Three more days passed quietly, and the wounds on Shangguan Xuanyi's body had scabbed over and were itchy, proving that they were almost healed.

But in the evening, he developed a high fever. Xiaoer saw his face flushed and touched his forehead, which was frighteningly hot.

Huang Wei was anxious when he saw that Shangguan Xuanyi was so feverish that his consciousness was blurred, "Does Ruian County want to announce the imperial physician?"

"No, maybe smallpox has started to break out, so you better not come into this house." Xiaoer fed him a pill, then twisted a cloth and put it on his forehead to help him cool down.

"But..." When smallpox breaks out, shouldn't the imperial doctor come and take a look? !

"There's nothing good about it. Trust me, nothing will happen. Get out! Don't let anyone in!" Xiaoer spoke to him in such a stern tone for the first time.

At this moment, the aura exuded by Xiaoer was no less majestic than the emperor's. Huang Wei responded hurriedly and respectfully, bowed and retreated. After a while, he forgot that he was a fourth-grade sword-wielding guard in front of the imperial court. It needs to be this way.

Xiao'er was not in the mood to pay attention to this. Shangguan Xuanyi's body temperature was too high. If she couldn't find a way to cool him down, what would she do if her brain burned out?

After Huang Wei went out, Xiaoer filled a basin with warm water, added a little alcohol, soaked the cloth, and helped Shangguan Xuanyi perform simple physical cooling.

Although it can't cure the root cause, it would be nice to make him less uncomfortable.

Shangguan Xuanyi vaguely felt Xiaoer taking a cloth and wiping the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet, and his tucks.

Although he felt a lot more comfortable, he still said weakly: "Girl, don't worry about me, don't get infected."

After saying this, as if all his strength had been exhausted, he fell asleep again.

After giving Shangguan Yaoyi physical cooling, Xiaoer went into the space again, fried a bowl of heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine in the space kitchen, and fed it to him to drink.

After finishing the work, the sky was already so dark that it looked as if someone had painted it with ink. Huang Wei was outside and wanted to ask Xiaoer to come out for dinner, but he didn't dare to go in after thinking of Xiaoer's previous words.

While hesitating, Xiaoer came out with a sack of medicine.

Huang Wei saw him and hurriedly stepped forward: "County Master Rui'an, how is the sixth prince? You go to eat quickly, I will guard him."

"No need, I've given him medicine. Once the sweat breaks out, the fever will subside. You have people cook these medicines. Everyone drinks a bowl of them for prevention." Xiaoer stopped him and put some medicine on his hands. The sack was handed to him.

Huang Wei quickly took it, and the soldiers rushed over to take it without any instructions, and urged Xiaoer to eat.

Xiaoer simply ate something and went back to look after Shangguan Xuanyi.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Shangguan Xuanyi's forehead.

Xiaoer took out the handkerchief and helped him wipe it away.

Soon Shangguan Xuanyi was sweating more and more intensively. He kept sweating until midnight before he stopped sweating and his clothes were soaked through.

Xiaoer touched his forehead. His body temperature had dropped, and his forehead was cold.

Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief. She took out Shangguan Xuanyi's clothes and put them aside. Then she started to help him take off his soaked clothes. As soon as he took off one sleeve, Shangguan Xuanyi opened his eyes.

Xiaoer let his head rest on her little arm, and when she was about to lift his body slightly and take off the other half of his sleeves, her eyes met his doting and tender eyes, and she blushed instantly!

It's so embarrassing, isn't it?

Xiaoer hurriedly withdrew her hand and stood up: "Are you awake? Then change your clothes. I'll get you some medicine."

Shangguan Xuanyi's head fell back onto the soft couch, "Girl, I have no strength!"

"It's really troublesome!" Although she said this, she still sat back and helped him put on his clothes.

Shangguan Xuanyi raised a bright smile where she couldn't see him.

"Girl, can I ask my father to grant us a marriage?"

"Why?" Xiao'er was shocked when she heard this. What's going on? This person's brain won't be burned out, right? Why did she suddenly think of getting married? She is still very young!

Shangguan Xuanyi reached out and pushed a strand of her fallen hair behind her ear: "Girl, you have seen all of my body, and I can't let you see it in vain. You have to be responsible for me. From the beginning onwards, I will It’s all under your control, okay?”

What does it mean to be cheap and still sell well! Who looked at him in vain!

"No! I have to take responsibility after seeing your body. The man who wants me to take responsibility can't be moved from the imperial capital to Shengping County!" Xiaoer rolled her eyes and said disapprovingly.

In my last life, when I went to the beach in the summer, there were countless men with bare upper bodies in the swimming pool. According to this statement, if she had to take responsibility after just one look, then her harem would probably be more than three thousand beauties!

Shangguan Xuanyi's face turned dark immediately after hearing this, "Have you seen many men's bodies?"

Shangguan Xuanyi's tone suddenly made the room feel colder.

Only then did Xiaoer realize that in this era, she had no chance to see a man's body.


"I used to help Hao'er take a shower when my mother was too busy. Besides, every summer, many little boys in the village would swim naked in the river!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi's face still looked terrible, "Don't look at it in the future!"

Xiaoer didn't respond to his unreasonable words, just thinking that he had burned out his brain.

"I'll bring a bowl of porridge in. After finishing the porridge, you have to drink another bowl of medicine." Xiaoer took away the clothes he had changed and prepared to burn them.

"Don't look at other men's bodies!" Shangguan Xuanyi saw that she was avoiding answering, so he held her tight, making sure to hear an answer he was satisfied with.

This man! Xiaoer looked at the determination in Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes, as if I won't let go if you don't agree, and nodded impatiently: "Okay, don't look at it! Let go!"

Don't argue with a patient!

Anyway, there are really no people walking around naked in this day and age. Even if you want to see it, you don’t have to look at it.

Shangguan Xuanyi still held her hand tightly.

"Should I ask my father to grant us a marriage?" Shangguan Xuanyi said this very seriously. If you listen carefully, you can hear the subtle pleading in his tone.

Xiaoer subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when she saw the infinite expectation and careful pleading in Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes, a flash of heartache flashed in her heart, and she nodded by mistake: "Okay!"

Shangguan Xuanyi's face showed a bright smile that he had never seen before. He couldn't help but hugged Xiaoer into his arms: "I will never look at other women in the future!"

It didn’t happen before, and it won’t happen again in the future! Shangguan Xuanyi added in his heart.

After Xiaoer came to her senses, she asked herself if she would regret it. To be honest, she didn't was too early.

But isn’t it easy to get someone for such a high-ranking person? Why do we need to be careful and why do we need to plead?

If he hadn't engraved the other person in his heart, couldn't bear to be hurt and couldn't accept rejection, why would he be here.

When an imperial edict came down, she had to obey it even if she wanted to, and she had to obey it even if she didn't want to.

Disobeying the order and not respecting it may result in beheading, or in serious consequences, the entire clan may be exterminated. If she really wants to exterminate her clan, can she bear it?

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