"My father has always had an idea, so that all five-year-old children in Minze State, regardless of wealth or poverty, can receive free enlightenment education. They can learn etiquette through reading, know etiquette, and then be spontaneous: old people will die, strong people will be useful, few will have talents, and widowers will be lonely. Those who are disabled or ill should have something to support them; they must keep faith and cultivate harmony, never close their homes at night, and not pick up lost items on the road! However, there are many restrictions, so for the time being, all we can do is talk." Shangguan Xuanhao said this with regret.

Xiaoer was silent after hearing this. Well, the ideal is great, but the reality is cruel!

I really didn’t expect that the emperor would have such foresight and use compulsory education to realize the idea of ​​great harmony.

But how to say it?

It is a fact that people learn about etiquette through reading, but not everyone will observe etiquette after reading a book!

However, it is understandable from the standpoint of the emperor. As an aspiring emperor, who doesn’t want to create a prosperous and ideal dynasty! Then his name will be passed down through the ages, and his fame will last forever, so that when future generations talk about him, they will praise his string of great achievements.

But this is really not an easy task. For this matter, "years, months, and days" cannot be used as units. Instead, "centuries" must be used as units. How many centuries will it take to do this? It’s really hard to say.

Anyway, no one has done it in the past five thousand years of history!

"Education for all is a sign that a society has entered civilization. This idea is very good, but in order to achieve it, we must first develop the economy. Money is not everything, but without money, nothing is possible." It is better to make the country rich and the army strong first. Bar! Xiaoer brought back the idea that it was too far away and too ethereal. You have to be more down-to-earth to have a good conversation, right?

"That's right, but now five- and six-year-old children can do half the labor in the village." Di Shaowei added.

In other words, what if the imperial court provides free enlightenment? Many farm families may not send their children to school.

Children can usually help feed livestock, cook, weed and catch insects in vegetable fields and fields at home, right?

It's just enlightenment, not free imperial examination. Who wants to do useless work?

"The largest number of people in our country are farmers." Shangguan Xuanyi continued.

Therefore, universal education is not only a problem of lack of money, but also a problem of people's unwillingness to send their children to school.

Xiaoer nodded. Thanks to the backward productivity and production technology, people in this era depend on the weather for food. Even half of the labor force is very important during busy farming times!

The rush to harvest in this era was really happening every second. At that time, people could not wait to stay in the fields twelve hours a day. The goal was just to catch up with the good weather, harvest the grain, dry it, and put it into warehouses.

In the absence of weather forecast, there is no mechanical operation, and it relies entirely on human power. Children can use it as an adult, women can use it as a man, and men can use it as two people.

"This matter cannot be rushed. It should be done step by step. Agriculture is the foundation for a country's economic development, and the economic foundation determines the superstructure. We must first find ways to develop agriculture and the economy. Before enlightening the whole people, we may first open some technical schools to update actual."

"Technical school?" The three of them looked at Xiao'er and motioned for her to continue.

"Fish farming is a technical job, right? Mushroom cultivation is also a technical job, making tofu,... being a doctor, casting iron..., building houses, building roads, building bridges are all. The country cannot develop without technical talents. Even being a soldier requires learning. You can't just pick up a spear and rush forward. As for..." Xiaoer softly explained some knowledge about the technical college to them.

Shangguan Xuanyi tapped the white marble railing with his fingers, looking into the distance without knowing what he was thinking.

Shangguan Xuanhao and Di Shaowei just asked if they didn't understand something.

The more the three of them discussed, the more excited they became.

"It is also necessary to open a special military academy and military medical school for the soldiers." Shangguan Xuanyi interjected.

"Yes, this is of great significance to national defense construction."

The four people discussed it with great interest.

Not far away, Li Yunning watched Xiaoer chatting and laughing among three men. The three men looked at her with admiration and appreciation. Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes were full of doting and tenderness, and she was filled with jealousy.

Such a beautiful picture, such a scene of stars overlapping the moon, should be mine. I have worked hard for it for more than ten years! She, a lowly peasant girl, has done nothing, so why should she have it! Why!

"Hmph, sensationalizing!" the Prime Minister's wife muttered in a low voice.

"I dropped a pearl hairpin. Please help me look for it. I'll wait for you here." Li Yuning made an excuse and dismissed the palace maid.

After the palace maid left, Li Yuning said, "Mother, help me over."

After hearing this, the Prime Minister's wife had a plan in mind.

It was rumored that the sixth prince was not a womanizer, and Xiao Fuzi took care of all his daily life.

But there are a few men in Wenrou Township, the Tomb of Heroes, and in the world who are really Liu Xiahui.

She leaned into Li Yuning's ear and said something.

"Mother, this is not good." Although she wanted to go forward and break the harmony and beauty without her, she was asked to use this method to attract the attention of her sweetheart. She was the most talented woman in the imperial capital. A bit disdainful.

"You silly boy, isn't it natural that you feel unwell and faint? You don't have to think so much! Go quickly! A war is always full of deceit!"

My husband-in-law has analyzed that the person who can inherit the throne in the future will most likely be the sixth prince.

After much thought, she still felt that Yun Ning must marry Shangguan Xuanyi.

Even though he has already married, and Yun Ning was married as a concubine, that girl is still young. When she grows up and marries him, with Yun Ning's ability, the people and things in the Sixth Emperor's womb are not what that girl can do at will. She didn't interfere. Besides, her grandson would call her grandma by then.

And in the past few years, with Yun Ning's beauty, figure and talent, she doubted that she would be able to capture the heart of the sixth prince.

In that case, what else can shake Yun Ning's status.

Her daughter was born with a golden key in her mouth, but she was destined to be the mother of the world.

Li Yunning struggled in her heart and agreed. She always tried to stand in the most eye-catching place, but he never looked at her. Maybe it was because she never took the initiative to approach him.

For such a condescending person, if he doesn't take the initiative himself, then he won't be condescending.

The Prime Minister's wife carefully supported Li Yuning towards the four of them.

As the two approached them, they stopped and saluted.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the two of them and looked away without even nodding his head.

Shangguan Xuanhao was studying medicine, so when he saw Li Yuning's face looking pale, he said, "Miss Li is not feeling well. Madam, it's better to take her home to rest! Be careful of the wind blowing around and catching a cold."

"What the second prince said is that when the empress saw that Ning'er was unwell, she asked us to go to the wing to rest, and she also appointed Ning'er as the imperial doctor." The prime minister's wife replied respectfully, and she secretly glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi's expression.

But found that there was no expression at all.

Shangguan Xuanhao nodded after hearing this and said nothing more.

The two were happy and retired.

When the Prime Minister's wife supported Li Yuning as she passed by Shangguan Xuanyi, Li Yuning's feet gave out and she fell to Shangguan Xuanyi.

Did everyone have a nice holiday? The vacation is over, it’s time to study, and it’s time to work~ I also started to continue coding, and I will update it first today, and thank you book friends for your support and concern??

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