Shangguan Xuanyi was talking to the emperor and empress in the room. He had sharp ears and eyes, and had been paying attention to the movements outside, wondering when Xiao'er would arrive.

When he heard Nanny Rong's anxious voice coming from outside, he walked out, just in time to hear her words.

"Where's the girl?" He came to Grandma Rong with a quick stride.

Shangguan Xuanyi had never seen Nanny Rong looking so panicked, and he couldn't help but feel panic in his heart.

"In the direction of the Meridian Gate, the girl went to follow the Japanese envoys. They have smallpox virus in their bodies." Grandma Rong said concisely and to the point.

But Shangguan Xuanyi was smart and knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. Then he didn't say anything and used Qinggong to chase after him.

Along the way, he wished he could grow a pair of wings.

That girl was too courageous. The Japanese were cruel and violent. They killed people and set fires in the border areas. They robbed and burned everything. They committed all kinds of evil. He couldn't imagine what they would do if the Japanese envoys found out that she was following them and knew their secrets. she!

What if they used the source of smallpox on her? There is no cure for smallpox!

Damn it, why is the palace so big!

Shangguan Xuanyi chased them all the way to the Meridian Gate without seeing them.

"Did you see Lord Rui'an and the Japanese envoy?" Shangguan Xuanyi grabbed the guard guard and asked.

Some officials near the palace gate saw him busy saluting, but he ignored them.

"They left the palace one after another more than a quarter of an hour ago."

"Which direction?"

The soldier quickly pointed in a direction.

Shangguan Xuanyi used Qinggong again to chase after him.

The officials and soldiers near the palace gate looked at each other in confusion. What happened to make the sixth prince, whose face remained unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai, so panicked?

Then Huang Wei hurried over with a group of elite soldiers, "Have you seen the Japanese envoy?"

The gatekeepers were experienced this time and pointed directly in one direction.

Huang Wei immediately led people to chase him.

Is something big going to happen? the onlookers thought.

Xiaoer followed the three Japanese envoys all the way, and saw that they were not walking in the direction of the inn, but in the direction of the river, so she guessed their plan, which was to release the smallpox virus in the upper reaches of the river.

We can't let them go to the river! This is the only thought in Xiaoer's heart.

In fact, the Japanese people did think so. The current imperial capital city has three soldiers and one guard, and the Forbidden City is even more heavily guarded. They decided not to take risks at night and decided to find a water source upstream to release the virus. He quickly left Beijing.

Besides, it has been a few days since the virus was released before. The incubation period after smallpox infection is usually about ten days, but there is no guarantee that some people will not get sick early. What if those people come to the Imperial City again and accidentally come into contact with it, it will be terrible, even if it is There is no way to cure this disease in their country.

Xiaoer stepped forward and stopped them:

"Young Master Shoichi Yoshida, I only competed with one other young master on the field just now. I haven't tried it with you yet. How about we find a place to compete?"

The three of them looked at each other when they heard this. Was this person following them all the way?

Perhaps they were planning to do something bad, but suddenly they found someone following them, and they couldn't help but become more vigilant.

Could this person have overheard their words and know what they were going to do?

No, they have been very careful about this matter, and they all spoke Mandarin along the way.

This girl is so young, there is no way she can understand!

But it is better not to cause unnecessary problems.

"Let's compete next time! We have something to do and are in a hurry to return home."

"It's almost dark now. No matter how anxious you are, you can leave tomorrow. Is it possible that you are afraid that you will be even more embarrassed if you lose? Yoshida Shoichi, your reputation as the number one is not wasted. Right?" Xiaoer had to use provocation.

In short, no matter whether they are willing or not, they have to compete if they want to! You have to compete even if you don’t want to!

She had to use this excuse to take them down one by one.

As the first samurai of Japan, Yoshida Shoichi would never listen to these words! What's more, a little girl provoked him!

Just when Yoshida Shoichi wanted to compete, the Japanese envoy stopped him.

"We have something urgent, let's say goodbye!" The Japanese envoy felt a little uneasy and pulled the other two people to leave.

"You're not really afraid of being beaten by me, are you? You want to run away if you can't beat me? The warriors of your country really have a warrior spirit!"

Yoshida Shoichi was completely angered by these words, and the other two couldn't hold him back and rushed towards Xiao'er.

Such a little kid dares to show off his power in front of him!

He can throw her out of the city with one hand!

Xiaoer knew that the three Japanese envoys all carried the source of the smallpox virus, and they were hidden in bottles in their clothes.

It would be much easier to arrest these three people only if they got the three vials of smallpox virus first.

Otherwise, if they jump over the wall in a hurry and use this ultimate move, it will be really bad!

Thanks to her photographic memory, she only remembered that she had inadvertently browsed Guo Niang's information about smallpox in her previous life, and knew that smallpox, a virus, reproduces quickly and can spread through the air at an alarming speed.

Suppose 3,000 people in a certain state in the United States are infected with smallpox. Within twelve days, the virus will spread to all parts of the United States, affecting millions of people!

Yoshida lifted Xiao'er up one by one, and Xiao'er grabbed his lapel, but before he could take the thing, he threw it out.

I originally thought of taking advantage of him to lift me up, reaching out to grab the front of his clothes, and then taking the opportunity to put my hand into his clothes to put the bottle into the space.

But this man's strength is too great! The strength that her small body could provide was not enough. Xiaoer was thrown to the ground so hard that her butt hurt so much that she couldn't help grinning.

Again! She endured the pain and quickly stood up and rushed towards him.

"Hmph! Looking for death!" Yoshida sneered when he saw that she dared to come again!

This person caused the three of them to be embarrassed in front of so many people just now, and now she comes to the door on her own. If he makes a mistake, he can be justified in beating her to death!

When Xiao'er rushed over, he grabbed Xiao'er's skirt with one hand and planned to throw her to the boulder in the distance.

Xiaoer also took advantage of the situation and grabbed his shirt tightly, then lowered her head and bit his arm hard. His fingers slid into his clothes and successfully closed the bottle of virus.

Yoshida was feeling pain in his arm and didn't notice Xiaoer's movements. He used more strength to throw Xiaoer away.

When Xiaoer flew out, she grabbed the Japanese envoy's clothes and pulled him behind her. It was so painful that she had to find a place to support her.

The envoy from Japan had no skills and was thin, so he was easily pulled down by Xiaoer and became a pain in the ass.

Xiaoer's whole body hit him, and it was so painful that his breathing stopped at that second.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you okay? I didn't mean it, it was just an instinctive reaction."

Xiaoer immediately sat up, groped around on him, and took the opportunity to take away another bottle of virus.

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