Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 29 Earned a lot of money

After selling out the items, the three of them were packing up and preparing to go to the drug store to sell herbs. Shen Chengyao just came back and found no part-time workers. Now there are more people looking for work in the slack season. Many people have not found work and are staying at the dock.

Shen Chengyao moved two baskets of herbs to the bullock cart. The three children jumped on the bullock cart and set off for Tongde Hall.

Tongdetang is the largest medical clinic in the county and also has a pharmacy. When they arrived at the door of the medical center, Shen Chengyao stayed outside to watch the bullock carts, while the three children went in to sell herbal medicine. Shen Chengyao originally wanted to go in, but Xiaoer said that they could handle it on their own, so they gave up. It was better to give the children a chance to exercise. .

As soon as the three of them entered the pharmacy, someone came up to them and asked, "Do you three need to see a doctor or buy medicine?

Xiaoer asked Jingrui to sell it. Jingrui was the eldest son of the third family. He would be needed to take charge of the family in the future, so he had to be trained early no matter what.

Jing Rui felt a little uneasy, but he stepped forward and put the basket on the ground, pointed at the raw herbs inside and said, "We are here to sell medicinal materials. Brother, do you sell raw herbs here?"

The pharmacy clerk glanced at the medicine in the basket and nodded, "It's collected, please wait." After that, he opened the curtain and walked in. Soon a shopkeeper in his forties or fifties came out and said, "Little brother, do you sell raw herbs?"

Jingrui nodded: "Doctor, do you think your pharmacy needs this herbal medicine?"

"Let me see what medicinal materials they are first." The doctor knelt down and carefully looked through the medicinal materials in the two baskets. When he saw that they were all medicinal materials, they were all correct, and some of them were very good. He nodded, and then stood up. He stood up and said, "Let's collect all these medicinal materials. Follow me to the backyard. There is a scale there."

When we arrived at the backyard, a dedicated worker came forward to take the basket and began to inspect, classify and weigh the medicinal materials.

"You dug these medicinal materials yourself? How do you know these medicinal materials?" The shopkeeper stood aside and registered with a pen and paper.

“When we saw the village doctor digging, we followed suit.”

"We collect all these medicinal materials, but because they are raw and have not been processed, the price is relatively cheap. Moreover, the quality of the medicinal materials are different, and the prices are also different. Chicken bone grass generally costs six cents per catty, and the good ones cost eight cents. Lithospermum is like eight pieces, good ten pieces; Smilax cocos is like eight pieces, good ten pieces, Panax notoginseng is like thirteen pieces, good fifteen pieces, plantain is like two pieces, good three pieces. You guys. What do you think? If there is no problem, just take it and weigh it." The shopkeeper first explained the situation clearly.

Xiaoer felt that the herbs she took out from the space were much better, so she pointed to the separated pile of herbs that were obviously much better and said, "These are high-quality raw herbs. Can the price be higher?"

The shopkeeper took a look and felt that the pile of herbs was much better than what he was used to. After thinking about it for a moment, he nodded: "Then how about adding one cent per pound for each item?"

Xiaoer nodded, and Jingrui said, "Okay, let's take this price. How much do you charge for the medicinal materials that the doctor has concocted?"

"The quality of the processed food also depends on it. If it is processed well, it will be at least twice as good as raw food."

Jingrui's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Then we will bring it over next time we collect it. Do you still want it?"

The shopkeeper smiled: "Yes, we have Tongdetang branches all over the country, and we need a large amount of medicinal materials."

The clerk has weighed all the medicinal materials. Chicken bone grass weighs fifteen kilograms and six cents, and ten kilograms and nine cents; Lithospermum ten kilograms and eight cents, and ten kilograms and eleven cents; Ten pounds of eleven cents; three seventy-six pounds of thirteen cents; twelve pounds of sixteen cents; plantain ten pounds of two cents.

