Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 30 Taking it without asking is considered stealing

Xiaoer also followed.

Sure enough, a pheasant and a hare were missing from the cage. Jing Hao flattened his mouth and started crying. He had pulled some weeds and vegetables on his way back just now and planned to feed them. Although Jing Rui was also angry, he still touched Jing Hao's head: "Don't cry, let's go get what belongs to us now."

Shen Chengyao was also helpless. The children had just said last night that they wanted to keep the pheasants and hares. He couldn't deal with his sister-in-law's greed for cheap and shameless, so he could only comfort the children: "Forget it, dad." I’ll go up the mountain and catch a few more and come back.”

Xiao'er doesn't agree with this kind of conniving behavior. If it happens like this every time, others will go even worse. She is the most disgusted with people who don't ask for their own things. Hmm, if you dare to steal her things, you have to bear it. as a result of.

There are some people in this world who use family ties as an excuse, thinking that what belongs to their brothers is theirs, and what is theirs is still their own, and they take other people's things more smoothly than their own. If you don’t understand that in this world, no one owes you anything except yourself. Giving it to you is a favor, but not giving it to you is a reason! And many times, what people care about is not so many external things, but only the respect in their hearts. Not asking for it is a sign of disrespect for the other party.

Xiao'er grabbed the two of them: "Hao'er, our home has been robbed. You go to the grain drying field to find your mother. By the way, our home has been robbed. Please speak louder!"

Jing Hao responded, wiped his tears with his sleeve, and ran out. Shen Chengyao couldn't stop him in time. If everyone knows about this, it will affect the family's reputation: "Xiao'er, we are all a family, there is no need to be like this. It would be too embarrassing to tell anyone."

"Dad, we have separated and are no longer a family. Others still want to sell me. The shame is not for my family. And who said it was stolen by my family. The most important thing is that you treat this matter as nothing. If it happens, it means condoning other people's crimes next time. Sometimes if you condone such things too much, others will think that my family's things belong to their family. In the future, they will use my family's fields, houses, and money to cultivate and live in. If the success is his, then you should give it to him or not. Moreover, if my cousins ​​learn to do this now, wouldn't it cause trouble to my brother and Hao'er? If you do something wrong, you should be taught a lesson. A little help brings wisdom." After listening to Shen Chengyao's words, Xiaoer also knew that he was very clear about who stole her things.

"That's not true." Shen Chengyao felt that Xiao'er was exaggerating, but he didn't insist on objecting anymore. There were some things that he didn't care about, but he would not compromise if they would affect his children.

Xiao'er didn't feel like she was being alarmist. An ant's nest could collapse a thousand-mile embankment, and evil would not be enough to destroy oneself! But she couldn't change his mind for a moment. As long as the scar was healed, she would forget about the pain. She just had to stop holding him back now.

"Brother, let's go into the house and see if anything is missing." The two of them ignored Shen Chengyao and went back to the room.

Shen Chengyao scratched his head. The children seemed a little angry with him. He felt a little innocent, but he followed them out.

The two of them checked everything in the room and were relieved when they found that there were no signs of being rummaged through and that nothing was missing.

Xiaoer walked to the kitchen in the east wing and saw Mrs. Li pouring salt into the chicken soup, "Second aunt, are you making chicken soup?"

Mrs. Li felt a little guilty when she saw Xiao'er coming in: "Yes, Hua'er caught a pheasant on the mountain this morning. If not, I will kill it and make some soup to satisfy their craving. You eat meat every day and we eat vegetables. We are so greedy." Your cousins ​​are slobbering all over the floor.”

Xiaoer pointed to the hare in the cage on the ground: "Second aunt, this rabbit looks so much like the one that was missing from my house. Could it be that my second cousin stole it? It just so happened that a pheasant and a hare were missing from my house." .”

Mrs. Li became angry after hearing this. Even a thief would not like others saying she was a thief, so she said fiercely: "Who stole your pheasants and hares? All the hares on this mountain are..." With the same appearance, how can he still have your name? Could it be that your mother secretly killed and cooked it while you were not at home? I smelled the aroma of meat coming from your place at noon. "

Xiao'er didn't argue with her: "It's not just that you stole it. My brother is going to find my mother to ask if she killed her. If not, my brother will report to the police. Now that the New Year is approaching, the matter of stealing is ahead of schedule. When you show up, you must report to the official if something is missing at home, and teach the thief a lesson. Otherwise, if you lose a chicken today, a roe deer tomorrow, and some money the day after tomorrow, that would be annoying enough. You have to teach the thief a lesson, what do you think, Second Auntie? Am I right?"

I'm so big to your mother, Mrs. Li scolded her in her heart: "Hey, which family doesn't throw something away every day? If everyone goes to report to the official, the official will be busy to death, and I heard that reporting to the official will be punished. It's stupid." Li deliberately frightened Xiao'er.

"We're not afraid. We're thick-skinned. No matter how hard we get beaten, we won't be beaten more than that thief. We're not afraid of thieves. What am I afraid of? Second Aunt, you think so!" Xiao'er is not a three-year-old child, so how can she believe her.

