Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 28 Middle-aged Uncle

Xiaoer woke up before dawn the next day. When she got up, she found that Mrs. Liu had already cooked a pot of porridge and steamed steamed buns. Shen Chengyao also fried chestnuts according to the method taught by Xiaoer. He had already finished frying the chestnuts, and the aroma was wafting from the pot he was frying.

After Xiaoer washed up, Jing Rui and Jing Hao also got up. After the family had breakfast, Shen Chengyao drove the ox cart and set off for the county with a cart full of things and three children.

When he arrived at the county, Shen Chengyao found a stall, unloaded the things from the oxcart, and then looked for any odd jobs. This street would be patrolled by police officers every market day. The security was very good, and no one dared to cause trouble, so Shen Chengyao can rest assured that his children can sell things here. There are other children selling things in the whole street.

Xiaoer opened the chestnut bag and revealed the roasted chestnuts inside. The aroma of chestnuts soon wafted out. When they smelled the aroma, someone came over and asked, "What is this? It smells so good."

Xiaoer took a look at the woman in front of her. She was in her early thirties and had a kind face. She was holding a little boy of four or five years old beside her. She pointed at the chestnut and said, "Mom, I want to eat this, I want to eat this, this thing." It smells so good.”

Xiaoer grabbed a handful and handed it to the woman: "Sister, these are sugar-roasted chestnuts. They are sweet, soft, and glutinous. You can try them. If you don't like them, you don't have to buy them."

"I can be your mother. You can call me sister or aunt. I don't dare to respond to sister, otherwise others will say that I am shameless." The woman took the chestnuts, peeled them and fed them to her son. One, I also peeled one and ate it.

"I think the eldest sister looks very young. Calling me aunt makes me feel older. You look similar to my sister." As a woman, who doesn't want others to say that she looks younger than her actual age.

The woman was praised, and her face actually smiled a little more. After eating the chestnuts, she also felt that they tasted good: "Did you put honey on your mouth, little girl? It's sweeter than these chestnuts. I'll point it at your mouth. This chestnut is mine." You have to buy it, how can you sell it?”

"Sister is a good person. These chestnuts cost twelve cents per catty. Buy two catties and get half a catty free."

"So expensive?" The woman frowned. Twelve cents was already the price of meat.

"Actually, they are not expensive. If you buy two kilograms, you can get half a kilogram for free, which is only nine hundred and sixty-one kilograms. My chestnuts are fried using a secret method. The meat is delicate, the glutinous grains are soft, sweet and fragrant, and Chestnuts have the effect of beautifying the skin and prolonging life. My eldest sister will stay youthful after eating them. The price is considered cheap. Today is the first time I sell them so I can give them away. The price will go up next episode. No matter how much I buy, I won’t give them away. "

"Mom, buy it, I want to eat it too!" The boy pulled the woman's sleeve and kept shaking it.

"Oh, little ancestor, I will buy it, please stop shaking it."

"Then weigh me two pounds." She originally planned to buy some to try, but her son has been looking forward to it for many years, so he is used to being accommodating. If you don't buy it, he will give you a headache and annoy you. died.

"Okay." Xiaoer responded happily.

Jingrui hurriedly put the chestnuts into the iron pocket on the scale and weighed two and a half kilograms. Xiaoer grabbed two more handfuls of chestnuts and put them in, with the scale's tail raised high. Xiaoer took the lotus leaves and wrapped two and a half kilograms of chestnuts into two bags, tied them with straw and handed them to the woman.

When the woman saw that Xiao'er had already weighed enough, she still put in more, and she was even more happy to give her a copper coin.

Jing Hao counted the twenty-four coins handed over by the woman and accepted them.

The first person to buy will be followed by the second and third... Xiaoer's marketing strategy of buying two kilograms and getting half a kilogram free of charge in the next episode is very effective. People in the world love to take advantage of others. , I feel that I am taking advantage of the things given away, so many people buy them at the same price. Soon half of their chestnuts were sold, leaving only about twenty kilograms.

Not far away, a middle-aged man wearing a navy blue high-quality satin gown, with a tired face, was looking for fresh things on the street. He had just returned from a cargo trip to the southernmost place. Before leaving, he promised to bring delicious food to his children when they came back. Who knew that the fruits he brought were all rotten. He could only take a look at the market before returning home. Are there any fresh things for sale?

He saw a lot of people crowded in front of Xiaoer's stall. Everyone bought two bags of stuff and left, so he walked over.

When it was his turn, there were less than ten kilograms of chestnuts left. "How can I sell these chestnuts?"

"Twelve cents per catty, sell two catties and get one catty free." Xiaoer replied while helping the mother-in-law in front wrap the chestnuts. After wrapping them, she glanced at the man, grabbed a handful and handed them to him: " Uncle, you can give it a try."

