that several people were wearing coarse cloth clothes and knew that their family background was not good. He happened to clear out two pieces of fine cotton cloth that had been accumulated for several years and got damp. One blue piece was a little moldy and the other white piece was yellow, so he took it. He came out and said, "These two pieces of cloth are both damp. They only cost 60 yuan each. The original price was several hundred yuan."

Cotton production in this era was very low, so cotton cloth was also very expensive. Linen and coarse cloth are much cheaper, but the good ones cost more than 100 yuan a piece.

Many time-traveling heroines in previous lives bought cloth heads to make hair flowers and so on. Xiaoer actually saw two bags of cloth heads in the corner and asked the shopkeeper: "How does the shopkeeper sell these cloth heads?"

"You want it? Take the Shiwenquan. There are two bags inside." The cloth in the two bags inside is better, mostly silk, satin and the like. This cloth shop was opened by the Hu Mansion in Dongcheng. The Hu Mansion was famous for doing good deeds, so it often provided conveniences to people from poor families. They don’t ask for prices, and sometimes they are even a little lower than their peers.

After putting the things in the oxcart, the group went to a pork place and bought ten pounds of suet, one pound of pork belly, and one big bone. Before leaving the city, Shen Chengyao bought two more meat buns for each of the three children and bought them for himself. I ordered two steamed buns to eat on the road.

The three children were very conscious and gave up a meat bun to Shen Chengyao. Even if Shen Chengyao didn't want to eat it, they didn't eat it and left it to Mrs. Liu at home. Several people went home talking and laughing. During this period, Jing Hao talked about Xiaoer bargaining at the grocery store. When the shopkeeper saw that Xiaoer only bought 20 bowls, he gave away a bunch of things and said, "It's a loss." "It's a loss, it's a loss", several people laughed until their stomachs hurt.

When he returned to the village, he saw many people gathered in front of his house from a distance. Shen Chengyao was surprised and flicked his bullwhip to make the cow speed up.

Xiao'er guessed what was going on and looked at each other with Jing Rui and Jing Hao, both showing tacit expressions.

The bullock cart soon arrived at the door of the house. When the villagers saw that Shen Chengyao was back, they consciously made way for them to pass. Shen Chengyao got off the bullock cart and asked, "What happened? Why are everyone gathering around my door?"

"The third child is back. What's going on with your family recently? The family has been separated all of a sudden, and then they sold their daughter." Mei, a famous loudmouth in the village, pulled Shen Chengyao to dig up gossip.

Shen Chengyao was confused: "What's going on? Why sell your daughter?"

Seeing that her family didn't know about it, Mrs. Mei's desire to discuss gossip aroused her desire: "You don't know? The housekeeper of the Hu family in the town came to your house to pick up people. He said that your second sister-in-law sold her daughter Shen Beier to work in the Hu family. Maid. But your second sister-in-law insists that it is your Xiaoer who is selling, not Beier. Now they are arguing about this matter!"

It's really big news. My sister-in-law sold her niece. The niece's biological parents didn't know about it. What's more, they made a mistake and sold their own daughter. If she hadn't wanted to see how the matter would be resolved, Mrs. Mei would have quickly gone to her good sisters to discuss the matter.

"Nonsense, when will my Xiaoer be a maid?" Shen Chengyao was not polite when he heard that the matter involved his daughter.

"I didn't make this up, it was your second sister-in-law who said it herself." Seeing that Shen Chengyao was angry, Mrs. Mei hurriedly left a word and stepped back, finding someone to block her, and continued to watch the fun.

Shen Chengyao found a brother with whom he usually had a good relationship: "Dashi, help me drive the ox cart to the village chief's house first. I'll pick up the things later."

Lin Dashi responded and drove away the bullock cart.

Shen Chengyao picked up Xiaoer and took the two brothers to squeeze through the crowd and go in.

As soon as Xiaoer entered, she reminded Mr. Shen: "Master, there are many people outside."

Only then did Mr. Shen remember to close the courtyard door to discuss the matter, and hurriedly asked Shen Chengzu to close the door. The door was closed, but no one outside left. It is a common problem for many people to like to watch other people's excitement.

Shen Beier was crying on Mrs. Li at this time, and Mrs. Li was also crying and shouting loudly: "I didn't sell Beier, it was Butler Hu who deliberately lied to me."

