Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 25 Who are you looking for?

The three of them found another way to go to where the chestnut was. They met a robe on the road. Xiaoer decisively hit its head with a stone, and then the unlucky robe fainted gorgeously.

"Wow, sister, you are great, great!" Jing Hao screamed with excitement.

Jingrui was also dumbfounded. Why did he think Xiaoer had become more and more powerful since she woke up from the injury? But no matter how powerful she is, she is still her sister.

Not far away, an old man and two young men looked surprised when they saw this scene. After coming back to their senses, the three of them had no intention of going forward, so they all turned around and took another way down the mountain.

Xiaoer took a conscious look and saw that the old man among them was Dr. Luo. The other two young men in rich robes were obviously not from the village. It was probably inconvenient for the three of them to avoid it deliberately, so Xiaoer then Pretending not to see it.

As for the three people who had walked away, one of the teenagers suddenly screamed: "I remembered, wasn't the oldest of the three people just now the same one we saw last time in town?"

Dr. Luo also knew Shen Chengyao's family and had treated Xiaoer's injuries some time ago: "They are from the village at the foot of the mountain. Those three children are well-behaved and sensible, much better than the children in other villages. His parents are also good friends. "Yes." Dr. Luo's impression of Xiaoer's family is quite good.

After hearing this, the young man in purple clothes and brocade robe didn't even change his expression, obviously not interested.

The boy in blue became more down-to-earth and immediately told what happened last time he saw him in town.

"So that's it. People from Hu's house in the town came to arrest people. Li was selling the girl Xiao'er, but people from Hu's house came to arrest Li's daughter. It turned out that they were the ones who made it happen."

"Master Luo, please tell me what happened at that time." The boy in blue is also a gossip.

Doctor Luo told what he heard, and added at the end: "They are also smart. If they had told their parents from the beginning, this matter would definitely not have happened."

Only then did the man in purple speak: "Your Excellency, do you think the Imperial Master is talking about him?"

Doctor Luo fell silent after hearing this, and then shook his head after a while: "Probably not." He had been in the village for so long, but he didn't notice anyone special. Alas, it is not easy to find someone in a huge crowd.

On the other side, Xiaoer and Jingrui tied the four legs of the robe, and they carried the robe and walked down the mountain with difficulty.

"Xiao'er, even if the chestnuts are picked tomorrow, we won't be able to take so many things home."

"Brother, I want to eat chestnut chicken. Let's pick some and take them home." After eating all the chestnuts at home, Jing Hao's mouth watered when he thought of the taste of chestnut chicken. I caught another pheasant today. Now I can pick some and eat fried chicken with chestnuts in the evening.

"Then pick some."

In the end, they picked all the chestnuts and put them in a sack. Jing Hao pushed the bag of chestnuts and let it roll down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, Xiaoer took Jingrui's basket and asked him to go home and ask Shen Chengyao to help carry the things home. If the three of them were to carry the things home, they would be exhausted.

Shen Chengyao came quickly pushing the cart. When he saw the things on the ground, he frowned and said in a serious tone: "You went to the mountains?"

"No, we just went in a little more than usual. Brother Zixuan took us there last time and said it was relatively safe there." Xiaoer quickly analyzed. She didn't want to lose the chance to enter the mountain next time. Children just don’t have freedom and have to listen to adults in everything.

"Yes, we don't. There are tigers in the mountains, so I don't dare to go there." Jing Hao also promised.

"Don't worry, Dad, I won't take my brother and sister to the mountains." Jingrui also promised.

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed at the herbs in the basket and asked, "What are these? Why did you bring them back?"

"Dad, these are herbs. My sister said they can be sold for money. This is licorice, this is comfrey..." Jing Hao pointed to the basket of herbs and introduced them.

"When did Xiao'er know so many herbal medicines?" Shen Chengyao was surprised to see Jing Hao speaking so lucidly.

"I saw Dr. Luo collecting it before and asked about it before, so I remembered it." Xiaoer was so panicked that her face was not red and she was out of breath.

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao stopped asking: "Did this robe come from someone else's trap?" He was worried that the children would not know that everything in the trap belonged to their owner. Generally speaking, no one would touch it. Something that someone else has trapped.

"No, it was Xiaoer who threw a stone and hit it on the head and knocked it unconscious."

"Yes, it's true that my sister threw stones. She also knocked those two pheasants unconscious." Jing Hao's eyes were full of stars when he mentioned this. He was so admired and envious.

Shen Chengyao was a little surprised after hearing this. He knew how difficult these animals were to catch. Xiaoer actually knocked them unconscious with a stone. This was too easy, or Xiaoer was too powerful. He could hit them all. . When he saw Xiao'er, she was still his daughter. Why did he feel a little different? Could it be that surviving a catastrophe would lead to good fortune in the future? Even such a hard-to-catch prey can be knocked unconscious easily, as well as the fish caught last time. This should be a blessing from God to Xiaoer. Thinking of this, I felt that Mrs. Liu should go to the temple to pay her respects and buy some sesame oil money to thank the Bodhisattva for saving her daughter from death. Yes, we must return to God as soon as possible, otherwise what will happen if Xiaoer is taken away again.

