Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 24 Going up the mountain again

After all the trouble, it was already dinner time. Because Shen Chengyao came back from buying meat, Mrs. Liu made Xiaoer's favorite dumplings for dinner. The dumplings are very fragrant, probably because the pigs in this era eat only pig grass and swill, are not fed with feed, and do not have any additives or hormones, so the pork tastes very fragrant and is much more delicious than in the previous life. She doesn't like eating pork.

Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu were relieved when they saw Xiaoer eating well.

After dinner, Xiaoer returned to her room and entered the space. She remembered what Liu said about losing a daughter. She searched the memory of the original owner and found out that the original owner had a twin sister who didn't look very much like herself. For example, she looks more like Mr. Liu, while the younger sister looks more like Mr. Shen Chengyao, but somewhat similar to Mr. Shen Zhuang. My sister’s name is Shen Yun’er. When she was four years old, her uncle took her to a grocery store in town and lost her. She never found it again. Xiao Xiaoer cried for her sister for a long time. It took more than a year for her to stop crying. As she grew up, she forgot all about it. Although the case was reported to the government, it is difficult to find many abducted children in modern times. What's more, in ancient times when communications were backward, many missing children in this era cannot be found. In the beginning, Shen Chengyao would go to the Yamen to ask questions every time there was a big gathering. After two years, he went less frequently, but he still went to the Yamen to ask questions every time he went to the county.

I don't know why Xiao'er felt inappropriate when she thought that it was Lan who took her sister to the grocery store and got kidnapped, but what Shen Chengzong said today made her even more suspicious. What is the whole story? You have to ask Ms. Liu when you get the chance. Or maybe it’s not necessarily that my sister is lost, but the chance of finding her back is still very high.

Thinking of a little girl who left her parents at the age of four and didn't know where she went or what she experienced, Xiaoer suddenly felt cold all over. She heard that twins have telepathy, but she didn't know if that was the case. Xiao'er shook her head and didn't think about it anymore.

She harvested the medicinal herbs in the space and planted some new ones. He also harvested rice, corn, wheat, cotton and other crops in space, and replanted some of them on a small piece of land. The total of these crops was only one acre. Cotton is still a seed taken from the flower mountain in space, and the harvested cotton is big and white. She also found that the yield of rice in the space was higher than that of modern hybrid rice, and she was thinking of taking these seeds for trial planting outside in the spring. Then I harvested all the vegetables and fruits grown in the space, and finally planted the seeds I bought today.

"Master, if you plant the rice in the space, you can only maintain a high yield for one season. The seeds harvested outside will return to the original yield if you plant them again." Daytime reminded Xiao'er at the right time.

"It's just like modern hybrid rice. It needs to be bred every year."

Wait, when I think of hybrid rice, I think that hybrid rice not only solves the Chinese people's feeding problem but also affects the whole world. If the cultivation of modern hybrid rice can be copied, it will also benefit the people here. She remembered that she had learned about hybrid rice in high school textbooks, and wondered whether male-sterile rice could be found in this era. In this ancient time of shortage of materials and backward production technology, it would be a great good deed if hybrid rice could be developed.

But this matter is too big to be rushed. We have to wait for the opportunity to mature.

The top priority now is to make money and find ways to make money.

Xiaoer took some space to sort the rags she bought today, and tried to make a few silk flowers, a few small purses and a few animal puppets such as rogue rabbits, Mickey Mouse, piglets, caterpillars, etc. , filled with cotton grown in the space. Xiao'er was quite satisfied with the results of her labor. When she made more, she would sell them in the county and try out the market. After she finished doing this, she left the space to sleep. She had to go up the mountain to find something to sell in the county tomorrow. Fortunately, time passed slowly in the space, and it didn't take long after she left the space. Otherwise, she would have to do so many things in one night. She doesn't even have to sleep.

After breakfast the next morning, I told Mrs. Liu that Xiaoer, Jingrui and Jinghao had gone into the mountains again. Going into the mountains again, Xiaoer walked much faster than last time. She had a strong sense of direction, a strong memory, and a high ability to recognize the way. She quickly reached the place where she picked chestnuts last time. The chestnuts on the trees were all ripe and cracked, and many of them fell on the ground.

