In the midst of a group of ladies and young ladies who were making excuses with each other, Shangguan Xuanyi walked in with the little prince who was only over two years old.

After the greetings, Shangguan Xuanyi said to the queen: "The Seventh Emperor's brother is making trouble to find the queen."

The little seventh prince Shangguan Xuanyan also shook off Shangguan Xuanyi's hand and ran to the queen's arms with his short legs.

"Mother! Father doesn't allow me to run around! I want to go play in the imperial garden." The little prince complained with aggrieved face.

His father didn't allow him to leave, but he sat there and watched a group of people chatting away, it was so boring.

It would be better for Brother Liuhuang to take him to the Queen Mother and tell him that the Queen Mother has a cute little sister here who can play with him.

This little person would never have guessed that he was being used as a bridge.

The little prince soon saw the little sister. Her face was pink and her mouth was slightly pouted. Apparently she didn't want to sit in his mother's arms obediently.

"Mother, can I go to the Imperial Garden with this little sister to play?" the little prince asked, pointing at Xi'er.

Xiao Xier immediately became energetic after hearing this: "Mother, I want to go to the Royal Garden to play."

Mrs. Liu was in a dilemma now. This was a royal palace, so she couldn't just play around.

After hearing this, the queen smiled and said: "Let them go, Yi'er, you take them there and take care of Yao'er. Xiao'er, you also go and help Yi'er take care of the two little ones. Girls are more careful in taking care of children." .”

"Yes." Although Shangguan Xuanyi's expression was still cold, there was a hint of smile in his eyes, and he was obviously in a good mood.

The queen said this, so Liu would naturally not say no.

Xiao'er was speechless. Didn't the ancients pay great attention to the defense of men and women? Why did the Empress so obviously create opportunities for her and Shangguan Xuanyi to be alone? But it just so happened that she didn't want to stay here anymore to talk about rouge and gouache and gossip about other people's parents.

Li Yunning secretly looked at her sweetheart and found that no one else paid attention to him except for a glance at County Master Rui'an after he came in. Looking at the retreating figures of several people, she felt so heartbroken that she couldn't help but cover her heart with her hands.

"What's wrong with Yun Ning? What's wrong with her?" the Prime Minister's wife asked in a low voice.

The queen also noticed it and said, "Yun Ning's face is so pale. I asked someone to take her down to have a rest. Didn't she call her here until the banquet started?"

The Prime Minister's wife looked at her pale daughter and nodded in thanks.

"Ziyun, take Mrs. Li and Miss Li to the wing to have a rest."

During the cold weather, even the famous Imperial Garden was in a state of ruin.

The young prince was followed by a group of palace maids and eunuchs, so how could he really need the two of them to take care of him?

The two walked side by side, looking at the two little ones playing from a distance. Behind them were the palace maids and eunuchs who kept reminding them to "be careful, slow down, and don't fall."

"The sandstorms in the Imperial Capital this year are smaller than in previous years, and the protective forests are growing well."

"You still have to plant some more trees after spring, and then plant some every year. Then in a few years, you can cut down some of the trees that have grown into trees, but remember to add some new ones after they are cut down. .”

"Wood that has only grown for a few years cannot be used for much purpose. It is more useful to keep the wind and sand." Shangguan Xuanhao's voice sounded.

He and Dishovi appeared out of nowhere.

Shangguan Xuanyi glared at the two of them fiercely! He hasn't been alone with this girl for several days!

"Not all wood must be used as pillars!" Xiaoer disagreed with Shangguan Xuanhao's words.

"Wood that cannot be used as a pillar is not good wood!"

"Oh, I understand. It turns out that except for those few pillars in your yard, which are made of good wood, the rest are all scrap wood. You usually sit on scrap wood stools, sleep on scrap wood beds, and sleep on scrap wood collapses. This Even the desk used for reading and writing is useless..."

Shangguan Xuanhao hurriedly raised his hands in surrender: "Stop! Stop! Stop! I know my mistake! All wood is good wood! Even those branches are worthy of important tasks, okay?"

As long as he doesn't throw away the things he uses, he doesn't have a problem with her talking about the wood until it reaches the sky!

Dishovi couldn't help laughing.

"Of course! Don't underestimate those small trees and twigs. At a small level, they can be used as firewood, cook meals, turn into ashes, fatten crops, and feed the world! At a large level, they can break the body into pieces and create A blank piece of paper can be turned into a book to record knowledge and become a man of letters. This small branch can change the world if used well."

"I don't understand! Then show me how you can use a tree branch to change the world!" What this girl said was too mysterious! It's as if you can really change the world with a branch!

After Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei heard this, they looked at each other and couldn't help but feel excited.

"Is this really your brother? How come his brain capacity is so much smaller than yours? I have difficulty communicating with him!" Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Xuanyi with a look of disbelief on her face. She made it so clear, but he still didn't understand!

Shangguan Xuanhao: "..."

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Shangguan Xuanhao with contempt.

Di Shaowei coughed and put his hand on Shangguan Xuanhao's shoulder: "Brother, how much paper do we have today? Why are so many people unable to read?"

The reminder was so obvious, he should understand now!

"Two hundred cents a knife for fine rice paper. How can I read it without money!" After saying this, Shangguan Xuanhao's eyes widened!

He got it! He got it!

"Girl, can you make paper?! Can branches make paper?"

The papermaking technology of this dynasty is still relatively backward, and the technology of papermaking is currently only understood by the three major families of the northern martial arts family, the southern literary family, and the Yue family at the junction of the north and the south!

How can such a monopoly prevent paper from being as expensive as oil?

Studying requires self-study, and each college is different. Some colleges in small towns are available three or four times a year. Many families can barely afford it, but what if the money can afford it? Paper and books that are used every day for studying are the most precious. Over time, many families cannot afford them.

Besides, taking the imperial examination requires a lot of money for travel, food and accommodation. And many people can’t pass the exam in just one try. If they can pass the exam three or four times, it’s already considered good! Some people even fail to pass the exam for most of their lives!

Calculating it layer by layer, the imperial examination system actually only serves the rich and wealthy, and there are very few students from poor families who actually come out!

Some and most of them are supported by certain big families, and they are all recruited as aides.

The emperor has always wanted to reform the imperial examination so that it can serve the people and admit more true "disciples of the emperor", but he has been unable to get in!

It is better for a truly poor student to be promoted by the emperor and be directly loyal to the emperor than to be indirectly loyal to the emperor, so the emperor can use it at ease!

Furthermore, if more children from poor families can study, more families can be lifted out of poverty as soon as possible.

Paper is cheap, this hope is close!

There may only be one update in the past few days. Anyway, I can’t guarantee how many more updates there will be. Sorry~

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