It would be a lie to say that you are not depressed when familiar people leave your side one by one. Xiaoer is inevitably a little sad.

The peak fire lasts for three months, and the letters from home are worth ten thousand gold.

After Xiaoer received a letter, she was resurrected with full health.

The content of the letter is very simple, with only four words: Peace, don’t miss it.

But Xiaoer felt a lot more relieved.

The sadness of parting has passed, but trouble has caught up with me.

The weather was sultry and it was uncomfortable to stay in the house. Xiaoer asked people to move everything to the pavilion in the yard, planning to spend the whole morning drawing jewelry designs on the stone table here.

I have long planned to open a jewelry store, but I have never found a good store. I finally bought a two-story store two days ago. The store is not big, but the location is very good, just opposite the rare treasures.

Although opening a jewelry store opposite would feel a bit like competing with rare treasures, I really couldn't find a store.

Xiaoer did not plan to renovate the shop, but directly demolished the entire house and rebuilt it. The design drawings had been drawn and workers had been found to build the house.

But I haven’t found a master who can make jewelry and is good at it.

"Miss Xiao'er, the concierge sent someone to say that Miss Li of the Prime Minister's Mansion would like to see you." Zi Jing stood outside the pavilion and saluted.

Why are you here again? Xiaoer frowned. Why is this person coming to her every two days? !

I refused the first three times with various excuses. It would not be good to refuse again, as it would be said to be too unkind.

Forget it, let's meet and solve the problem once and for all, so that she won't bother him all the time.

"Invite her in."

After the redbud went down, Xiaoer asked the maid who was standing under the shade of a tree in the distance waiting for the call to come over and put away the things on the table, then make tea and bring some pastries and fruits.

Li Yuning was quickly brought over by Zijing.

Xiaoer is the county lord and the future sixth imperial concubine. According to the rules, Li Yuning, a person with no class, needs to pay tribute to Xiaoer.

So she stood outside the pavilion and pretended to salute Xiaoer. She originally thought that Xiaoer would let her off the hook. After all, she was older than her. Unexpectedly, Xiaoer sat firmly on the stone chair and accepted her. This gift.

"Fu'an, the Lord of Ruian County."

Xiaoer nodded lightly: "Miss Li, please sit down."

It was too much to bully someone. Even though she was a few years older, I dared to accept her courtesy and was not afraid of losing my fortune.

Li Yunning gritted her teeth secretly, suppressed the grievance rising in her heart, walked up to the pavilion, and sat down opposite Xiaoer. At this time, the dissatisfaction in her heart had calmed down, and it was not shown on her face at all.

"I heard that Miss Li has come to see the county master many times. I don't know what the matter is." Xiaoer deliberately emphasized the word "county master" in order to use her status to pressure others and make her retreat.

Li Yunning's face froze after hearing those three words, then she raised a smile and said softly: "The master asked me to make a painting a few days ago. I felt like something was missing. I remembered that County Master Rui'an was very knowledgeable and talented, so I came here specifically to ask the county chief for some advice."

Being promoted like this by herself, given her age and immature nature, she would definitely get carried away and pretend to give some advice on her painting.

When I was her age, I would get carried away by being complimented like this. Later, I was educated by my father and I slowly corrected myself.

"Miss Li is joking. Miss Li learned from Mr. Qu Yang, a famous calligrapher and painter of my dynasty. However, I only have a small skill. I dare not give Miss Li any advice. Otherwise, I will really be Lu Ban's master with a big axe. I am overestimating my abilities."

Well, you support me and I support you, river crab.

Li Yunning didn't expect Xiaoer to have such a temperament at such a young age, without the smug, arrogant and complacent attitude of a successful teenager.

It seemed that he still underestimated her.

If she really looked at her painting today and said a few words, she would be able to make all the literati in the imperial capital think that she was a arrogant and arrogant person.

No, even if she just glances at him and doesn't say anything, she has a way of making people think that she is living up to her reputation.


"County Lord Ruian is too humble. The painting of Lord Ruian's Longevity Festival is comparable to that of a famous artist. The Queen is planning to hold a cooking competition. Has County Lord Ruian received the post?"

"Yes." Xiaoer responded lightly, "Oh, I really can't be enthusiastic. What should I do? I really want to issue an eviction order directly."

Li Yuning didn't care, thinking that she just had such a sullen temper. After all, she rarely interacted with other women from aristocratic families, and she didn't even have a close friend.

She also recalled that at the palace banquet, she was chatting with the two princes and Di Shaowei, she looked so confident, but she was even more disdainful in her heart. She really had a vixen temperament and only went after men.

Although she was disdainful in her heart, she didn't show it on her face. She said to herself: "In previous years, the queen held embroidery competitions. I never thought that we would hold a cooking competition this year. We boudoir girls have not touched each other since childhood. I was so frightened when I heard that this cooking competition was held. For this competition, my hands were injured in several places by oil splashes. Lord Ruian, your hands are still so white and tender. They haven’t been in these few days. Practice?”

A farm girl like her would have nothing to do with having her fingers wet, but those hands were whiter than her own.


"Yes, a person as knowledgeable and talented as County Master Rui'an must be very good at cooking. Have you known how to cook since you were a child, so you are determined to win this competition?"

"Indeed, but I only cook to reduce the burden on my parents. Naturally, it is not as noble as Miss Li's purpose of learning cooking skills from famous chefs since she was a child." Xiaoer sarcastically replied with a smile.

She has been cooking and cooking since she was a child, so that her family can have food when they come back from the fields, but she learned to cook to please men. I don’t understand how she can think that she is nobler than herself when doing similar things?

She repeatedly looks for opportunities to get close to her, wanting to make good friends with herself, wanting to cultivate friendship with her, but obviously her deep sense of superiority still reveals her true nature: she just looks down on your low background.

Li Yuning frowned after hearing this. Cooking skills, female celebrities, and etiquette are one of the required courses for girls like them.

Strictly speaking, she has learned how to cook since she was a child.

But how could County Lord Rui'an ridicule himself like this?

Although the cooking skills I learned are different from the work done by those maids and women, how can they be compared.

As expected, it is difficult to reach the level of elegance!

"Does Lord Rui'an know when the Sixth Prince and the others will return?" Li Yunning decided to avoid the topic.

"After winning the battle."

"That's right, I don't know how they are doing over there now."

Xiaoer couldn't help but roll her eyes. Why did she act so indifferent to this man's talk? She just wanted her to understand and leave on her own. After all, it doesn’t look good if you start driving people away by yourself.

"Has County Master Rui'an received the letter from the Sixth Prince? I heard from my father that General Di has returned with news."

"Have you finished speaking, Miss Li? I'm very busy."

Li Yuning ran away with a red face.

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