Xiaoer took a look at the woman's clothing on the field. It was a judo uniform.

She also knows a little bit about judo, okay?

"Help me find a trousers suit." Xiaoer said to Shangguan Xuanyi who had just come around.

There are absolutely no judo uniforms or anything like that, so I can only change into a pair of convenient trousers.

"Girl, are you going to play in person?" Shangguan Xuanhao asked in surprise.

"Otherwise?" Her need to change clothes was a good proof.

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that Xiaoer's skills were not bad, and he trusted his little girl very much. If she wanted to take action, she felt that she would be sure of it. He turned around and ordered the maid behind him to make arrangements.

"Why don't you send someone up to test it first? You also know that the Japanese people are treacherous. There are a lot of rules in the competition. Even these twists and turns can kill people!" Shangguan Xuanhao didn't know his skills and was worried. She loses and loses her face. If there is a female guard in front of her who loses, it would be natural for her to lose again, right?

"Do you still want to be ridiculed by this Japanese man again? The whole continent has been humiliated! I can't stand it!" She wanted to go up during the sumo wrestling, but the man just wore less clothes, and they women It needs to be blocked by a screen. If she goes up to fight, no one will agree!

Things are different now. The Japanese were smart enough to send a woman to the stage, hoping to completely trample the dignity of their country under their feet. She went up to let him have a taste of what it means to shoot oneself in the foot.

"I'm not worried that you won't be able to step down if you lose!" Shangguan Xuanhao muttered softly.

Xiaoer still heard what he said, and she really wanted to kick him out of the palace to see if he still dared to say that he would lose! It really makes others’ ambitions grow and destroys one’s own prestige!

Shangguan Xuanyi asked Xiao Fuzi to say something, and Xiaoer changed clothes and came on stage soon.

"Watch, let's see how I throw her and make her cry father and mother. Then you arrange for someone to make fun of me when I come back!" Xiaoer left these words and went to change clothes in an angry manner.

It was the first time that Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer acting so "childish", as if he hated Japanese people from the bottom of his heart. He looked at Xiaoer's leaving figure thoughtfully.

Shangguan Xuanhao was also stunned for a moment by Xiaoer's exposure of "strong emotions". When he realized what was happening, he couldn't help but be ecstatic and hurried to make arrangements.

After vomiting, Di Shaowei did not return to his original position. He walked over and saw that one of the two people was furious and the other was overjoyed. He felt confused and pointed at their backs and asked Shangguan Xuanyi: "This What happened?"

Shangguan Xuanhao made Xiaoer angry because of his weak mouth?

Recently, for the Wanshou Festival performance, the two of them spent more time together, so they often saw the two bickering, but that girl was not a loser. She was the one who made Shangguan Xuanhao furious every time!

Is the tide turning today?

"Xiao'er fights."

"Is that girl going to play in person? Okay! This time I will definitely beat that wimp to death." Di Shaowei said this with no idea where the confidence came from.

But even Shangguan Xuanyi next to him thought so.

The two said nothing more and focused their attention on the field.

The Japanese envoy still explained the rules of the game before the game.

After the two people on the stage saluted each other, they began to take action.

Judo also has tactics, right? After Xiaoer came on the stage, she didn't just KO her opponent. Instead, she used all kinds of abuse. She used all the techniques of Judo, including throwing techniques, sacrificing techniques, holding techniques, choke techniques, and joint techniques. She beat the opponent continuously. There was no chance to admit defeat, and in the end he threw her until she was dizzy.

Today she will give these Japanese a lesson and let them know what judo is!

The emperor looked at it on the dragon throne and couldn't help shouting "Okay! Haha..."

The Japanese envoy's face could not be darker this time.

The people arranged by Shangguan Xuanhao began to make sarcastic remarks.

"How about it? Are there any warriors who are going to play? Why don't your country bring out more warriors? We can also compare whether your country has more warriors or our country has more heroes!"

"Is there any need to compare? The whole country is only as big as our state capital. Even if they bring out the best, they still can't compare to a little girl from my dynasty. This is simply incomparable!"

"According to me, you should also bring some children over, and let's have a good discussion."

"No, adults are bullied like this by our children, and the children don't know what will happen to them. Children are the future of the country. If they beat people up, will their country still have a future? Think about me All scared."

Xiao'er also looked at the Japanese envoy and said: "As the host of the game just now, we still need to be polite. To defeat you all at once would be too embarrassing for you, right! As a country of etiquette, we will not He did something that made it impossible for the guests to get off the stage! And this competition also wants to tell everyone what kind of talents we have as a large country. You see, even a little girl like me can defeat this high-ranking official. My aunt was beaten to a pulp, so you know how powerful our country's warriors are!"

"But why are the men in your country so irresponsible? We men in the Minze Dynasty are not willing to let women come out and show their faces like this. In our country, men are responsible for making money and supporting the family and protecting the country. Women only need to stay at home. Just be as beautiful as a flower."

"The beautiful women at home are more powerful than the first warrior of your country. I would like to ask how your country's warriors are selected?" Shangguan Xuanhao humbly asked the Japanese envoy for advice.

After hearing these words, the Japanese envoy was so angry that a mouthful of blood surged up, but he swallowed it hard.

Envoys from other countries did not dare to say anything when they saw this, and decided to stand still.

Seeing that the suffocation was almost gone, the emperor said, "Okay, noon is approaching, let's have dinner first."

After lunch and a short rest, the emperor led all the civil and military officials to watch the military parade.

Military parade is the best way to display national strength and military prestige. When Xiaoer heard that Japan and Korea also sent envoys, she thought of using this method to express her grand welcome to the envoys from each country!

The horn is flying, the flag is hunting, the leading general is wearing armor, with a sword on his waist, a bow and quiver hanging on his waist, and a bloody horse under his crotch. Every general is heroic and every soldier is full of energy!

Each square team marched forward in a uniform pace, listening to the passwords, performing movements, shouting slogans...

Queue: Viewed horizontally, vertically and diagonally, it is a straight line.

Actions: Every time you raise your hand, every turn, every step, no one does it earlier or later, it's so neat that it seems like it was all done by one person!

Slogan: In unison and loudly!

People are so easy to forget. People have brains and are easy to train. Even the movements of the horses under the cavalry are uniform. How is this achieved? !

This tacit understanding, this unity, all declare what it means - united as one!

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