One more bottle! Get that bottle too, and you're dead! Xiaoer stood up.

Shangguan Xuanyi rushed over, and what he saw from a distance was that Xiaoer was thrown out. Then she pulled someone to support her, then sat on that person and started to move her hands on him!

After his heart was raised, his face turned dark again!

"She stole my bottle!" Yoshida Shoichi found that the virus on his body was gone. There was no way, this thing was a time bomb that could explode at any time, so he always remembered that it was because of eating I forgot about the pain, and when I came back to my senses, I found that it was gone.

After hearing this, the expressions of the other two people changed drastically!

"She knows! Kill her!" The Japanese envoy touched his lapel and found that the bottle on his body was also missing!

Yoshida hurriedly drew out his sword and stabbed Xiao'er!

The Japanese envoy did not know martial arts, but he carried a dagger tempered with poison.

He paid close attention to Xiao'er's every move and planned to stab her whenever he had the chance.

He has killed many people with this move!

I discovered it so quickly. This person is quite alert! Xiaoer pursed her lips and ignored these two people. She knew that Shangguan Xuanyi was coming!

All she had to do was focus on getting the virus to hand.

Xiaoer took the hoe and swung it at Aunt Huizi.

As long as she is brought down, things will be much easier.

But Keiko reacted very quickly and avoided it with one move!

Shangguan Xuanyi flew over to block this man's attack with his sword for Xiaoer.

The two began to fight.

Xiaoer's whip failed and then she whipped again. The Japanese people hiding in the dark appeared, and there were more than a dozen people at once. Xiaoer's whip missed Keiko again, and someone blocked it for her.

Keiko was even more careful when she saw that the man fell to the ground after being whipped.

"The two countries are at war and you won't kill the messenger! Aren't you afraid of being shamed by the world? Do you want to declare war on our country?" Keiko only knows judo, and judo is hand-to-hand combat. Now facing these weapons, she Some of them are powerless, and most of the time they can only dodge.

"You are not afraid, so what are we afraid of? Just declare it, whoever is afraid of it!" Shameless people really only think that others are shameless.

Damn it! They have already used "biological weapons" in their own country, why don't they surrender if they don't declare war?

Xiaoer was also entangled by several people at this time and could not get close to Keiko for a while. There was poison on her whip, but the amount she applied was very small, just to make people faint instantly, so after hitting one or two people, the others were only injured.

At this time, Huang Wei came over with his elite soldiers!

The scene became even more chaotic. Keiko's status was not low and she was always being protected by two Japanese people.

The Japanese envoy finally found an opportunity. He took advantage of two people entangled Xiaoer and Xiaoer's back was turned to him, and quickly stabbed them with a dagger.

Shangguan Xuanyi had been paying attention to the situation on Xiaoer's side. Seeing this, he jumped up and kicked the Japanese envoy away.

Taking this opportunity, a Japanese man also took the opportunity to stab his back with a sword, and the sword passed through his chest from his back.

"Brother Shangguan!" Xiaoer quickly supported Shangguan Xuanyi who almost fell.

Huang Wei rushed over and stabbed the Japanese to death.

"Sixth Prince!"

The sixth prince was injured, and the elite soldiers brought by Huang Wei started to kill the enemy even more frantically.

At this time, the Japanese people were almost wiped out.

Keiko saw that the situation was one-sided, and she was destined to never go back!

In this case,

Then let’s go to hell together!

It was worth it for so many Minze people to die with them!

She took out a bottle, opened the lid and threw it at Xiao'er.

"Brother Shangguan, hurry up, take this medicine." Xiaoer hurriedly took out a bottle of pills from the space, poured one out with trembling hands, and handed it to his mouth.

"Girl, get out of here quickly!" Shangguan Xuanyi saw the bottle being thrown towards Xiao'er, blocked Xiao'er behind him, and stretched out his hand to catch the bottle.

"No!" Xiaoer didn't listen to him, and she came back to her senses. She couldn't panic at this time. She quickly sealed the mouth of the bottle with a veil, although it didn't have much effect.

The virus had already been partially leaked when the bottle was thrown higher.

"Kill them all without leaving any one behind!" Shangguan Xuanyi lost too much blood and his face was a little pale. The expression on his face was extremely cold. His words were so cold that people couldn't help but slap him after hearing them. Chills.

"Brother Shangguan, take the medicine quickly! Hurry!" Xiaoer supported Shangguan Xuanyi and handed the pill to his mouth.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened his mouth and swallowed the pill.

"Girl, leave quickly! Don't get infected!"

Xiaoer shook her head, took out a pill, crushed it, and applied it on the wound, "I'm not afraid. I am immune to all diseases and poisons."

Soon all the Japanese fell.

Xiaoer stood up and began to give instructions.

"Pile all these people together and cremate them!"

After hearing this, Huang Wei quickly ordered the elite soldiers to work.

"Everyone, take off your coats and burn them!" Xiaoer looked at the surrounding environment and saw a ruined temple not far away.

"The person who was farthest from me just now should take off his shirt and go to the ruined temple to find some wood to use as firewood! Hurry!"

After hearing this, some people hesitated. What kind of behavior would it be for someone to take off their clothes in public?

Xiaoer stretched out her hand to help Shangguan Xuanyi take off his clothes and said, "The bottle just now contained smallpox virus. If you are not afraid, then don't take off your clothes!"

People in this dynasty wore two pieces of clothing every day, especially since it was already November and it was freezing! Everyone wears three layers of inner clothing and three outer layers of clothing, no matter what they wear!

My sister has worn bikinis before!

Everyone's expressions changed after hearing this.

"All obey the orders of the county master!" Shangguan Xuanyi said with a hint of displeasure.

After hearing this, everyone was so frightened that they quickly took off their coats.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer who was busy taking off her clothes. He never expected that this girl would take off her clothes for the first time in this situation, in this environment!

After Xiaoer helped Shangguan Xuanyi take off his shirt, he said, "Brother Shangguan, please sit down and rest for a while. I'll find something to fill with water for everyone to wash their hands and faces."

"Let the others go!"

Xiaoer shook her head: "I'll go, I'm the only one who can do it."

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't stop him after hearing this.

"Master Huang, give this bottle of medicine to everyone, one pill for each person. I don't know if it will prevent diseases and strengthen the body, but it is better than nothing." Xiaoer divided the bottle of worry-free fruit into ten pills. The medicine for the pill was given to Huang Wei.

Huang Wei took it and thanked him.

Xiaoer walked away, she found a place where no one was and entered the space.

The space has its own purification function, which can kill the smallpox virus in her body.

Then I found an older wooden basin in the space, filled it with water, and left the space.

Xiaoer came back with a basin of water. Huang Wei saw it and hurriedly stepped forward to take it, preparing to let Shangguan Xuanyi wash his hands first.

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head: "You guys wash first. I touched the bottle just now, so as not to leave the virus in the water and infect you."

Everyone was moved after hearing this. Which master would not care about himself first when encountering such a thing, but the Sixth Prince would never treat his people badly.

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