The next day, Xiaoer was going to go to the jewelry store to check out the decoration.

When the carriage passed Liuyue Lane, Master Lin suddenly ran out and almost became a ghost under the horse.

Xiao'er opened the curtain and saw that he was panicking and had a bad feeling in her heart: "Master Lin, are you okay? Why are you so panicked?"

"Doctor, I have to go find the doctor. Yan'er is bleeding a lot!" Master Lin walked around the carriage and ran forward again.

Xiaoer hurriedly jumped out of the carriage, "Zhao Yong, you send Master Lin to Dr. Luo, and I'll go see Miss Lin."

Zhao Yong glanced at the secret guard in a corner in the distance, and then nodded hesitantly.

When Xiaoer arrived at Lin's house, the door to the courtyard was wide open, and a faint smell of blood hit her nostrils.

"Yan'er, wake up, the doctor will be here soon. Yan'er, don't sleep!" Mrs. Lin kept patting Lin Yan'er's face to try to wake her up.

As soon as Xiaoer came in, she saw a ladder leaning against the wall of the courtyard. Next to the ladder, Lin Yan was lying half unconscious on Mrs. Lin. Her face was pale and there was no blood at all on her lips. The skirt of her lower body was stained red with blood. Very shocking.

What's going on here? Suicide by jumping over a wall? Look at the small pool of blood flowing out from Lin Yan's buttocks. Is this a hemorrhagic arrhythmia?

Xiao'er didn't have time to think too much, so she stepped forward and took a look at her breath. It was like a gossamer! This life is almost gone!

The last two worry-free fruits were made into pills, one was given to Shangguan Xuanyi, and the other was given to Ri Geer.

Now all she has left in her hands is a bottle of "Taiwan Balm" made from one Wushu fruit and one hundred pills, which can cure illness or not and strengthen the body.

Xiaoer quickly stuffed three pills into her mouth, and then pretended to be a doctor and stuffed a pill made from Wuyou leaves into her mouth. Wuyou leaves can stop bleeding and heal injuries. She didn't know if it could stop this. The heavy bleeding caused by miscarriage heals the injury caused by jumping over the wall and miscarrying.

"Mrs. Lin, the ground is cold, please take Miss Lin back to the house first." After Xiaoer gave the medicine, she said to Mrs. Lin who only knew how to wake people up.

With so much blood, Lin Yan definitely had a miscarriage. Postpartum people are most afraid of catching cold.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin came back to her senses as if she had found a backbone, "Yes, the ground is cold! You have to go back to the house, go back to the house!"

Mrs. Lin wanted to pick up her daughter, but found that she was not strong enough.

"Let me do it!"

Xiaoer stepped forward and carefully picked up Lin Yan.

"Where is Miss Lin's room?"

"Here, I'll take you there!" Mrs. Lin hurriedly took Xiaoer into the house and spread the quilt on the bed.

"Madam, please help Miss Lin find some clean clothes to change into later. Cover her with a quilt first. I'll boil some hot water and clean her up."

"Okay." Mrs. Lin gave instructions one by one.

Xiaoer found the kitchen, added some space water to the pot, then found a flint and lit the firewood.

Xiao'er picked as many twigs as possible and put them into the stove, burning the fire very brightly, and a pot of water boiled quickly.

She found a clean copper basin, poured the water from the pot into the basin, and then soaked the copper basin in a large water tank to speed up the cooling of the boiling water in the copper basin.

I heard that pregnant women need to use boiling water to wash their hands and wipe their bodies. Although Xiaoer thinks that it is okay not to boil the water in the space, but others don’t know that it would take too long to just boil the water. She also doesn’t want Mrs. Lin to I think she only boiled the water until it was half-boiled before bringing it in.

Since you are helping people, you should help them thoroughly, carefully and thoughtfully, and don't make others feel like you just deal with it casually.

Xiaoer brought the water from the copper basin into the house: "Mrs. Lin, I soaked this basin of water in a water tank to cool it down. The water in that tank is dirty and cannot be eaten. You can pick it up again later. .”

"Okay, I get it. It's hard for you to be so considerate." Mrs. Lin just helped her daughter change clothes and found that her daughter's blood was no longer bleeding. Although her face was very pale, she looked a little better than before. Finally, The main thing is that my breathing is heavy.

Before the girl came, she could hardly detect her daughter's breathing. She herself has been by her daughter's side and knows that her daughter's changes are all due to the few pills the girl fed her.

"Mrs. Lin, help Miss Lin clean up first. The doctor should be here soon."

"Okay, I'll do it. You, a little girl, should not be exposed to these things. Thank you so much just now." She was so frightened just now that he didn't stop her from holding her daughter. She was still a little girl, so she didn't She didn't know where the strength came from, but she actually picked up her daughter who she couldn't even hold.

"Then I'll go and cool down the half pot of water and bring it in for you."

Mrs. Lin had wiped her daughter with a clean cotton towel when she changed her clothes. However, because the cotton towel was not wet with water, the wipe was not clean enough, and there were still some blood marks on her thighs.

Mrs. Lin helped her daughter wipe her body with a hot towel again and put on a clean menstrual belt again.

Dr. Luo also came at this time.

Dr. Luo checked her pulse seriously for a while, put away her hand, and walked out: "Has the girl been given medicine?"

"Well, the situation was a bit critical when I came here, so I gave her medicine first." Xiaoer nodded.

"Physician, how is my daughter doing now?"

"Miscarriage, hemorrhagic collapse, the bleeding has stopped now. Fortunately, the bleeding stopped in time, otherwise I would have died if I waited until now! Why did you take so long to call a doctor?"

"As soon as we got up and came out of the house, we found out and immediately went to call the doctor." Master Lin also regretted in his heart. They were careless and thought that their daughter had figured it out.

After comforting her all night last night, she also promised not to do anything stupid, so the couple went to bed.

Unexpectedly, she just hid it well.

"Is the little girl's life still in danger now?" Although the two people said that his daughter was not in danger, Master Lin was still worried when he saw that his daughter's face was as white as paper.

"The bleeding has stopped. As long as there is no more bleeding, there will be no life-threatening danger. I will prescribe two medicines, one for drinking now, and the other for conditioning after the body recovers. You go to the drug store to get some medicine. Then let the patient take good care of himself. Rest, don't be irritated, don't catch a cold, and you will recover soon."

"Doctor, can my daughter still have children in the future?" Many people who have suffered heavy bleeding cannot be pregnant again. Her daughter's life has just begun, and she won't be ruined by this in the future!

"No, it's just your good luck. This girl's medicine is a panacea. Now your daughter is just weak after a miscarriage, losing too much blood."

Mrs. Lin was relieved after hearing this.

"Thank you Miss Shen and Doctor Luo for your life-saving grace."

"No need to thank me, I didn't help much, and I only came here because of this girl's face."

Xiao'er heard this and said, "Mr. Luo, you are too direct."

"That little girl, I would like to thank Dr. Luo for being willing to come over to me." Xiaoer said mischievously.

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