Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 23 Harming others will ultimately harm yourself

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was so angry that her lungs exploded. She wanted to step forward and tear Mrs. Li's mouth open. After listening to Mr. Shen's words, although she no longer cursed, he just looked at her with eyes that wanted to kill Mrs. Li. If looks could kill, I guess Li You can die several times.

"Butler Hu, our Shen family is a farming and studying family. Even if we are too poor to take the blame, we will not sell our children or daughters. It is all caused by unworthy wives. What do you think we will pay you money according to the contract?"

Housekeeper Hu didn't want to make the matter a big deal, and he was just here to ask for money. According to the contract, Mrs. Li had to compensate him a hundred taels of silver. How could there be any reason why he shouldn't, "Okay, then you can compensate me a hundred taels of silver." Forget it."

Mr. Shen asked Mr. Li and Mr. Shen Zhuang to take out the silver. Shen Zhuang only took twenty taels, and Li only took thirty taels, making a total of fifty taels.

"Where are the fifty taels left?" Mr. Shen asked Li.

Mrs. Li was very heartbroken when she looked at the fifty taels in Mr. Shen's hand. Nuonuo said: "This was before the separation of the family, and my mother agreed at that time, so the money should come from the father-in-law, even if the father-in-law doesn't." , Mom should also contribute a share."

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang jumped up in anger, pointed at Mrs. Li and scolded: "You stinky bitch, you have lost your conscience, you are trying to kill me, you are hurting me like this! Your conscience has been eaten by a dog." ! Second brother, divorce her, or I will be pissed to death!"

"Dad, Jinghua and the others are also your grandsons. We have just separated and we have not purchased anything. We are waiting for money to buy everything. How can I have so much money to pay for it." Ms. Li also really cried, She doesn't have fifty taels to compensate for all her net worth.

Mr. Shen didn't say anything. He was thinking about how to solve this matter.

"Bah, you should clean up the trouble you caused. You don't have to let others wipe your behind!" Shen Zhuang sighed.

"Daddy, my head hurts so much." Xiaoer cried out the pain while holding her head.

"What's wrong, Xiao'er, does your head hurt?" Shen Chengyao held Xiao'er away slightly and nervously looked at Xiao'er back and forth.

Ms. Liu stopped crying, and touched Xiaoer's forehead with her red eyes: "Xiaoer, what's wrong with you? Why do you have a headache suddenly? Don't scare me!"

Because of the movement on Xiaoer's side, everyone else looked over.

Xiaoer shook her head deliberately, pretending to wake herself up, and then said: "Dad, Mom, I remembered, the reason why I fell over my head by the stream was because my second cousin pushed me, because I heard what the second uncle said to her, she pushed me on purpose."

Shen Beier and Li Shi turned pale with fright after hearing this. Li Shi was the first to react, pointing at Xiaoer and angrily scolding: "You stinky girl, don't talk nonsense. You accidentally fell down and you want to put the blame on Xiao'er." My Belle."

Xiaoer deliberately hid in Shen Chengyao's arms and said weakly: "I didn't. I heard you and the second uncle said that you wanted to sell me to the Hu Mansion to be a maid. The second uncle also said that the Hu Mansion bought the maidservants for this purpose. After being trained and sent to Juhualou to be a flower girl, I heard you say that you have saved twenty-three taels of private money!"

"Mom, what does Hua Niang do?" Xiaoer deliberately pretended not to understand and asked Mrs. Liu.

Shen Chengyao was so angry that his veins popped out: "Ms. Li, you will no longer be my sister-in-law. I am not as good a sister-in-law as you!"

Ms. Liu handed the little girl to Jingrui, stepped forward and grabbed Ms. Li, then slapped her: "This slap is for selling my daughter to you!"

Then he slapped Shen Beier on the face with a backhand, who was still in a frightened state: "This slap is for you who almost killed my daughter!"

Then he picked up the pole by the corner, pushed it with his knees and broke it with both hands, and threw it to the ground: "I tell you, if anyone wants to harm my children in the future, no matter who it is, I will not let you go!"

Li and Shen Beier were so frightened that they did not dare to make a sound.