"Brother, we will pick all the chestnuts this time and make them into candied roasted chestnuts. We will sell them in the county the day after tomorrow to earn some money to survive the winter."

When Jingrui heard that he could sell the chestnuts for money, he didn't agree. He immediately put down his basket and planned to climb a tree to pick them.

Xiaoer stopped him: "Brother, let's go around and see what else can be sold for money. Selling one thing alone is too monotonous."

"Sister, the kiwi fruit last time was ripe and tasted sweet and sour. It was delicious. Can we pick some and sell them?" Jing Hao's mouth watered when he thought of the taste of kiwi fruit.

"Yes, kiwi fruit is still a favorite of many people." In the previous life, some kiwi fruits could be sold for a few dollars each, which was considered relatively expensive among fruits. After all, kiwi fruits are not big in size.

"I'll take you to pick it!" Jing Hao was very happy to hear that he could sell it for money. Probably all children will have this situation. When their suggestions are recognized by others, they will feel particularly happy. If this happens more often, the child will become more and more confident and become more and more aware of the world. Interest, love to explore more things, people become smarter and vice versa.

"Okay, let's go pick it before we leave. We also have to look around for anything else that can be sold for money. The more we find, the more money we can make."

The two brothers nodded hurriedly, because they wanted to earn more money, so that they could do things easily. However, Jingrui wanted the three of them to search together and not spread too far apart for fear of getting lost, so they both nodded in agreement.

The three of them walked inside again. When Xiaoer saw a lot of licorice, she called the two brothers and dug up the roots together with sickles or branches. She told them that this was called licorice and could be sold to pharmacies. He made an excuse and said that he didn’t know about it until he dug up Dr. Luo last time.

The rhizome of licorice is used as medicine. It is used for moxibustion to treat weak spleen and stomach, lung deficiency and chronic cough. It is used raw to treat sore throat, carbuncle, swollen poison, and fetal poison in children.

Along the way, they dug up some Chinese medicines such as Panax notoginseng, Lithospermum sibiricum, Chicken bone grass, Plantain, Smilax cocos, etc., and filled three baskets full before the three of them gave up. Xiaoer also caught two pheasants and a nest of six hares.

Xiao'er saw some small golden fruits in front of her and wanted to go over and see what they were: "Brother, Jinghao, let's go see if that patch of wild fruit is edible." She pointed to a patch of wild fruit trees not far away.

When she got closer and saw that it was a golden cherry tree, Xiaoer was a little surprised: "Brother, this is a golden cherry tree. It's sweet and can be used as medicine or wine."

Jing Hao glanced at the basket behind him: "Sister, our baskets are full."

Jingrui felt a little scared when he saw the fruit covered with thorns: "This is a small one, and it is covered with thorns. Can it be eaten?"

"Yes, just wipe off the thorns. I've seen others eat them." Xiaoer looked at the baskets behind the three of them. They would pick kiwis and chestnuts later. She took another look at the yellow fruits in front of her and decided to pick them again tomorrow. , I bought some jars from the county the day after tomorrow and brought them back to make wine.

"Let's ask dad to pick them together tomorrow. We'll bring two more sacks with us and we'll pick them all."

The two nodded and said, "Okay."

They prefer chestnuts to this thorny wild fruit. Although chestnuts also have thorns, they explode and can be knocked down.

Xiaoer wanted to walk to the east, but Jingrui refused, saying that the forest was unlucky and the trees would cry.

"Can trees cry?" Xiaoer thought of a possibility.

"Yes, those trees can shed tears. Everyone calls them the crying trees." Jing Hao told what he knew.

It should be a tree that can shed tears, but why is there such a tree here? How strange! But if it was true, she would have thought of a big plan to make a fortune. Thinking of this, Xiaoer's eyes sparkled, which only appeared when facing a big business.

This mountain is really full of treasures. She made up her mind to go into the mountains to take a look when she had time. Anyway, she had space and was not afraid of danger. What's more, she was not a vegetarian.

Knowing that the ancients were superstitious, Xiaoer didn't insist on going to take a look. The backpack on her body was a bit heavy and her shoulders hurt a little. The two brothers should be in more pain. Xiaoer decided to pick the chestnuts and go home.

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