"No one is allowed in without my permission."

Shangguan Xuanyi returned to the palace, dropped these words, walked into the study and closed the door.

Shangguan Xuanyi took out the envelope, opened the letter inside and read it.

Brother Shangguan, this is a space ring, an immortal weapon given to me by my master. If you touch the yellow diamond on it and say "look" silently in your mind, you can check what is in the space. Come and see what surprise I have prepared for you.

The usage of space is that you can take out the things inside with your thoughts, and put the things outside into the space if your hands touch them and control them with your thoughts.

After Shangguan Xuanyi read the letter, he was shocked. The space ring!

I heard that Master Yunfa has a space ring, which is an immortal object inherited from ancient times. It has a space the size of a bed, where you can store things.

Who is the girl's master, and how come he has a space ring.

Master Yunfa is an eminent monk who can change fate against the will of heaven, and his martial arts skills are so unpredictable that no one in the world dares to offend him easily.

So even if the world knew that he had a space ring, no one would dare to snatch it.

But that girl is different. If anyone knew that she had such a heaven-defying treasure, there would probably be people all over the world who wanted to hunt her down.

Shangguan Xuanyi feels a headache! She could give herself a scare the moment before leaving! In the days when she is not with her in the future, he will probably be so worried that he will not be able to sleep well.

It seemed that it would be impossible not to arrange for secret guards to protect her.

Will An Yi and An Er stay with her? These two people have the highest martial arts among his secret guards.

No, I'm afraid two are not enough. She is a person who is not afraid of death and dares to do anything.

Shangguan Xuanyi put the letter away and went out. As for the space ring Xiaoer gave him, what kind of space it was in and what surprises it contained, he had no intention of looking at it now.

If something unexpected happened, he would have to arrange for more people to protect the girl, both overtly and covertly.

It's late at night.

Shangguan Xuanyi jumped into Xiaoer's yard. Xiaoer was reminded by the daytime. She quickly came out of the space, lay on the bed, covered herself with a quilt, and closed her eyes.

Shangguan Xuanyi jumped in from the window, Xiaoer sat up, opened the curtain, and pretended to be relieved when she saw it was him.

"Brother Shangguan, do you want to scare me to death?"

Shangguan Xuanyi was finally somewhat satisfied with Xiaoer's alertness, and even Di Shaowei might not be able to detect his leap in.

"Does anyone else know about the space ring?"

"My dad knows."

"From now on, no one can say that it is a crime to have a jade, or it will lead to death." Shangguan Xuanyi said with a serious face.

"I know. Is this why you came here?"

"Yes." Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

If he didn't remind her, he wouldn't be at ease. This girl gave him the space ring casually. He didn't know whether to be happy that she trusted him or angry that she didn't know how to protect him.

"Brother Shangguan, are you satisfied with what I have prepared for you?"

"Satisfied." Although he hasn't looked at it yet, he will be satisfied with whatever she prepares for him.

This reaction is wrong! Too calm? Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi.

"Brother Shangguan, it's probably because he hasn't seen what's in the space yet."

"Well, I don't have time. I have arranged for Zhao Yong to come over and be your coachman, and two women who are good at martial arts to be your maids. They will come over tomorrow, and I will take them with me when I go out in the future. I have also arranged for four secret guards to be with you. I will protect you by my side. Don't refuse, so that I can leave with peace of mind." It was rare for Shangguan Xuanyi to say such a long speech.

Xiaoer was about to refuse, but was discouraged after hearing this.

"Then when you come back, those people will have to withdraw."

"It depends on your performance." If she is still this unafraid of death, not only will he not withdraw these people, he will also send more people to protect her.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of ways to save my life!" She still has plenty of ability to protect herself.

Shangguan Xuanyi became even more uneasy after hearing this. He started to have a headache again!

"Brother Shangguan, please take a look at the things in the space." Seeing his expression, Xiaoer was worried that he would not be able to think about anything, so she arranged for more people to come over and hurriedly changed the subject.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at her without revealing her, and then followed the method she taught and used his mind to glance at the things in the space.

How can so many things fit in this space? This is much larger than the legendary Master Yunfa!

Seeing the things in the space, Shangguan Xuanyi, who had remained calm for many years before Mount Tai collapsed, couldn't help but change his expression.

This shows how exaggerated Xiaoer's preparations are.

Xiaoer gave all the 200,000 kilograms of rice and 100,000 kilograms of refined flour stored in her space to Shangguan Xuanyi.

In addition, some of the meat in the space freezer was evened out.

Two hundred of each kind of chickens, geese, ducks and rabbits, and one hundred of each kind of pigs, cattle, sheep, donkeys and roe deer were all killed and cleaned.

There were hundreds of baskets of fresh vegetables and fruits.

There were also fifty large water jars filled with water.

There are a lot of various medicinal materials and pills.

There are a lot of snacks such as dried meat, dried fruits, biscuits, and pastries.

There is also a set of tableware, a set of kitchen utensils and knives, and even a stove and firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

Clothes, quilts, shoes and socks...

Forget all this, there are actually several pots of steaming white rice and several large pots of steaming meat, vegetables and soups.

Is this because he's afraid he'll be hungry? Eat whenever and wherever you want!

There are also baskets of things with the word "bomb" written on them. I don't know what they are used for.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't know what to say. He could go to the supermarket with all these things.

It's impossible to describe how shocked he was at this moment! It is impossible to describe how moved he was!

Shangguan Xuanyi hugged Xiaoer tightly and refused to let go for a long time.

"Time in space is stationary, that is to say, what it looks like when you put it in will always be what it looks like in space. So you don't have to worry about the food going bad."

When Xiaoer was preparing things, her intuition told her that if she prepared as much as possible, she would not go wrong, otherwise she would regret it.

Such an intuition made her panic, and she became even more prepared.

The army set off on the second day

Many people gathered outside the city gate, and Xiaoer naturally appeared.

"Girl, remember to take care of our shop!" Di Shaowei waved goodbye to Xiaoer.

Xiaoer nodded: "Have you brought the things I gave you?"

Di Shaowei patted his chest and nodded, joking, this is a life-saving thing, can you forget it?

"If you don't have enough snacks, ask Brother Shangguan for some. He has plenty there."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it!" Di Shaowei said happily.

"Brother Shangguan, take care." Xiaoer said to Shangguan Xuanyi.

The two of them had finished what they needed to say, and Xiaoer only said this sentence.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded: "Go back, it's windy here. Let's set off."

Xiaoer nodded.

The three brothers Shen Chengyao and Jin Rui also said goodbye to them one after another.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei nodded, then rode back to the front of the team.

It wasn't until the team had gone far that the family got on the carriage and returned home.

I’ll try my best to keep updating twice. Thank you for everyone’s recommendations.

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