Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 27 Endless lies

The man in purple came to Shen Chengyao and the others: "Thank you both for your help."

Xiao'er didn't expect the man's voice to be so pleasant, clear and magnetic, warm and penetrating. She looked up and saw that the young man's dark eyes were like the bustling and clear starry sky on a midsummer night: silent, mysterious, and white. His face is sharp and cold, with a tall nose, handsome eyebrows, perfectly pursed lips, and a slender figure, all exuding nobility and elegance.

He is even more handsome than her three brothers in her previous life. If placed in the modern entertainment industry, he would be a huge hit, which would be a pity.

Xiaoer took another look at the young man in blue who was leaning against the tree. He had a handsome face, thick eyebrows, and bronzed skin. He was handsome and sunny. At this time, he also cupped his fists to say thank you: "Thank you, senior and little girl, just now."

When Shen Chengyao saw that the two of them were dressed in gorgeous clothes and looked noble, he also guessed that their identities were unusual, so he clasped his fists and returned the greeting: "You two gentlemen are so polite, so you shouldn't thank them. This is what you should do." He couldn't do anything without saving someone's life. thing.

"You must quickly bury all the blood stains nearby to avoid attracting other beasts." The boy in purple frowned at the smell of blood in the air. This is not a deep mountain. Villagers go up the mountain from time to time. If the smell of blood attracts ferocious beasts, it will be troublesome.

After hearing this, several people hurriedly started digging holes with their swords and swords, burying the blood-stained soil, leaves and wolves into the holes.

The young man in blue is a talkative person. While digging a hole, he asked Xiaoer: "This little girl is so skilled at such a young age. It's really admirable. I wonder who she can learn from?"

"There is a family deep in the white clouds. I don't know who the master is. When I asked him where he was from, he said this, do you know who the family is deep in the white clouds?" Xiaoer knew that she had to make up a master. , after all, his performance just now cannot be said to be a coincidence. In order not to tell more lies, she could only make her master more mysterious and let them figure it out.

Is there a family deep in the white clouds? Deep in the white clouds, he thought about the aliens from the sky that the Imperial Master said, could this be... The boy in purple looked deeply at Xiao'er, then turned away and looked far away.

Xiao'er noticed that the purple-clothed boy was paying attention to her, and secretly shouted in her heart that she was unlucky, there couldn't really be such a person!

The boy in blue had obviously thought of something, and he was so excited in his heart: "Little girl, where is your master now? Can you take us to see him?"

Xiaoer cried silently in her heart. There really is such a person. How can it be so unlucky to meet the person that others are looking for just by talking about it? Although she was complaining in her heart, she didn't show it on her face, and showed a sad expression: "My master passed away a year ago." After he passed away, there would be no such person in the world. They could check it out as long as they didn't bother her. She didn't want to lie endlessly.

"Died? How could he die!" The boy in blue said in surprise.

Xiaoer looked at him with a look that looked like an idiot: "Master said that when people get old, they will die, everyone will die. More than a year ago, my master said that he had reached the point where his oil was exhausted and the lamp was extinguished. He has only one month left to live, and the fox will die in Shouqiu. He will also go back to his hometown. Please don’t let me be sad or miss you. Just remember to worship him in the sky every year on that day after one month." Xiaoer made a lot of nonsense. It also shows sadness.

Two people:...

Shen Chengyao was also very surprised. Why didn't he know when Xiaoer had a master?

Only then did Jing Rui and Jing Hao realize that someone had taught them how to knock the pheasant unconscious with one stone.

After finishing everything, the man in purple handed Shen Chengyao a jade pendant: "I won't thank you for your kindness. If you need anything, you can take the jade pendant to Dr. Luo and tell him that Shangguan Xuanyi gave you the jade pendant. He will help you when he sees the jade pendant."

Upon seeing this, the boy in blue also took out a jade pendant: "My name is Di Zhaowei. You can also take the jade pendant to the Marquis's Mansion in Fucheng and show it to the people in the Marquis' Mansion. They will notify me."

After the two left, Shen Chengyao also took the three children back to the place where the golden cherry seeds were hidden before. He cut down a small tree as a carrier, divided the three bags of golden cherry seeds into four bags, and carried them down the mountain. I didn't see any animals all the way down the mountain. It was probably because the howling of wolves just now scared the animals into hiding.

