But in the future, who will dare to say that Ruian County Lord is not his? Queens of other countries would like to thank her for doing this.

Besides, in the last smallpox incident, the carts of decoctions and bottles of pills from Shengpinghou Mansion played a big role.

The queen also reminded everyone that not only did she want to thank Lord Ruian, but many people here also owed her a thank you!

Now not only did the ladies present understand what the queen meant, but Mrs. Liu also wanted to understand the purpose of the two marriage decrees.

She was happy that her daughter was being protected by her husband's family.

When a woman marries into another family, in addition to the love of her husband, the acceptance of other family members is also very important. This indirectly determines the height of the woman's happiness!

"No matter what, what Xiaoer did was appropriate based on emotion and reason." Xiaoer said this from the bottom of her heart.

After returning home, Xiaoer saw the two imperial edicts and understood what was going on. However, she did not expect that the queen would take the opportunity to talk about the matter to block everyone's speech.

Those two imperial edicts should be Shangguan Xuanyi's idea, but the emperor is willing to cooperate, and the queen is willing to speak for herself. This all shows one fact: they care about themselves!

Only when you care about someone and truly care about someone will you be considerate of her and think of ways to protect her.

"Okay, a good person should be both emotional and reasonable. Yi'er's engagement with you must be the greatest blessing in his life." The Queen smiled widely after hearing this.

It is difficult to find a woman like this who understands the important and the important, understands the truth, and does not stick to trivial matters when it comes to important matters.

Li Yuning's face turned even paler after hearing this.

She first saw the Sixth Prince when she was five years old. At that time, he was practicing swordplay in the Royal Garden. Whenever he made a mistake in one move, his master would ask him to redo the previous move ten times.

Just like that, there was no trace of dissatisfaction on his handsome face, he responded respectfully, and then he did everything.

His master didn't let him rest until the whole set of swordsmanship was correct.

Her eldest brother Li Yunhua also learned swordsmanship, but every time his master wanted to punish him, he would get angry as a young master, or he would go to his mother to complain, but her mother would protect him, which made many masters angry with him.

With such a comparison, she felt that Shangguan Xuanyi was the upright man her father said. From then on, she secretly agreed to it, and she also vowed to marry him when she grew up.

She has also been studying various talents seriously, hoping that one day he will notice her and can use her most outstanding talents to get the emperor's marriage on the Longevity Festival.

Unexpectedly, due to the twists and turns of the world, a peasant woman who had become a monk on her way to becoming a monk would be so talented that she could compare herself to him, attracting the attention of him who never looked at women twice, and obtain the status that he had always dreamed of.

So unwilling...

We can't just give up!

The Prime Minister's wife looked at her daughter with worry, and only wished that the banquet would end soon and she could take her home as soon as possible.

With so many ladies and ladies in the palace, the queen couldn't just focus on cultivating a relationship with her daughter-in-law, so she brought the conversation to a topic that they were both interested in.

"I heard that Hao'er said that the pockmarks on his face gradually healed after applying the ointment you gave him?"

The ladies present's eyes lit up after hearing this, and they all looked at Xiao'er with eager eyes.

As we all know, smallpox will leave ugly scars all over the body even if it is cured, and there is no way to remove it.

But the scars on the second prince's face were really gone. When they wanted to ask the queen how they had removed them, the queen revealed that someone had given them a pillow after she had fallen asleep.

Since the children in their family got the disease, they have been hiding in the house all day long, afraid to see people. They are really more like girls than girls who never go out or step out.

They also tried many methods, but to no avail.

Now that the Second Prince was a living example, each of them looked at Xiaoer with golden eyes.

"Back to the Queen, yes, that ointment is very useful. It can remove scars and spots. It can also improve skin texture with daily use, making the skin supple and smooth, and it can also delay aging. I also brought a bottle today. Come and give it to the Queen." Xiaoer took out a bottle of ointment from her sleeve pocket and presented it to the Queen with both hands. Her future mother-in-law would still have to hold her thighs.

Besides, she was very happy. The Queen was so wise. She would say whatever she needed! I just want to promote this product.

"You still have my heart, girl." The queen took it, and then took a look at Liu's skin, and she was looking forward to the effect after using it.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Liu and Xiaoer with even more intense eyes.

Feeling the eager eyes of everyone on her, Xiaoer calculated how much money she should charge for each box of ointment!

I'll have to find an opportunity later to send a letter to the pharmacy shopkeeper to give an explanation.

It seems that the business of her medicine shop is going to be booming again!

During this smallpox incident, she contributed a lot of medicinal materials in vain. It really makes my heartache to think about it!

Now I'm fine, I can use this ointment to make up for the loss!

"The pockmarks on Zhewei's child's face also disappeared. Seeing how effective the ointment was, I asked him to apply it on the acne marks between my eyebrows. Unexpectedly, after applying it three times, all the acne marks disappeared. Okay, that ointment is so easy to use, County Master Rui'an, do you sell it in your medicinal shop?" Madam Li asked.

"Yes, there are, but the quantity is not large. I don't know if the goods in the shop are sold out." Xiaoer said vaguely.

"County Master Rui'an, how many bottles of ointment do you have in your store?" The Duke's wife couldn't sit still. The two brats in his family have scars all over their faces!

"There are only twenty bottles in total. The second prince and my cousin-in-law each took one bottle before, so only seventeen bottles were sold in the shop."

"You should make more of such good things." The Duke's wife quietly moved her buttocks, as if she was ready to run out to grab the goods at any time.

"Most of the medicinal materials used in that ointment are rare medicinal materials. There are not enough medicinal materials. I can't make more if I want to. But decent people are sent everywhere to look for medicinal materials." The colorful fairy lotus in the space is not only rare, it simply does not exist in the mortal world. baby.

After hearing this, everyone believed in the magic of the ointment. Without using rare medicinal materials, how could it remove the marks left by that daypox? It could also improve skin quality and delay aging. Even if it was not for the pockmarked face of the child, it was for yourself. I have to buy a bottle.

Besides, who didn’t get acne when they were young? Even if you don’t have acne, you still have spots! No acne or spots, time is not forgiving, and there will be times when the color fades with old age, you must buy this ointment! Definitely buy it!

Everyone present was a little unable to sit down, and there were only a dozen bottles left. If there were no others when we left the palace soon, we would not be able to buy them.

Everyone was planning to rush to buy it as soon as the palace banquet was over, but they were also worried that if they asked too many questions, their intention to buy would be discovered, so the ladies present tacitly changed the subject.

This is really a live version of deception!


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