After hearing this, Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu glanced at Zhuge Xin, his wife and Yun'er. Shen Chengyao hesitated and said: "This..."

Yun'er lowered her head after hearing this, her face turned red.

After hearing this, An Yi said excitedly: "Master Shen and Mrs. Shen, please agree. I will definitely treat Yun'er as my own daughter in the future. Even for Xiao'er's sake, I don't dare to treat Yun'er badly." .The two of them are childhood sweethearts, what a wonderful couple! How could you have the heart to break them up?"

Shen Chengyao and Mrs. Liu looked at each other again. Brother Ri was very nice, but they were reluctant to let their daughter marry so far away! She is already married to a foreign country, and she doesn't even know if something bad happens to her daughter.

But looking at Yun'er like this, I'm afraid it's also interesting to Brother Ri. What should I do?

"Uncle Shen, I will definitely be kind to Yun'er in the future, and I will only have Yun'er as a wife. If I violate this oath in the future, I will be struck by thunder and die badly!" Brother Ri saw Shen Chengyao and the others hesitate, and Xiao Xiao Ren'er couldn't think of any way to convince the adults of his words, so he could only swear an oath to show his loyalty.

"You child, how can you make an oath properly? Bodhisattva bless you, what you just said does not count, it does not count." After hearing what he said, Mrs. Liu clasped her hands and muttered.

This is fine, Xiaoer is speechless.

"Brother Shen, these two children have shared weal and woe and have supported each other through thick and thin. Please help them." Zhuge Xin also interceded for his son.

He could finally see that this son's temperament was just like his own, he was an infatuated person. If he couldn't settle on Yun'er now, he probably wouldn't even want to leave with him.

"Xiao'er, why don't you help your nephew to speak to you!" An Yi turned to Xiao'er and said.


Xiaoer couldn't help but touch her forehead after hearing these two words! Ri Ge'er's status as an elder brother in his own family, but in the blink of an eye, he became a nephew in An Yi's mouth!

His nephew marries his own sister?

This generation is so messed up!

In addition to An Yi, everyone in the room was also shocked by the word nephew.

Zhuge Xin was speechless for his wife.

Then everyone tacitly ignored this ridiculous name.

"My parents are just worried that after Yun'er gets married, they won't be able to see Yun'er again. Now Yun'er is still young and has not reached the age to talk about marriage. How about waiting for Yun'er to grow up, and Brother Ri will come to propose marriage again? Is Yun'er going to propose marriage again? We will never help Yun'er negotiate a marriage before her son gets married. How do you think this is okay?" Xiaoer expressed the worries of Shen Chengyao and his wife, and also thought of a compromise so that both families could think about it carefully. .

"Brother Ri, Yun'er, what do you think?" Mrs. Liu thinks this method is good, but she has to ask the two parties for their opinions.

"It's all up to the parents." Yun'er whispered with a red face.

"I listen to Yun'er." Although Ri Ge'er was a little disappointed and failed to settle on a wife, it would be fine as long as Yun'er and Ji Qian could come back on their own.

He hopes to see Yun'er's haircut ceremony with his own eyes.

"Then it's settled! Don't promise my daughter-in-law to anyone else!" An Yi said happily, then took off an jade bracelet from her own hand and walked over to help Yun'er put it on.

"This is a family heirloom, specially passed down to your daughter-in-law. It should be regarded as a token of love between you and Brother Ri. My dear daughter-in-law, please take good care of it!" An Yi held Yun'er's hand and patted it.

Shen Chengyao: "..."

Mrs. Liu: "..."

Jing Rui Jinghao: "..."

Didn’t you say we’d discuss it again in a few years? Why did you give me all the tokens of love? ! Will we still need to discuss it after a few years? ! Just exchange Geng Tie directly.

Brother Ri: My mother is really on the right track.

After hearing this, Yun'er's face turned as red as a tomato and she was a little at a loss. She glanced at Shen Chengyao and Liu, but both of them were dumbfounded and looked at Xiao'er.

"Dad, are you going to accept this bracelet from Yun'er?" Xiao'er received Yun'er's distress signal and pulled her two absent parents back.

They have to make the final decision on Yun'er's marriage! As a sister, she can only give advice.

The two couples looked at Brother Ri's anxious eyes, but they couldn't bear to refuse and nodded.

Shen Chengyao sighed in his heart. His daughter was very good. He was still waiting for the people who would come to ask for marriage in the future to cross the threshold. Why did one or two of them book her out so early?

Fortunately, he also has a younger daughter. The younger daughter must not get married so early. He has to personally choose a wedding for the younger daughter.

It's a pity that Shen Chengyao will definitely have his way, and this little daughter will be booked earlier!

After lunch, Ri Geer left with his parents.

Mrs. Liu took out the clothes she had made for Brother Ri during this period.

One set of clothes for each quarter of the year, prepared until Brother Ri is twenty years old.

Brother Ri's eyes turned red when he saw this big bag of luggage.

Zhuge Xin and An Yi were also deeply moved.

An Yi couldn't help but cry. Her own mother had never made clothes for her son!

But she is a person who doesn’t even want to touch a needle, how to make clothes.

"If it takes longer, I can prepare a few more pairs of shoes, but now I can only prepare them until you are fifteen. I made them based on your growth rate this year and last year, and I don't know if they will fit by then. " Mrs. Liu said with regret.

"Auntie has always been careful, so she must be suitable." Ri Ge'er gently stroked the baggage.

"I've asked people to carry some food into the carriage. They are all things you like to eat and can be stored." Ms. Liu finally confessed.

"Okay. Thank you, Auntie." Ri Geer nodded and did not refuse. These things have been prepared by everyone for more than a month.

Yun'er has just prepared four purses, each embroidered with plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum and other patterns.

"I only had time to make four purses." Because there were embroidery, the patterns were so lifelike, it was obvious that a lot of thought was put into them.

"Xiao'er, what should I do? I feel like I have failed as a mother. I have never made anything for my son." An Yi took Xiao'er's hand for comfort.

"There will be plenty of time and opportunities for you to do it for him, don't worry."

"But I don't know anything." An Yi's face turned bitter.

"It's okay. If you pay someone to do it, it means you did it."

"That's right!" An Yi felt relieved after hearing this.

Xiaoer also took out the things he prepared for Brother Ri.

"Brother Ri, this is a must-have medicine for home travel. The usage is written on the paper. Keep it well." Xiaoer handed him the small baggage in her hand.

"You also take the horse you ride with you on weekdays. That horse is intelligent and can recognize the road accurately, and it will definitely be a thousand-mile horse when it grows up. You also take one of the dogs you raise at home, and two carrier pigeons for easy communication." After returning home, he will not feel lonely if he has a few familiar animals by his side.

Brother Ri also knows what abilities the dog at home has, and it will always come in handy.

Brother Ri nodded, these same things are full of deep love and meaning.

A few people left in the carriage. Ri Geer opened the curtain of the carriage and watched their figures gradually shrink and disappear. He couldn't bear to let go of them for a long time.

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