The man took it, broke open the shell, put the meat into his mouth, tasted it, threw the rest back into the basket, and nodded: "It tastes good, I want all the rest." After that, he handed it to Xiaoer. A cloth bag.

Jingrui immediately poured all the chestnuts into the sack and weighed them, weighing nine pounds or three taels.

"Nine catties and three taels, that is, we only charge six catties, give away one and a half catties, and then leave one catty and eleven taels. Uncle buys more at one time, and I will count the remaining one catty and eleven taels as one and a half catties of silver. Okay, I’ll give the uncle an extra three taels, so the total will be ninety cents.” Xiaoer happily quoted the price.

The middle-aged man's eyes were widened by Xiaoer's rapid-fire calculations without pause. This little girl is amazing. Her calculation speed is even better than that of his family's boss. What he didn't know was that Xiaoer could calculate ninety cents in just one second. He didn't say 90 Wen immediately because he was taking care of him.

Jing Rui and Jing Hao were also surprised, how could Xiaoer be so powerful.

"Have you ever learned arithmetic, little girl?"

"Well, I have a cousin at home who goes to school, and I studied with him." Xiaoer started lying again.

The two brothers stared at the sky speechlessly, wondering when the eldest cousin would teach her. Usually when she came closer, the eldest aunt would stop her and say not to disturb her eldest cousin's study.

The middle-aged man nodded and saw three baskets behind Xiao'er, so he asked, "Do you have anything else new?" He didn't have much hope when he asked this, and he didn't expect it to be exceeded.

Xiaoer looked at the basket behind her and said, "Uncle, please wait."

Xiaoer walked towards the basket behind her, pretended to flip through it, and then took out an orange, a mango and a small bunch of lychees.

"Do you want these three kinds of fruits, uncle?"

When the middle-aged man saw the oranges, mangos and lychees that Xiaoer brought out, his eyes were bigger than the eyes of a bull, and he snatched them away, "How did you get these fruits?"

"Yesterday, my dad went to the mountains to pick it. It's fresh and very sweet. Uncle, you can smell it." The quality of the products produced by Space is outstanding, and even the smell of the fruity fragrance makes you feel refreshed.

"Why are there mangos on the mountains this season? And is this a lychee? Why does this orange grow so big? Is it an orange or a grapefruit? Are these fruits picked from the mountain? Where are they from? How can they grow so well? Fruit?" The middle-aged man couldn't put it down as he held several fruits and asked several questions in succession.

"I don't know about this. My father brought it back from the mountains. Moreover, a mountain has four seasons and the weather is different ten miles away. Even something as precious as ginseng can grow on the mountain. Why can't it grow good fruits? Uncle, do you want it?" Xiaoer stretched out her hand and pretended to take the fruit back.

"Yes, why don't you want it? Do you still have it? I want it all. Little girl, do you often study with your cousin? There are four seasons in a mountain, and the weather is different ten miles away. It's so good." The middle-aged man shrank his hand and avoided it. Xiaoer stretched out his hand. He also didn’t forget to praise Xiaoer.

These three fruits were the best-growing ones he had ever seen, and he felt that the tributes were not as good as these.

Xiaoer put all the medicinal materials in the basket on the other side, and secretly put some more in during the process, and then handed the basket to the uncle to see.

"There's only so much?" The three kinds of fruits filled half a basket, and the middle-aged man thought they were few when he saw them. "How do you sell these fruits?"

"Uncle has seen the world. This is the first time we have picked these fruits. Let us give you a price." The total amount of fruits in the basket is about thirty kilograms, including ten mangoes and twelve oranges. , about five or six pounds of lychees. Seeing that this man was a straightforward and generous person, Xiaoer asked him to make an offer.

"The little girl is really good at talking."

The man put the fruits in his hands back into the basket, twisted the basket with both hands, made a rough estimate, then put the basket down and said, "Since you can trust me, how about I give you ten taels of silver for these fruits?"

"Since I let the uncle set the price, of course it is the uncle who has the final say." Xiaoer said happily, and he also made the money for the ten taels of silver that she bought for her space. However, this uncle was generous enough to offer ten taels, and at least he would not bully these children.

The middle-aged man took out an ingot of silver and a bunch of money: "There is no need to change the remaining ten coins."

Xiaoer took it and quickly counted out ten coins and handed it to him: "I agreed that ninety coins will be ninety coins. Uncle, hurry up."

The middle-aged man pushed away Xiaoer's little hand and carried the basket on his back. He also picked up the bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts with his right hand, "It's okay. I'll treat the ten coins as if the uncle bought your basket. And maybe the fruit will be returned to the uncle." I took advantage of you."

"Thank you, uncle." After hearing this, Xiaoer was no longer polite and put the copper plate away.

"Next time you have such good fruit, little girl, you can come to me at Hongyun Grocery Store. My surname is Zhou."

"Okay, uncle, walk slowly."

In ancient times, half a catty was calculated as 8 taels.

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