Another season of winter turning to spring, with glorious spring scenery and oily spring rain.

The wheat seedlings in the wheat field are green, and the peach trees, apricot trees, and pear trees have sprouted flowers and bones.

Because Shen Chengyao was also responsible for encouraging students to teach and farm mulberry trees, Xiaoer specially bought a village with orchards, fishing ponds and fertile fields on the outskirts of the city to use as a test field.

The royal family also has a royal experimental field, and the emperor gave it to Shen Chengyao.

The previous job of agricultural officials was to remind the people to plow the ground and sow when the time came, and to harvest when it was time to harvest.

This reminder is only issued to local government offices and posted in the form of notices.

In some remote counties, when this notice was posted, people began to weed the crops a second time.

The royal experimental fields were only managed by some long-term workers who knew how to farm. These people never thought about innovation or how to increase production. They just farmed according to the methods passed down from generation to generation. They did not seek merit, but Planting this experimental field with a fault-free mentality, in short, it has no experimental effect at all, and the word "experiment" is used in vain.

After Shen Chengyao went to the Ministry of Household Affairs to take care of some matters, he went to the experimental field to check the growth of the wheat, and then rode his horse to his own experimental field.

It was not convenient for Xiaoer to go to the royal experimental field, but her theoretical knowledge was better than Shen Chengyao's, so she set up an experimental field in her own village to exchange and learn with Shen Chengyao.

Di Shaowei's grandfather, Marquis Zhongyong, loved growing flowers and grass. One of the new year's gifts given to their family by Xiao'er a year ago was a pot of Bodhi flowers. When the Marquis saw it, he loved it like a darling.

After doing some research, I found out that their family had a flower field, so I often went to Shen Chengyao to study the Flower Classic.

Shen Chengyao loves farming, and he loves growing flowers, and the two hit it off.

Now Shen Chengyao is busy with spring plowing. Lord Hou said that he was also interested, so he followed Xiaoer here early in the morning.

Shen Chengyao is a man of action. He vows to do something for the people, and he will live up to the emperor's appreciation and support for him.

Therefore, he personally participated in everything about the crops in the experimental fields and kept records.

Xiaoer said that it was necessary to plant densely and properly, fertilize and irrigate properly, and he did so.

Some time ago, Xiao'er had someone dig a large pond specifically for fertilization, and now she came over to see if the fertilizer was ripe.

She checked the book in the space and found that it was the most suitable time for wheat to be topdressed with nitrogen fertilizer.

In modern times, urea can be used to apply nitrogen fertilizer, but here we can only rely on human and animal manure, plant ash, rotten grass, etc. to synthesize it ourselves.

Xiaoer then thought of using biogas fertilizer to topdress dry land wheat.

The nitrogen recovery rate of biogas fertilizer is as high as 95%, so it is very suitable for top dressing.

And it is simple to make. You only need to mix straw, grass and human excrement in a biogas tank, cover it, let it ferment naturally to produce biogas, and the remaining residue is biogas fertilizer.

Shen Chengyao asked someone to uncover the wooden boards. Xiaoer glanced at the dark fertilizer in the pond and nodded: "Okay, take out the fertilizer and stack it for five or six days before putting it into the field."

"Why do they have to be piled up for five or six days before being released?" Zhongyong Hou is a curious baby.

Xiaoer considered the words for a moment before speaking: "If the fertilizer is too rich, it will burn the roots and cause the wheat seedlings to turn yellow and wither.

Therefore, half of the water needs to be added when fertilizing. It is best to apply fertilizer in a hole or in a ditch and then cover it with soil. Finally, watering is required. "

Marquis Zhongyong nodded.

"Manure needs to be left for a period of time to fertilize the land." Shen Chengyao added, this is known to many experienced people.

"Your Majesty is not wrong. With a serious and responsible Nong Zhengqing like you, our agriculture and animal husbandry industry will surely usher in glory." Lord Hou stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"I just try my best to do it. Even if I can make a difference, I have to rely on the emperor's trust and promotion. I definitely don't have such a big influence."

The Marquis nodded after hearing this. He is a well-connected person who does not like to take great pleasure in success. He is serious and responsible in his work and down-to-earth.

Shen Chengyao took Zhongyong Hou to see the orchards and vegetable fields, and explained the benefits of grafting technology.

"Not only fruit trees, cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables can be grafted, but flowers can also be grafted. By grafting multiple scions on one rootstock, that is, grafting scions of several varieties of flowers, then a pot of flowers can show a variety of colors. , can make flowers more precious." Xiaoer added.

"Are you serious? No, I have to try it myself. What kind of grafting method is this? Xiaoer girl, you have to teach Grandpa Di!"

"Okay, it's actually not difficult. It's quite simple. I'll tell you when I cultivate new varieties in my flower field." Xiaoer agreed.

"It's a deal."

The three of them originally planned to have lunch at Zhuangzi before returning home, but the Liu family sent someone to tell them that Master Zhuge was visiting.

Shen Chengyao and Xiaoer hurried home.

When the two returned home, the three brothers had already returned from school.

After several people greeted each other, they sat down.

"I came in a hurry this time and didn't prepare anything. I'm really sorry. You have helped us so much. Every drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring. If you need my help in the future, just ask. I will not shirk it if I can do it. One or two. Put this jade pendant away. If you need anything, take the jade pendant to Yulin Shengjing in Dongmenguan. The shopkeeper there will inform me." Zhuge Xin's face turned red when he said this, and he handed the jade pendant to Shen Chengyao.

Someone else had helped him raise his son for so long, and he came to pick him up with his bare hands. How could he feel embarrassed?

Giving money directly would seem too insincere.

But this time it was because something unexpected happened. When they received the news that Brother Ri had been assassinated, they dropped everything and rushed over.

"Master Zhuge is so polite. Brother Ri has been as kind as a mountain to us. We all consider Brother Ri a family, so we can't even talk about repaying him." Shen Chengyao did not accept the jade pendant.

"Brother Shen, please accept it. This jade pendant is just for the convenience of contacting each other."

Shen Chengyao accepted this after hearing this.

"Is it safe for you to take Brother Ri back?" Ms. Liu asked worriedly.

"Mrs. Shen, please don't worry, they are like grasshoppers in autumn, they won't be able to hop around for long."

"Oh." Mrs. Liu didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed after hearing this.

I don't want Brother Ri to leave, but I have no excuse for him to stay.

Seeing this, Brother Ri knelt in front of Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu.

"Brother Ri, what are you doing? Get up quickly." Ms. Liu quickly stood up and helped Brother Ri up.

"Brother Ri can't do it." Shen Chengyao also hurriedly said.

"You two just accept his bow. This is what he deserves." Zhuge Xin said.

The two sat down after hearing this.

Brother Ri kowtowed three times to Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu.

"Brother Ri, thank Uncle Shen and Auntie for raising me. Brother Ri will definitely come back. I hope Uncle Shen and Auntie can betroth Yun'er to me."

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