Xiao'er didn't have any more time to think about whether this would be a happy thing or not, and whether she would regret it.

Because Huang Wei asked to see him outside, saying that two more people had a fever.

Xiaoer gently pushed Shangguan Xuanyi away: "I'm going to take a look. I'll bring you medicine and porridge later."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, he must also seize the time to write a letter to his father.

Shangguan Xuanyi originally wanted to take advantage of the Longevity Festival to ask his father to marry him, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Unexpectedly, I received a message from the eldest prince's spy in the palace early this morning. The eldest prince was discussing with the imperial concubine to propose to the emperor to marry Xiaoer as his concubine.

What a good plan. At the same time, he wanted to marry the daughter of a high-ranking minister as his concubine so that he could get better support.

At the same time, I want to marry a concubine who knows how to make money to solve an urgent need!

Concubine? How dare you think! How dare you insult the person he cares about so much!

This made him unable to wait any longer!

Even though my father would never agree to the eldest prince's marriage, as long as he brought it up, he would be in trouble if he mentioned it again in the future!

Besides, there are so many people in this world who are both interested and leisurely. The fact that two brothers want to marry the same woman will definitely be used as a fan by these people, and it will be even worse if the eldest prince comes out to cause trouble.

You know, a single spark can start a prairie fire!

This kind of thing is not without precedent. In the previous dynasty, two princes competed for a girl. This matter was deliberately brought up to stir up trouble and stirred up from time to time. In the end, the two brothers fought and turned against each other, causing the royal family to lose face. The woman was also scolded by officials, saying that she used bewitching techniques to confuse the two princes, and that beauty was a disaster, and that she was reincarnated as a demon, causing the world to be shamed and reviled, and would not end well.

His thoughts have never been hidden, and how many people can see it!

The eldest prince wanted to disgust him, win a beautiful woman back home, and attract a God of Wealth to his home! What a good calculation!

In addition, this time the girl stayed with him day and night to take care of him. There was no airtight wall in the world. This matter would eventually spread and ruin her reputation.

Of course he couldn't let such a thing happen to that girl!

If before the rumors spread, she would have the status of the future Sixth Princess, who would dare to insult her!

The letter soon arrived in the hands of the emperor. The emperor took a look at it and shook it with a smile. "My fair lady and gentleman are so happy. My son has grown up."

"Grind ink!"

"Yes!" The eunuch behind him responded and stepped forward.

Just as the emperor was about to put pen to paper, the queen walked in. The queen was the only person who entered the imperial study without having to pass through.

When the emperor saw it, he stood up and greeted him, "Why are you here in such a cold weather? If you have anything to do, just let someone know."

The emperor held the queen's hand, and when he saw it was warm, he felt relieved and pulled her to sit on the dragon chair.

"I came here to ask for a decree from the emperor."

The queen sat down and spoke.

"What's your decree?" The emperor sat down next to the queen and waved his hand for the eunuch to leave.

"Yi'er is also big, and we can clearly see his thoughts. I want to ask the emperor to grant him a marriage with the Lord of Rui'an County."

"He also wrote to you?" Is this brat worried that he won't agree?

"What kind of letter? There is none!" The queen shook her head. She just knew the plans of the imperial concubine and the eldest prince.

"Sure enough, you know your son better than your mother." Seeing this, the emperor handed Shangguan Xuanyi's letter to the queen.

The queen took it and took a look and smiled: "I'm not as careful as he is! But Yi'er and I are really connected."

"You brat, he spends all his time on love affairs and cares about romance all day long! He doesn't even bother to pay attention to business matters!" The emperor was so stimulated by the words "spiritual communication" that he couldn't help complaining about Shangguan Xuanyi! There were so many things on his desk that he tried so hard to help him deal with them, so he didn't even have time to hug his wife and connect physically and mentally.

"Does your Majesty think that marrying a wife is not a serious matter?" the Queen said casually.

This doesn't sound right to me!

The emperor immediately came to his senses and said seriously: "I think marriage is the most important event in life, bar none!"

The queen glanced at the emperor lightly, and finally couldn't help but smile.

"Queen, let's do something serious and sublimate our marriage!" The emperor was heated up by the queen's look and charming smile. He has been busy with official matters recently and has been abstinent for too long.

After saying that, he wanted to carry the queen to the bedroom in the imperial study.

The queen slapped the emperor's stretched out hand: "What are you thinking! There are a lot of memorials left without approval, business affairs are not done, and the mind is full of irregularities. Your Majesty, hurry up and get busy with political affairs! I am going back to the palace! Remember to send your son The lifelong big event is done in advance!”

The queen quickly stood up, left these words and left.

She was promoting prostitution during the day. If word got out, she would not be criticized by those officials!

She was originally the most favored harem, and the three thousand beauties in the harem throughout the dynasties were suddenly reduced to three beauties, and two of them were just decorations, which had already harmed the interests of many ministers, so she had to be more self-disciplined to avoid causing some trouble. My inner words ruined my good mood.

The afternoon sun was shining warmly, and the Shengpinghou Mansion received a secret order.

Shen Chengyao opened it and took a look and was startled. While he was worried that his daughter would be wronged if she married into the royal family, he also couldn't understand why a secret decree was needed to grant a marriage?

Is this because their family background is too low and they dare not even grant a marriage in an honest manner?

Shen Chengyao was worried all afternoon and night.

The next day, after the state affairs were discussed in the morning court, the emperor praised County Lord Rui'an in the morning court. He said that he was so beautiful and smart, with a kind heart, a mind for the world, extraordinary talent and appearance, graceful manners, and excellent appearance...

In short, he praised her as if this person only exists in heaven and is rarely heard of in the world.

The ministers looked at me and I looked at you, and they all agreed that the emperor had finally come out of the queen's love affair and wanted to start expanding the harem.

Ministers are happy! My daughter, granddaughter, and niece finally have a chance!

Just the Lord of Ruian County? Seems too small? Why does the emperor always have such strange tastes!

So the senior ministers of the two dynasties had to risk the disrespect of the world to question the emperor: "Your Majesty, the Lord of Ruian County is still too young, and he is determined not to risk the disrespect of the world and be included in the harem. If the emperor really likes it and waits for a few years, the emperor will If you are eager to expand the harem and spread the branches and leaves of the royal family, the emperor can draft a selection of civil and military officials of the right age..."

"Shut up! That's unreasonable!" The emperor's face grew darker as he listened, and finally Lei Lei became furious!

What do these old-fashioned people think of him!

All the officials knelt down: "Your Majesty, please calm down and please think again!"

"Everyone, get up and listen! I think County Lord Rui'an is a rare good woman and the Sixth Prince, a talented and beautiful woman, so I specially wanted to marry her."

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