Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 26 Danger on the mountain

"Xiao'er, are you cooking? What delicious food have you made? It's so delicious." Li looked around and found that everything was covered in the iron pot. The girl was cleaning the stove and putting away the firewood. Apparently the meal was finished.

Mrs. Li wanted to go forward and lift the lid of the pot to take a look, but Xiaoer immediately stopped her: "Second aunt, it's almost dark, why don't you go back and cook?"

"You made some meat dishes, right? We'll just make do with it tonight at your place."

"I don't dare to let my second uncle give in. We have already separated. I don't have a private room of more than 20 liang to cook more food to entertain you, my second uncle." Xiaoer will not give anything to someone who wants to sell herself. Good look.

"You girl are quite vindictive. It's been so long. You see, you guys eat meat every day. Yesterday, you bought a cart full of stuff to go home. You must have spent a lot of money. Unfortunately, my family can hardly open the pot."

Xiao'er looked at Mrs. Li coldly: "With the speed at which Second Auntie is saving her private money, you will soon be able to eat well and enjoy delicious food, of course, but remember not to sell your nephews or nieces, otherwise you will suffer a loss. It’s me, otherwise I’d have the ten taels of silver from the separate family plus the twenty-three taels for the private house, and the second aunt would have bought a few oxcarts, right?”

"You girl, your words are thorny at a young age. You don't even know who you are like. Lao San is such an honest and easy-going person. You don't look like Lao San. Could it be that the Liu family stole someone's life and gave birth to you?" Li became angry after hearing Xiaoer's words and began to speak indiscriminately.

Shen Chengyao heard this as soon as he walked in, and his face turned green with anger: "Get out, don't spit shit here!"

"You are stealing people. You go back to your parents' house to spend the night every once in a while. Who knows what you are doing. My mother works at home every day and only goes back to her parents' house to visit relatives once a year. My father is with me." Xiaoer knows that women are now Her request was really harsh. If Mrs. Li's words were believed by others, Mrs. Liu would be in misfortune, so she had to clarify for Mrs. Liu.

"Xiao'er, a little girl, don't talk nonsense." Although Ms. Liu behind Shen Chengyao was angry with Mr. Li for slandering her, she didn't want her daughter to be called uneducated because of this. Compared with her daughter's reputation, her daughter more important.

Xiaoer was not a real little girl, so she knew that Mrs. Liu was talking about her for her own good, so she said nothing.

At this time, Mrs. Shen Zhuang's cry came from the yard: "Ms. Li, where did you die? It's already dark, and you haven't cooked yet. Do you want your father and I to starve to death?"

Mrs. Li's face turned dark when she heard this. Even though the family was divided, she still had to order her around. She shouted dissatisfiedly towards the yard: "Mom, I haven't cooked any food for my own family. Jinghua and the others are all hungry." .

"What's the matter? You can't be moved by the separation of the family? It's okay if you don't do it. You can take out your twenty-three taels of private property and I won't have to do it."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li was cowed and didn't dare to say anything anymore. She just glared at Xiao'er bitterly and left.

Xiao'er was completely immune to Mrs. Li's look. She glared casually, and it didn't hurt her. She took the little girl from Mr. Liu's hand and said, "Mom, the food is ready. You and dad go and freshen up. Get ready to eat.”

After hearing this, Jingrui also took action: "I will bring a bowl of chicken to grandpa and grandma."

"I'm going to ask my fourth uncle and his family to come over for dinner."

"Good boy." Shen Chengyao felt very pleased after hearing this. His child was a very good boy. Not only did the meals be prepared so that they would have something to eat when they got home, but they also knew how to give delicious food to their grandparents who had separated from each other without being taught.

Shen Chengyao feels that his greatest achievement is marrying Mr. Liu and giving birth to such sensible children. Sometimes he feels that he is useless and cannot provide them with adequate food and clothing, but he will try his best.

The two families gathered together to talk about home cooking and had dinner happily. Xiaoer's cooking skills were recognized again. In Jing Jie's words: "The vegetables cooked by Xiaoer's sister are better than the meat I have ever eaten before." Be delicious”.

Lu smiled and scolded: "Then why do you keep eating chicken?"

"The vegetables made by sister Xiaoer are delicious, but the meat she makes is even more delicious!" Everyone laughed.

The next day, just after dawn, Shen Chengyao took his three children into the mountains. Shen Chengyao also brought a bow and arrow, intending to try his luck to see if he could catch some prey.