Shen Chengyao didn't say anything else. He quickly got everything into the car, then carried them into the car and pushed the cart home quickly. He had to talk to Mrs. Liu about this quickly.

After putting the things home, Shen Chengyao went to the grain drying farm again. Mrs. Liu and her little sister were busy working in the grain drying farm. Grain is recovered from the fields, but the subsequent drying also requires a lot of effort, so now almost every household in the village is busy, busy threshing corn, busy picking peanuts, busy drying sweet potatoes, etc.

Jing Hao found a cage and locked up the rabbit family of six: "Sister, can we raise the rabbits? When we raise them bigger and more in the future, we can sell them for more money."

"Okay, but you must be diligent when raising rabbits. The rabbit's poop must be cleaned up in time, and the vegetables that the rabbit eats must be washed and dried."

"Why don't we raise all the pheasants?" Jingrui thought that pheasants can lay eggs, and then there will be chickens and eggs for sale.

"But I want to eat chicken." Jing Hao was unhappy after hearing this.

"Aren't there two? Eat one and raise another." There are no chickens at home, but Jing Hao still wants to raise chickens.

Xiao'er saw that Pao Zi's belly was a bit big, so she guessed that Pao Zi was pregnant: "Let's raise Pao Zi. His belly is a bit big. Could it be that he is pregnant with a baby?"

After hearing this, both of them looked at Pao Zi's belly. It was a bit big, but no one had ever raised Pao Zi before: "How can I keep Pao Zi?"

"It should be how you raise the cows." Xiao'er didn't know either, but she had space and grass, so she wasn't worried at all about whether she could make a living.

"Keep them first, and then worry about whether they can survive." After Xiaoer said this, she went to rummage through the herbs in the basket, and then secretly took out some apples and oranges from the space and placed them at the bottom of the basket.

I secretly took out some herbs from the space, and the difference was obvious from this comparison. The quality of the products produced by the space is excellent.

Xiao'er took out two oranges and gave one to each of Jing Rui and Jing Hao: "Just now when you were digging Smilax cocos, I saw these oranges when I was chasing hares. I picked them all when they were ripe. Eat them."

Jing Rui and Jing Hao took the orange and looked at it from left to right. They had never seen such a big orange before. They put it to their noses and smelled it. It was so fragrant that they were reluctant to eat it.

Xiaoer ignored them, took one out, went to the kitchen, washed a knife, cut the orange into quarters, and started eating. After walking on the mountain road all afternoon, I was tired and thirsty.

Jing Hao saw that Xiao'er started eating right away, but was still reluctant to eat the one in his hand: "Sister, this orange is so big, let's eat it separately, leave one for my parents, and sell the others for money."

"Yes, this orange looks really good, it must be easy to sell." Jingrui was reluctant to eat it.

Xiao'er didn't try to convince them. There would be plenty of oranges for them to eat in the future, so if they couldn't bear to part with them now, just let them go.

"Okay, let's share it. I'm full, you eat. After you're done, bury the core in the vegetable garden. If we can grow it, we'll have a lot of oranges to eat in the future."

After hearing this, Jing Hao hurriedly spit out the core carefully. He would definitely water it every day to make it grow taller.

The three of them shared the meal, and there was still a piece of orange left. Jing Hao didn't want to eat any more, and Jing Rui just wanted to give it to his younger siblings. He wouldn't eat it himself. Xiao'er thought of Jing Jie: "Hao'er, take this piece of orange." Go and feed it to Jier, and get two more for your fourth uncle and fourth aunt."

Jing Hao readily agreed, and Jing Rui also said, "Aren't we going to kill chickens tonight? By the way, let's ask our fourth uncle and fourth aunt to come over to our house for dinner tonight."

Xiaoer feels that the two brothers have been well educated. Brothers and sisters are respectful to each other, and they repay their kindness in return. I can't bear to eat an extra piece, but I don't hesitate to give it to someone who treats me well, and I also find ways to give more. This is also rare among children. Many children are greedy and protective of food. She had to give thumbs up to these two brothers.

Jingrui helped Xiaoer and killed chickens to cook together. In the evening, smoke was rising from the kitchens of every house. Xiaoer cooked corn and chicken porridge tonight, spread out a few scallion pancakes, and at Jing Hao's request fried chestnut chicken, a garlic cabbage, cucumber salad, and chopped chicken breast. I made some meat sauce and spread it on the scallion pancakes. It was delicious.

When Mrs. Li came back from the grain drying farm, she smelled the aroma of meat and vegetables coming from the kitchen in the west wing, so she walked in.

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