"Your Majesty has arrived~" the sound was like a loud bell, ringing three feet around the beam.

All the officials knelt down and kowtowed, and shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live my emperor!"

The voices were uniform and unified, resounding throughout the night.

The emperor walked to the dragon chair on the main throne and sat down, then let everyone sit down.

Then hundreds of officials took the initiative to offer congratulatory gifts.

Since there are envoys from other countries, as a country of etiquette, courtesy is indispensable.

Therefore, envoys from other countries are the first to come forward.

This time the people from the Eastern Jin Dynasty were Zhuge Xin and An Yi. They presented a Hetian white jade ornament of half a man's height to the longevity star. The whole piece of jade was transparent and flawless, and the carving was excellent and lifelike. Xiaoer saw it. They were all jealous.

Half a man tall Hetian Baiyu! Anyi’s husband is so willing! However, she heard that the Eastern Jin Dynasty was rich in jade, and her heart bleeds when she thought of the birthday gift her family was about to give her.

She must go to the Eastern Jin Dynasty once! Buy more low-quality jade and cultivate it in the space! Xiaoer clenched her fist secretly!

As for the gifts from other countries, they all have local characteristics. Korea has Korean celadon and Korean ginseng, and other nearby countries have bloody BMWs or various genius treasures that are only produced in their own countries, and there are even gifts for beauties...

Xiaoer secretly glanced at the queen beside the emperor and found that the queen was not affected at all and still smiled sweetly.

As expected, those who can be queens have the heart of a mother who cares about the world.

Xiaoer still didn't know that the emperor only had one queen in his eyes and heart. The queen's behavior was because of the confidence the emperor had given her over the years.

When it was the turn of the Japanese envoys to offer congratulatory gifts, the congratulatory gift they presented was actually an iron cannon!

Xiao'er's face darkened when she saw this thing, it was indeed a provocation!

But except for Xiaoer, no one present knew what it was.

Xiaoer couldn't figure out what went wrong in history, and why the Japanese country now had iron cannons!

The iron cannon is the matchlock gun, the direct prototype of the modern rifle! In the previous life, the matchlock had a milestone significance in the history of firearm development. With the development of the matchlock, human wars entered the era of hot weapons from cold weapons!

However, it’s useless to think about where history went wrong. If it’s messed up, it’ll be messed up! She is just a baby now, so she is not afraid!

Shangguan Xuanyi's thoughts had always been on Xiaoer. Seeing her expression change, he glanced at the gift, and then he frowned, what is this?

"Your Majesty, this is a newly developed weapon in our country called an iron cannon. Let me use a bow and arrow as an analogy. The killing distance of a bow and arrow is 80 meters, and the effective killing distance is 40 meters. So the killing distance of this iron cannon is 200 meters. , the effective killing range is fifty meters. This thing is extremely powerful. The emperor specially asked me to bring the iron cannon to celebrate your majesty's birthday. I think your country does not have such a powerful weapon! It was specially sent to your majesty for appreciation. I wonder if your majesty will Do you like this gift?" The smile on the Japanese envoy's face was sincere, but his words were awkward!

The faces of all the civil and military officials in the main hall turned dark after hearing this!

What does it mean! Come to show off that their country's weapons are more powerful than our own. Is this a birthday celebration or a provocation?

In the eyes of Deshawei's father, this was a naked fight! He took action!

Di Shaowei hurriedly stopped his fiery-tempered general father: "Dad, please be patient! The emperor hasn't said anything yet! Don't hit the smiling man with your hand."

General Di snorted and sat down.

After hearing this, Xiaoer glanced at the matchlock gun with disdain. This kind of matchlock gun was too slow and inconvenient to fight. Maybe the gunman fell down before the shot was fired, so it was not Worthy of reuse.

The emperor just said lightly: "Your Majesty is interested."

Then Prime Minister Zuo of this dynasty stepped forward to present the congratulatory gift with a wink, and all the officials followed closely...

All kinds of rare treasures, exquisite ornaments, rare medicinal materials, and precious flowers are all dazzling.

Xiaoer watched some of the imperial officials competing with each other with provocative eyes, and shook her head secretly. She wondered if this was a fight between fish and clam, with the fish and the clam benefiting.

This Wanshou Festival, the emperor’s small treasury has gained a lot!

The emperor is used to seeing good things, and considering what the Japanese envoy said just now, he was not particularly surprised to see so many good things.

Until Shen Chengyao stepped forward: "Your Majesty, this is the jade and clan wall that my daughter got by chance. I wish your Majesty the longevity of the emperor and the prosperity of the Minze Dynasty from generation to generation!"

Heshibi! He's wall worth fifteen cities!

Everyone present except Zhuge Xin and An Yi changed their expressions.

The reason Zhuge Xin and his wife didn't change their faces was because this Heshibi was the one he sold to Xiaoer when he opened a second-hand shop.

How could Baiding, the Marquis of Shengping, have such a rare jade, a rare treasure in the world.

Even the jade seal used by the emperor now is only carved from Lantian white jade.

The Jade from Jingshan Mountain and the Pearl from the Spiritual Snake are treasures that can only be found but not sought.

The emperor held the Heshibi and blurted out unconsciously:

"The essence of the years fell on Jingshan Mountain and turned into jade. When you look at it from the side, it looks blue, when you look directly at it, it looks white... Well, Marquis Shengping's gift is deeply in my heart. I appreciate it! I will reward you many times!"

The emperor burst into laughter after saying this.

With Shen Chengyao as Heshibi, the atmosphere became lively again.

The Japanese country is a small country, unlike the Minze Dynasty, which is vast and rich in resources. Naturally, it does not have such treasures. Looking at it from the side can only make you jealous. If you get red eye, you will want to infect others and make others feel uncomfortable.

The emperor also arranged for two warriors to give them a show of strength!

"Your Majesty, the Emperor specially sent two warriors to entertain His Majesty. I wonder if Your Majesty can send warriors from your country to perform a wonderful fight with them?"

The emperor glanced at the Japanese envoy, wondering when it would be his turn to ostracize the guests.

"There's no rush, you've come a long way and you're just a guest, so let's do our best as landlords first."

After saying this, the emperor glanced at the eunuch behind him.

The old eunuch waved his fly whisk and said in a loud voice, "Have fun~"

A sound of music that broke tradition sounded,

A huge scroll slowly spreads out on the ground,

The melodious singing sounds~

Welcome another morning and bring fresh air

The smell changes and the taste remains unchanged. The fragrance of tea is full of friendship.

My door is always open and my arms are waiting for you

Twenty women in flowing gauze skirts began to dance~

No matter far or near, we are all guests, so you are welcome.

With the graceful figure of the woman, her clothes are flying, and every piece of clothes is in the scroll, and colorful ink stains will appear on the white scroll.

Minze welcomes you and creates a new world for you

Picturesque, poetic and smiling, just waiting for you

Everyone on the scene was shocked by this picture. How could you create a painting without a pen or ink?

Is it really just the slight touch of those clothes on the paper that leaves color?

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