Shen Chengzong was arguing with Butler Hu.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was also cursing, saying that Mr. Li lied to her and said it was twenty taels, but it turned out to be fifty taels.

Madam Liu was holding her little sister in her arms and wiping her tears.

Shen Chengyao came to Mrs. Liu: "What's going on? Why did I hear that Xiao'er was going to be sold to the Hu Mansion to be a maid?"

Ms. Liu wiped her tears and said, "Second sister-in-law sold our Xiao'er to Butler Hu. Who knew that it was Shen Beier's name written on the document? Butler Hu came to pick her up, but she refused and said the document was wrong. It is Shen Xiaoer who is selling, not Shen Beier."

Shen Chengyao was furious after hearing this and clenched his fists: "This is too much!"

Just when he was about to step forward to seek justice, Mr. Shen yelled: "Shut up!"

Hearing the roar, everyone stopped and looked at Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen breathed a sigh of relief before speaking: "Butler Hu, can you explain the whole story in detail?"

Butler Hu told the whole story, and of course concealed the fact that Shen Jingrui went to find him. Every year, Hu Mansion buys new maids, but most of them are not bought nearby. They go to more remote mountain villages to buy them. Because the Hu family's pork was usually bought for the Li family, he mentioned to his father that he was going to find some new maids recently. The next day, Mrs. Li came to his door and told him that she had many children and little land, so she couldn't have enough to eat. Her sister-in-law had just given birth to a girl, and she had more food to eat. However, there was not much food left at home, so she planned to sell a daughter. At that time, he thought that Butcher Li had known her for many years and her daughter would not lie to him, so he agreed and paid a deposit of 10 taels. But he was a prudent person, so he still asked people to inquire about Shen Chengzong's family and found out that Li's daughter was called Shen Beier. At that time, Li only said that he planned to sell one daughter. He thought he was selling her daughter and Xiao'er was her. His daughter's nickname, and her daughter's age matched his requirements, so he wrote Shen Beier's name on the paperwork.

After saying that, Butler Hu asked: "Isn't her daughter called Shen Beier? Is Shen Xiaoer a niece or a daughter? It's the biological parents who decide who sells people."

"Of course she's a niece. I call my second uncle's mother uncle, and my biological mother is the one who calls me mother. Whoever sells her, just find someone to get her child. What's more, we have already separated. "Xiao'er said loudly.

"Yes, I will never sell my son or daughter!" Shen Chengyao hugged Xiaoer tighter.

"Second sister-in-law, I have never done anything to feel sorry for you, and even if you asked me to do housework for you if you said you couldn't do it, I would never do it for you. How could you do such a thing? How could you secretly sell my daughter without asking? How can you be so dark-hearted? I have already lost one daughter, how can you bear to let me lose another one?" As she spoke, Mrs. Liu held the little girl in her arms. The younger sister squatted on the ground and sobbed.

Already lost a daughter? Xiaoer is confused, but there is no time to pursue it now.

Shen Chengyao also thought of this, his eyes turned red, he knelt down and called Mrs. Liu, and then fell silent.

"My mother agreed to this. She already received a deposit of 10 taels of silver, and she said she would tell you." Mrs. Li hurriedly shirks her responsibility.

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang cursed loudly: "You black-hearted woman, how can we not be struck by lightning? You have bet thirty taels on your own, and you want to put the blame on me? You deliberately dug a trap for me to jump into." , she was said to be a maid from Hu Mansion in Dongcheng, but who knew she was a flower girl from Hu Mansion in Xicheng! She also deliberately mentioned this matter to me before the autumn harvest to coax me into agreeing to you, and then I was so busy that I forgot to tell Lao San and his family. . You are causing me to have my back broken! Why did our family marry you, a loser and a prodigal mother-in-law?"

"Mom, that's not what you said when you took the money. You are so happy. If you don't agree, how dare I sell Xiao'er." Li didn't care, she was determined to be the Shen Zhuang family anyway. If Mr. Zhuang becomes an accomplice, the old man will not be able to do anything to her when the time comes. She had thought of dragging Mr. Shen Zhuang into trouble beforehand, but now that she had all the money, nothing she could say was just an excuse.

"You're a dirty, rotten, dirty woman, you..."

"Okay, stop arguing, let's solve the problem first." Mr. Shen stopped Mr. Shen Zhuang. The two of them had been arguing every day recently, no matter what time or occasion, he was bored to death.

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