The group of people arrived at their destination quickly. Shen Chengyao saw this wild fruit. The fruit was covered with burrs. Normally, people in the village would not dare to pick it. "Xiao'er, this thing is small and covered with hair on the outside. Can it be eaten?" "

"Don't worry, dad. I tried it last time. It's sweet and delicious." Xiaoer held a basket in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other. She placed the basket under the golden cherry blossoms and cut them off one by one. Jing Rui and Jing Hao also followed suit and started taking action. Seeing this, Shen Chengyao didn't say much and started to work. He was always a person who did more and talked less.

In almost an hour, they were all picked and filled with three large sacks.

Seeing that it was still early and that they all brought dry food, Shen Chengyao wanted to walk around to see if he could encounter any prey. The three children had no objections, and the two brothers wanted to take the opportunity to practice how to knock the pheasant unconscious with one stone.

The three of them found a hidden place to hide three sacks of golden cherry blossoms, and spread some branches and fallen leaves on top.

After the winter comes, the people in the village will organize some strong men to go hunting together in the mountains during the off-season. Usually a few of them are in a group. Shen Chengyao often goes with everyone, so he is quite familiar with the mountains and knows about them. There are still no ferocious animals nearby, so I feel free to take a few children with me, but children are not allowed to go in like this, just in case.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, they didn't see any animals, but they dug some wild herbs. The few people were not in a hurry. They walked along and dug up wild herbs when they saw them.

The four of them were immersed in digging for herbs, and suddenly they heard voices coming from the front, including the howls of wolves and the voices of men talking. Shen Chengyao's face turned pale after hearing this. He quickly asked a few children to climb a tree. This was the only way he could think of to avoid danger. The three of them also knew the seriousness of the matter and quickly found a big tree to climb up.

"No matter what happens later, don't come down, you know?"

After he helped the three children climb up the big tree, he hid secretly, drew his bow and arrow, and aimed ahead. He was about to find the right opportunity to shoot out. At this time, he thought it was the villagers who encountered the wolves. After a while, he didn't expect to see two teenagers and four wolves fighting in a bloody battle.

Both men held swords in their hands and had blood on their bodies.

"Damn it, wait until I get back and bring a team of people over to destroy your clan! Not even a hair will be left behind." The boy in blue was almost exhausted.

Wolves are very alert and good at fighting in groups. Along the way, the two of them have killed four wolves, and these four are still chasing them.

Xiaoer saw two teenagers on the tree with their backs facing each other. One person was fighting two wolves. Two wolves were charging towards their heads. They waved their swords to block them. The other two wolves also seized the opportunity to open their mouths and charge towards their feet. past.

The young man in purple swung his sword and slashed at the wolf's head. The wolf avoided it and just scratched it, then raised his foot and kicked the other wolf out.

The boy in blue swung his sword and stabbed the wolf in the belly, but missed and jumped to avoid the wolf at his feet.

Before either of them could stand still, the wolf pounced again.

"His grandma just hugged your son, but she didn't kill your whole family, so she chased you all the way!" The boy in blue was angry.

Shen Chengyao had been hiding well and was paying close attention to several wolves. He took the opportunity to release an arrow, but it only hit the wolf's front leg. The wolf raised its head and howled, and rushed madly in the direction of Shen Chengyao.

The two brothers in the tree both shouted: "Dad!"

Xiaoer's heart was also raised, and she quickly made a calculation in her heart. She thrust out the hatchet in her hand and chopped off the entire wolf's head.

"Brother, Hao'er must not go down." After saying that, he climbed down from the tree.

Seeing that one of their companions had died, the remaining wolves howled louder and pounced on them faster.

Shen Chengyao had already raised the scissors, thinking of fighting the wolf desperately. Who would have thought that the wolf that came in front of him would be chopped away with a knife.

Xiaoer quickly came to Shen Chengyao's side: "Dad, are you okay?"

"Xiao'er, what are you doing down here? Come to the tree quickly." When Shen Chengyao saw Xiao'er coming to him, his face turned pale with fright.

"Dad, it's okay. They will get it done soon." She was only worried if she didn't come down. She didn't have anything that could be used as a weapon.

All three wolves were entangled by the two boys, and one of them was quickly killed by the boy in purple. The remaining two were dealt with more easily by the two of them, and they were done quickly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I feel very happy to see that the click rate is increasing every day. Please forgive me and correct me for my shortcomings in writing a book for the first time. Thank you to the friends who recommended and collected this book. I am really happy to be recognized by you. Thank you to so many writers. friend.

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