"You kid, why are you always talking about thieves? It's so unpleasant to hear." Ms. Li felt that Xiaoer's words were particularly harsh.

"If you don't call him a thief, how can you call him a kind person? How can Second Aunt help the thief speak up?"

"I just asked you to keep your mouth shut." Li said sarcastically.

"I didn't curse the thief, so why do I have no moral integrity? Does Second Auntie know who the thief is? Why do I help him speak in every way?"

"How do I know? I won't mess around with you anymore." Li's eyes dodge and she wanted to run away.

At this time, Jing Hao and Mrs. Liu ran in first, followed by Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen Zhuang, Shen Chengzong, Mr. and Mrs. Shen Chengzu and some villagers. It's a big deal if someone in the village is robbed. It's the end of the year now. Maybe those thieves want to have a good year and start stealing here and there. If they break into their home that day, they will be in trouble. People in the village feel that such a thing is absolutely necessary. Work together to catch the thief.

"Xiao'er, our house was robbed by a thief. What was lost?" Mrs. Liu pulled Xiao'er and asked anxiously.

"Our family lost a hundred coins." Xiaoer deliberately converted a pheasant and a hare into copper coins.

"You lost your money? Old lady, please go to the house and see if you have lost anything." Mr. Shen became anxious after hearing this. He had only lost dozens of taels some time ago, but now that he has lost his money again, he would have to cry. .

Mrs. Shen Zhuang ran into the house before Mr. Shen finished speaking, and Mrs. Lu also returned to her room.

"What's missing is a hundred coins. It's just a pheasant and a hare." Mrs. Li hurriedly explained that this money was different. She took away the pheasant and hare from the third family's house. It can be said that the child is greedy. She thought The third uncle would definitely be willing to give up a pheasant and hare for his nephew to eat. But if the money and money of any family is hidden, you have to go into the house and dig it out before you can take it away. The documents on the division of the family say that you cannot privately embezzle the property of the brothers of the branch. This is really stolen when it comes to the government. She thinks that except for money, everything else can be used. Of course, this theory only applies to third- and fourth-bedroom apartments. This is a typical example of bullying good and fearing evil.

"How did the second sister-in-law know that no money was lost in my house, only a pheasant and a hare?" Ms. Liu just went back to the house and took a look. Indeed, nothing was lost.

"That girl Xiaoer just told me."

"I only said that a pheasant and hare happened to be lost at my house, but I didn't say that a hundred coins were not lost. How can the second aunt be so sure that they were not lost at home?" Xiaoer said aggressively.

"I don't know. I thought you meant that you didn't lose any money! I just said it casually." Ms. Li kept waving her hands and became a little nervous when she saw so many people looking at her. Coupled with her guilty conscience, Ms. Li kept waving her hands. When people look at it, they feel something is wrong.

Everyone was surprised and guessing when they saw her like this.

And when Mrs. Shen Zhuang came out of the house and saw Mrs. Li like this, and smelled the smell of chicken soup in the yard, she didn't understand anything. Mrs. Li must have secretly killed the pheasants from the third family's family to cook the chicken soup, and she felt even more contempt for her. , this Li family specializes in doing these morally corrupt things. As soon as my mind changed, I couldn't help but come up with a plan, hum, I'll let you hide your private money! Let you dig a trap to harm me! Shen Zhuang pretended to be nervous and shouted: "It's terrible, old man, the one tael of silver I put in the cabinet this morning is missing."

When Mr. Shen heard that the money was really missing, he lost all thought of guessing that it was Li's fault. He knew that Li's character was not very good, but he still couldn't do it when it came to stealing the family's money. That can only be a real thief.

At this time, Mrs. Lu also came out. Shen Chengzu asked her if she had lost anything. She shook her head.

"Master, since so many things have been lost at home, we have to report it to the government! We have to let the government investigate. It is best to arrest the thief and put him in jail. Otherwise, we don't know what the thief will steal next time, or which house he will steal from." Xiaoer is deliberately alarmist.

Looking at Li's nervous expression, Xiaoer sneered in her heart, not afraid that you wouldn't admit it.

Other people in the village also thought it was reasonable and supported reporting to the official.

"Don't report to the official. You can't report to the official. It's such a small matter. There's no need to report to the official!" Seeing that everyone said they wanted to report to the official, Li became even more panicked.

At this time, Shen Chengzong clapped his hands on his thighs and said loudly: "Oh, look at my memory. This morning Zhi'er said he wanted to eat chicken, so I went to the backyard of Laosan's house to catch one. I thought I would go up the mountain to catch one for Lao San later. Third, I forgot to tell my third brother and sister at that time. It was a misunderstanding. There is no need to report it to the official. It is all a misunderstanding." Shen Chengzong laughed, but this matter has been going on for a long time, and now that he has forgotten it, who will believe it.

Mrs. Li also quickly said: "Yes, it's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

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