The phalanx passed by, weapons displayed.

The envoy from other countries was slightly shocked.

In addition to familiar weapons, why are there so many unfamiliar ones...

Dragon sword and spear, horse spear, horse sword, Fang Tian painted halberd, ninja staff, war sickle...

They have never seen any of these.

Looking at the rows of soldiers passing by with their heads held high and their weapons close to their bodies, they looked like they were very powerful...

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Some people's eyes became dim and unclear.

Then, some soldiers showed off their strength. The purpose, of course, was to scare those who harbored evil intentions.

Archers Review

Ten archers, following the command, walked to the center of the field in unison.

"Stand at attention!" the general ordered.

"Turn left!" A row of ten archers moved in unison.

"Get ready!" They all drew their bows with powerful movements.

"Fire arrows!" Ten arrows were fired simultaneously, hitting ten bullseyes lined up in the distance at the same time.

There was not much time for them to aim, but everyone was accurate! It can be seen that the archery skills are extraordinary!

"Turn right and walk together!"

Crossbowmen review

...Everyone fired three arrows at once, and all of them hit the target!

Cavalry Archer Review

...Everyone still hits the moving bullseye while running quickly!

Finally, Xiaoer put on men's clothes, put on thick eyebrows, put on makeup, and her tanned complexion, which made her look like a young hero. Except for insiders, no one else could recognize her. The appearance has changed. She brought along nine young boys who were the same height as her and had been trained in the secret guard organization since they were children, and together they used actions to tell their friends in the country what it means to be strong as a young boy!

The ten young men moved in unison, drawing their bows and releasing arrows!

Xiaoer's arrow shot directly through the first target and landed directly on the bullseye in the second row!

The other nine teenagers all hit the red heart.

Many people stood up when they saw it.

Is such a young child so good at archery? !

This will happen when you grow up! This is an incredible rhythm!

Well, in fact, there is a magnet behind the archery target that the little friends shoot at. Xiaoer shot through the first target, so no one would think that the target had been tampered with.

Well, as long as you know it yourself, it's just for bluffing outsiders anyway. It’s not enough for outsiders!

After all, not every child has traveled through time or been reborn, so how can he be so good at archery? It must be trained with sweat, blood and fat over many years!

The military parade is a display of force that inspects the troops and intimidate the enemy. No matter what their intentions are when they come to participate in this Longevity Festival, I believe they can get the answers they want.

If they plan to have friendly diplomatic relations, then the military parade is for them to imitate.

If the Minze Dynasty is eyeing the Minze Dynasty, the military parade is used to intimidate the princes and generals of various countries.

The purpose of this military parade is - I want to tell you that our troops are strong and indestructible!

Our country is indeed rich, but not just anyone can take a bite!

We will show part of our strength. Whether you believe it or not, it is better to be skeptical.

After the military parade, the envoys from other countries were shocked and thoughtful.

Even the civil servants of this dynasty and the princes of various fiefdoms were shocked.

Seeing everyone's expressions, the emperor stroked his beard and nodded with satisfaction.

The emperor smiled and said: "What do you think of our country's military strength? Because of lack of time, I can only show part of it. You are welcome to come and see the rest when you have the opportunity!"

"Your country is rich and powerful. Even if you only show a small part of it, it is enough to put us to shame. Not only is your country strong in the military, but I heard that you can also grow high-yield grains. Rice and wheat can produce thousands of kilograms per hectare. I wonder what it is like." Planted? We also want to buy some seeds to go back to?" the Koryo envoy said with a smile.

They heard that the grain yield grown by Min Zeguo had increased several times, and they wanted to buy seeds this time. So the posture has been kept low.

The envoys from other countries widened their eyes after hearing this. Then everyone wants to buy it.

"This matter has been discussed in detail, and we have not promoted it yet."

"Your country's military strength is really eye-opening and intimidating! Your country's iron smelting technology seems to have improved a lot? Those weapons are so sharp." Those swords and guns looked so sharp that they seemed to bleed when touched.

"It's improved a lot!" The emperor smiled and nodded, feeling very happy. If it were a peacock, he would have opened his tail to show off.

"I wonder if your majesty can teach you something?" The envoy from a certain country quickly bowed and said, licking his face.

There is nothing we can do about it, their country is very weak in this regard.

"Let's talk again, let's talk again." The emperor did Tai Chi.

Just kidding, you and I are not from the same country, how can I give it to you!

"Your Majesty, I wonder if the BMW in your country is bred by yourself or bought from somewhere." The envoy from a country on the grassland was thinking about the horse he just saw.

Those BMWs must be spiritual to be able to become one with the soldiers.

For a country that relies on the sale of horses, cattle and sheep to survive, good stallions are the capital for the country's survival.

In the entire continent, they dare to say that the quality of the horses produced in their country is first, and no one dares to say that they are second!

But now he sees the crisis. Those horses seem to be, no, those horses are definitely better than the horses from his own country!

Although he didn't want to admit it, the fact was the fact.

If other countries could breed large quantities of horses, who would buy their horses? If no one buys them, then their citizens will have to eat grass like horses!

The emperor glanced at General Di, he didn't know about this either.

"Those horses were bred by our country." General Di said proudly.

When he saw these horses, he was excited for a long time!

All men love horses, especially BMWs!

The envoy's face turned pale after hearing this, but he said nothing. The impact of this incident was too great, and he had to return home quickly to report to the king to find countermeasures.

The Japanese envoy was silent. He was a little unsure about how strong Min Ze was. In terms of weapons, his country's iron cannons were not weak, but they still had shortcomings that needed to be improved.

I don’t know if Min Zeguo’s weapons are useful or not!

Thinking of this, he shook his head again.

Fortunately, they still have a secret weapon that can kill everyone without losing any soldiers!

"Your Majesty, pirates have been rampant in the southeastern sea recently. They are burning, killing, looting, and smuggling goods. It is really abominable. I request you to set out on a day to set off an expedition to drive out these pirates!" General Di knelt down in front of the emperor to request an order. He read the last few words. The Japanese envoy spoke loudly.

After hearing this, many other civil and military officials came out and said:

"I'll wait for you to negotiate the price."

The emperor glanced at the Japanese envoy unintentionally and said, "It's accurate!"

The envoys from other countries looked at the Japanese envoys intentionally or unintentionally.

Many people have the idea that it would be best if both parties lose, and they can reap the benefits.

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