"I believe Brother Di can definitely do this little thing well."

"Girl~" Shangguan Xuanhao called Xiaoer pitifully when he saw that Xiaoer's attention was immediately attracted to Di Shaowei.

Xiaoer was so stunned by this sound that all the hairs on her body stood up. I really didn’t expect this person to have the potential to be a duck.

The other two people also looked at him unbearably. This man really did whatever it took to achieve his goals.

"Girl~" Shangguan Xuanhao called again.

Xiao'er shuddered after hearing this. She really couldn't bear it anymore: "Stop screaming, why don't I promise?"

If she keeps calling like this, she will have nightmares.

"You don't have to force yourself, you have no obligation!" Shangguan Xuanyi was dissatisfied when her imperial brother forced her like this.

Shangguan Xuanhao was so angry that he almost fell down after hearing this. This man is here to tear down the bridge! He wouldn't help his brother when he was in trouble. He would remember it first and settle the accounts next time. The most important thing now was to deal with Xiao'er girl.

"Girl, thank you, I knew you were the best, so I'll leave it to you to organize the welcome ceremony and talent show for this Longevity Festival." Shangguan Xuanhao decided to stick with Xiaoer first for any good things in the future. At the critical moment, it was his sister-in-law who was there to support him. He hoped that the people in the Ministry of Rites would not change their ways, and even the disgrace of Min Zeguo would be thrown to the Japanese state!

As for his younger brother, alas, boys are extroverted and forget their mother after marrying a daughter-in-law. My brother completely forgets her! It’s okay not to mention it anyway.

"It's okay. I have some ideas. How about we discuss it?" Xiao'er, who was able to help her, would not refuse her friend's request. She was just teasing Shangguan Xuanhao just now.

"If you have any difficulties, just raise them. It doesn't matter if you can't solve them. Those in the Ministry of Rites can't just take their salaries and do nothing!" Shangguan Xuanyi said nothing more when Xiaoer said this.

Shangguan Xuanhao's eyes lit up after hearing Xiaoer's words!

"Quick, tell me what you think?"

"No rush. I need to understand the situation first before talking?"

Xiaoer then asked where the venue for this performance was, how big it was, how many missions had prepared the show, whether the performance was just for meals or if there was a dedicated time, etc.

Shangguan Xuanhao answered them all.

"Do you think Japan and Korea came here just to celebrate their birthdays or do they have other purposes?" Xiaoer thought about it and asked.

"I guess I heard that we had natural disasters in the past few years and the people were in dire straits, so we want to cause trouble again!" Dishaowei expressed disgust for these people from the bottom of his heart.

Recently I heard that Japanese pirates are active frequently, and his father has already written a letter, planning to lead troops to teach them a profound lesson after the year!

It's true that if you don't fight for three days, you can go to the house and uncover the tiles!

"Hmph! The weasel has no good intentions when it comes to wish the rooster a happy New Year!" Shangguan Xuanhao snorted coldly.

"Who are you calling a chicken?" Xiaoer couldn't help but joked.

"Isn't this a slip of the tongue!" Shangguan Xuanhao glanced at Xiaoer sadly.

Xiaoer couldn't help but stand on end. Shangguan Xuanhao must have taken the wrong medicine today! Not normal!

"The birthday greeting is fake, but the test is real!" Shangguan Xuanyi said slowly.

Xiaoer was silent for a while and then spoke out her thoughts.

"Okay, this is the style of a great country." Shangguan Xuanhao exclaimed after hearing this.

"Just hearing what you said makes me look forward to it. I used to doze off at times like this, but this year I probably won't be able to see enough!" Di Shaowei was also full of praise.

"Okay." After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't hide the sparkle in his eyes, and he obviously felt very good!

Seeing that they all felt good, Xiaoer said happily: "Then it's settled! Take the time to select everyone tomorrow, and then focus on training! There is not much time left."

The three nodded.

"I'll pick you up early tomorrow morning. When will we set off?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer gently, who exuded confidence.

It's late summer now, and it still gets light early and gets dark late.

Xiaoer thought for a while and said: "At the beginning of Mao Shi!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi frowned. It was too early at this time. This girl was just growing up. Getting up too early was not good for her health.

"It's the end of the day! Getting up early is not good for your health!"

It was around seven o'clock at the end of Mao Shi, and we didn't set out until seven o'clock. The day lilies were already cold!

"I get up at the end of the Yin period every day, so let's say it's the beginning of the Mao period!"

"Okay, it's settled!" Shangguan Xuanhao made the decision in one fell swoop. There was no way Shangguan Xuanyi was unreliable! We didn’t set off until the sun was already beating down on our butts. At the end of the day, we really didn’t have to do anything, and we could all use it to travel!

In the following days, Xiaoer would go out before dawn and return home after dark. Shangguan Xuanyi would stay with her every day, and it would make her heartache to look at her increasingly thin face. Then he would not look good every day. Shangguan Xuanhao looked.

Shangguan Xuanhao doesn't care about him. Anyway, this person usually doesn't have a good face, his face looks like ice cubes!

After Xiaoer's pink face turned into an oval face and her fair skin turned into a wheat color, Longevity Festival is finally coming.

The princes and court officials from all over the country who came to the imperial capital to celebrate his birthday had all arrived a few days ago.

Even envoys from other countries arrived a day or two in advance.

All the streets in the Imperial City are lined with three steps, one soldier, five steps and one sentry.

This is only what can be seen on the surface. There are many soldiers hidden in the dark.

In this serious atmosphere, those who commit petty theft are afraid to take risks.

But the people in the imperial capital were used to it. Although they would worry about bumping into the nobles when going out, they would not dare to go out because of worry.

In fact, at this time, even if you collide with noble people, those noble people can only turn big things into small things and small things into nothing.

The emperor has granted amnesty to the whole world, who dares to care so much!

It was a sunny day and the gates of the Forbidden City were wide open to welcome the officials.

Ministers must line up to enter the palace according to their official positions at Yin Shi.

The long queue entering the palace underwent routine inspection before dawn, and it took two hours for all the officials and wives to complete the inspection.

Xiaoer and Shen Chengyao, led by Xiao Fuzi holding the token, walked all the way through the green channel.

Xiao Fuzi took the two of them directly to their place, and immediately a palace maid came up with a tray of food.

"This is specially prepared by my master. The county master and the Marquis should eat something to cushion their bellies first. It will be a long time before the palace banquet begins!" Xiao Fuzi said while watching the palace maid place the food.

Xiaoer took a look at the tables of other officials and saw some food placed on them, but they were all unheated snacks and the like.

These things in front of me are still steaming slightly, which shows Shangguan Xuanyi's intentions.

"Thank you, Master, for me." Xiaoer felt that her heart was steaming like the food in front of her at this moment.

"Okay, Mr. Marquis and the girl, please eat quickly! This food will have to be removed before the emperor comes. Xiao Fuzi will leave first."

Shen Chengyao and Xiaoer nodded, and then started eating.

They are all Xiaoer's favorites and they taste really good.

Many people looked at this scene with contemplation, envy, jealousy, and surprise... each in their own way.

I'm very happy to see the comments from book friends, but I'm also embarrassed. Regarding the update, I'm really... a newbie, and I don't have enough brain capacity, so I can't guarantee it... I'm very sorry, and thank you, I'm so slow. Update speed. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your votes.

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