The shopkeeper took the abacus and fiddled with it for a long time before he came up with a number: "A total of one thousand one hundred and fifty-eight yuan."

Wait until Xiaoer wants to say it directly.

The shopkeeper asked the clerk to get the money, and then took a book to teach the three people how to identify several kinds of herbs, saying that they could take them and sell them next time they picked them.

After getting the money, the three of them happily left the drug store, met Shen Chengyao at the door, and got on the bullock cart to go to the grocery store.

Jing Hao sat in the bullock cart and said happily to Shen Chengyao: "Dad, we sold a lot of money."

"Really? You are all better than dad." Shen Chengyao praised happily. The child is capable, and the father will certainly feel proud. But he thought they could earn a few tens of pence at most, and making dozens of pence was already a lot. Nowadays, a day's work costs only 20 to 30 yuan.

"Dad, why don't you ask how much money we make? You are so ignorant!" Jing Hao was unhappy. His father was not wise at all.

"Haha, if I don't ask, can't you tell me! How much money did you make?" Shen Chengyao was made to laugh by his youngest son.

Xiaoer leaned into Shen Chengyao's ear and said a number.

"What, eleven..." Shen Chengyao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xiao'er quickly covered his mouth and whispered: "Dad, don't show off your wealth."

Shen Chengyao also realized that he was too loud and nodded to show that he knew. And he didn't dare to ask any more questions, he just wanted to go home quickly.

Xiaoer originally wanted to go to the grocery store to sell jars and make wine, but Shen Chengyao said he would go to town to buy some tomorrow and go home now. He was worried that someone would take notice of the children who had earned so much money from selling things. It was safer now that there were the most people on the official road home.

Xiao'er didn't insist. One more thing is worse than one small thing.

When we arrived at the gate of the county, we happened to see Shen Zixuan and Li Zhewei preparing to rent a carriage to go home. When they saw their ox cart, they didn't mind getting in the ox cart and going back with them.

Li Zhewei didn't feel uncomfortable sitting on the bullock cart at all, as if the bullock cart was a BMW.

"What are you doing in the county town?"

"We picked some mountain products, and we came over today to sell them on the market day to get some money." Jingrui handed him a straw hat. The sun was still a little strong now, and the ox cart was open-topped.

"Oh? What kind of mountain product?" He reached out and took it and put it on his head naturally. He hadn't hunted for a long time and he wanted to go up the mountain to play.

"Chestnuts and herbs and some fruits."

"What money are these things worth? Why don't you get a sika deer, fox or something like that?"

Xiao'er was helpless. She wanted to see sika deer and fox, but she didn't see any of them after going up the mountain three times.

"Why is it worthless? We sold it for more than ten taels of silver!" Jing Hao was dissatisfied after hearing this.

Xiaoer couldn't help but roll her eyes in her heart. These two father and son were really biological. Jing Hao was quite smart sometimes. Why did he suddenly lose his temper? How much did he sell it for? Do you need to say it so loudly? You see everyone nearby is looking over.

When Jing Hao saw everyone else looking over, he also realized that he was too loud, with a look of annoyance on his face.

Li Zhewei didn't think that more than ten taels of silver was too much, he just thought that they had collected more valuable herbs.

"Zixuan, have you ever gone up the mountain? Let's go up the mountain for fun tomorrow. By the way, we can catch some prey and visit the third uncle's house."

"Young Master Li is so polite. Just come to my house directly. You don't need to bring anything."

"I also miss Third Aunt and Xiaoer's cooking skills. Catching some prey will satisfy my craving. Xiaoer, you have to get me some bait. Only one bag was useful last time."

A few people talked and laughed all the way back.

Back in the village, Shen Chengyao first sent Shen Zixuan and others home, and then returned to his own home. As soon as they entered the yard, they could smell the unique aroma of chicken soup wafting from the kitchen of the east wing. Xiaoer's heart skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition came over her. The two brothers obviously felt it and ran to the back of their house. them

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