Xiao'er almost applauded Mrs. Liu: "Mother is mighty!"

It was the first time that Mrs. Shen Zhuang saw Ms. Liu angry, and she was so frightened that she almost thought she was going to hit herself with the pole. Seeing that she just broke it off and threw it on the ground, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then remembered Xiaoer's words again, what a Li family, she actually hid so many private rooms! The war started again.

"Okay, Mrs. Li, not only did you sell your niece, but you also saved so much private property. You ate the most and did the least all day long. You are such a scheming and vicious woman. Since you have so much money, , you can pay for it yourself, and don’t expect me to pay a penny!" After saying that, she took back the twenty taels she just took out. She had wanted to do this for a long time, and now she finally had an excuse to do it.

Mrs. Li was so regretful that her intestines turned green. Shen Chengzong became anxious when he saw his mother-in-law, who had been making trouble for a long time and was still paying more and more compensation: "Mom and dad, you can't ignore the life and death of your son and grandson. How can we get so much money?" Come out, we don’t have to live anymore!”

"Don't call me mother. How could I give birth to such a heartless and unfilial son like you? If you don't give birth to me, do you want me to give birth to you? We have already separated. You should solve the troubles you have caused. Don't bother me. It's dark. Heartless." Shen Zhuang was furious after hearing these words.

"Since there is no money to compensate, then I will take Shen Beier back to work as a maid! Otherwise, I will have to report to the official." Seeing that the fuss had been going on for a long time, Butler Hu was getting impatient as he took out less and less money.

Shen Beier cried and hugged Mrs. Li tightly: "Mom, I don't want to be a flower girl."

The fact that Hu Mansion's recruitment of maids is actually looking for flower girls has always been done behind the scenes, and no one has dared to reveal it to their faces. Now that it has been mentioned again and again, Butler Hu is also angry: "If you want to give money, hurry up, otherwise See the official immediately, one hundred taels, not a penny less!"

Li was startled and cried, "But I really don't have so much money!"

Shen Chengzong remembered that he had caught his eldest brother and asked him for money. He would definitely give it, so he said: "Butler Hu, my eldest brother runs a grocery store in the town. He must have a hundred taels there. I will take you there." take."

"Shen Chengzong, how dare you? If you dare to go to your eldest brother's house to get money, I will break your legs today! Your eldest brother doesn't have that much money." Mr. Shen became angry after hearing this. This disobedient son actually wants to bother his eldest son with this matter. Wen'er is in a critical period now.

"Dad, I know a secret about my eldest brother. If I ask him, he will definitely be able to find the money to give it to me." Shen Chengzong said ruthlessly.

"Don't bother your brother. Since your mother is also involved in this matter, you will pay half of the money and your mother will pay half." Mr. Shen closed his eyes. Unfilial son, top-toed shoes, cannot be cured!

"Old lady, take out fifty taels. If you don't have enough, take it from Yuzhu's dowry first! You can make up for it later."

After hearing this, Mr. Shen Zhuang gave Shen Chengzong and his wife a hard look, but he didn't dare not take it after hearing the old man's tone. Usually when Mr. Shen spoke in this tone, things would not turn around.

"You have enough for the remaining 50 taels. Your mother and I can't afford any more." Mr. Shen turned around and said weakly to Shen Chengzong. He was really disappointed.

After listening to Shen Chengzong's words, Xiaoer couldn't help but spin her head. What is the secret? Mr. Shen and Shen Zhuang also know it? Otherwise they shouldn't behave like this.

She looked at Shen Chengyao and Liu again, both of whom had doubts on their faces. They didn't know. Then he looked at Shen Chengzu and his wife, both of whom were at a loss. It seemed that they didn't know. Could it be a matter of their own family?

The matter was resolved after Mrs. Li also took out fifty taels. The sequelae was that Mrs. Li could not help but make Xiaoer's family hate her, and even made Mrs. Shen Zhuang and Shen Yuzhu hate her. For a long time afterwards, Mrs. Shen Zhuang was always in trouble. Whenever there is any work, the second-fang family is forced to do their best, which makes everyone in the second-fang miserable. Needless to say, Li lost both his wife and his troops this time.

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