After returning home, Shen Chengyao put away his things, closed the door, and called his brothers and sisters to the kang. Mrs. Liu saw Shen Chengyao's serious face and thought something had happened.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Xiao'er, when did you have a master?" Shen Chengyao looked at Xiao'er seriously.

Who is Xiaoer? A person who has experienced great storms in his previous life. Under the watchful eyes of his family, he said calmly: "When I was three years old, I was playing outside and met an old man who was looking for something. I helped him find it and he said I I am destined to be with him, and he accepted me as his apprentice to teach me my skills, but I cannot tell anyone about this."

"Then what did your master teach you? Is he really dead?"

"He must have passed away, not before he left, but he never came to see me after that. He taught me archery, darts, cooking, farming... He taught me a lot, I couldn't finish it all at once, and my parents will know about it in the future. ." Xiaoer was helpless. She knew a lot of things. After all, she had a photographic ability. In her previous life, when she was almost thirty years old, she had already obtained three doctorate degrees.

"My sister is such a great master. Today, my sister threw a hatchet at the tree and the whole wolf was chopped off, including its head." Jing Hao was still hesitant when he thought of the situation at that time.

Ms. Liu was shocked when she heard this, "Wolf? Have you gone into the mountains? Are you injured?"

Shen Chengyao, Jing Rui and Xiaoer all glared at Jing Hao. They really didn't want to lift the pot.

Jing Hao also knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he shrank his neck and hid behind Liu like an ostrich.

"There were two young masters who hugged a wolf cub in the mountains. The wolf was chasing after it. I couldn't just ignore it and save it. Those two were just two big kids." Shen Chengyao said simply. It said there were several wolves, but it didn't say under what circumstances Xiaoer killed Fei Lang.

"The two young masters left two jade pendants to thank us, saying that if you have anything to do, you can go to Doctor Luo or go to Fucheng Marquis Mansion to find someone." Shen Chengyao took out two jade pendants and handed them to Mrs. Liu.

"Children are ignorant and dare to hug wolf cubs. Fortunately, we haven't met a pack of wolves. You can't imitate them. Do you know that you should never go into the mountains?" The four of them looked at each other and didn't dare to say anything more, so they hurriedly agreed.

Ms. Liu took the jade pendant and looked at it. One jade pendant was made of fine red jade, with a unicorn carved on the front and the word "Shangguan" with dancing dragons and phoenixes engraved on the back. The other piece is a rectangular piece of fine black jade pendant with some flowers and birds carved on it. "These two pieces of jade are of really good quality. Those two people should be our young masters. We should save people, but we can't just use this jade pendant to cause trouble." Man." After saying that, he put the jade pendant where the money was and hid it.

Xiao'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that everyone's attention was diverted. If you really say one panic, you should be prepared to say thousands of panics to finish it. It's simply endless.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Zhaowei returned to Doctor Luo's house. Doctor Luo was shocked when he saw blood stains on both of them: "Why is the master injured? Is there an assassin?"

"I met a pack of wolves on the mountain. I'm slightly injured and it's not a problem." Shangguan Xuanyi explained calmly. He frowned slightly, still thinking about Xiao'er's words.

"Why did you encounter a pack of wolves?" Doctor Luo looked at Di Zhaowei.

"Sir, please get some medicine out quickly. My leg was bitten by a wolf and it hurts like hell." How could he say that he was greedy after seeing the wolf cub and wanted to take it home to raise him? Those wolves are also disgusting, hiss, it hurts to death.

"It must be you who caused the problem!" Even so, Doctor Luo didn't waste any time and ran quickly to get the medicine. He also ordered someone to prepare hot water for them to wash themselves.

After they had washed themselves and given medicine, Shangguan Xuanyi said, "Master Luo, we need to check the family we met on the mountain last time. That little girl is very skilled. I always feel that she is the person the Imperial Master was talking about."

Xiao'er would never have thought that her fabricated words would expose herself.

"Okay." Doctor Luo didn't ask any more questions. He was absolutely convinced of this master.

"She's just a child, right? He should be her master." Di Zhaowei felt how capable a child could be.

Shangguan Xuanyi said nothing and looked at the sky. It was just a new star, and its light now was small and weak.

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