"You're welcome. Just prepare some more good dishes for me later. Girl, you also know that I gave you face because of your food." Dr. Luo and Xiao'er spoke in completely different tones. You could tell it was a joke, which showed that the two of them knew each other very well.

"Okay, it's rare that my food is shameless. What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you later." Xiao'er also deserved to be happy.

"Anything is fine, I won't choose! Let's go now. The hospital is busy with vaccinations for cowpox. I'll eat after I'm done."

The imperial doctors at the imperial hospital have been very busy recently, busy inoculating cowpox on people in the palace and people in civil and military officials.

Because fever and other symptoms usually occur after vaccination, they are also invited by people from various prefectures.

The emperor ordered that cowpox vaccination should be tried out among parents first, and then be promoted to the whole country after safety is ensured.

The emperor was the first to be vaccinated against cowpox, setting an example for all officials and people.

Let’s go off topic, but let’s get back to it.

Now that Lin Yan is fine, Xiaoer has to leave too. The clothes on her body are all stained with blood. She has to go home and change her clothes before going out.

"Mr. Luo, wait, let's go together. I'll ask Zhao Yong to take you back to Tai's Hospital." Xiaoer said to Dr. Lin, then turned to Master Lin and his wife and said, "Since Miss Lin is fine, it's time for me to say goodbye. .”

"Miss Shen, please wait a moment. Lin agreed to what Miss Shen said before." Master Lin said this without any hesitation or struggle.

"Master Lin doesn't need to agree to me because of this incident. I'm not someone who wants to repay a favor." Xiaoer did not deny that she had expectations that Master Lin would grant her request after saving Lin Yan's life this time. thing. But if he doesn't agree to her, she won't blame him for being ungrateful, let alone bring it up on her own initiative. Because she took the initiative to help them, and she did have selfish motives in this matter.

Since you do things selfishly from the beginning, you must accept the consequences of this selfishness and cannot blame others, otherwise you should not do it in the first place.

"I not only want to repay the girl for saving her life, I also want to take revenge. The girl is not afraid that I will cause trouble for the girl, so our family sold ourselves to the girl." Master Lin is an upright person, and he also said it directly. own selfishness.

After hearing this, Xiaoer said to Dr. Luo, "Doctor Luo, please go back to the hospital first. I'll ask Zhao Yong to see you off."

Doctor Luo nodded.

Mrs. Lin also had to go out to get medicine.

After seeing off Dr. Luo, Xiaoer said to Master Lin: "Master Lin doesn't need to sell himself. Being a slave will not be good for your descendants. We just need to sign a contract. The shop is being renovated now. I also We have hired several craftsmen, but we lack a master-level all-rounder like Master Lin. I will design the drawings..."

Xiaoer and Master Lin left after discussing everything and signing the contract documents.

After Xiaoer left, Mrs. Lin, who came back from taking medicine, remembered that she should buy a set of clothes for Xiaoer to change into, otherwise her family would be shocked when they saw her.

The entrance of Shengpinghou Mansion

As soon as Xiaoer got off the carriage, she saw Xiao Fuzi riding over.

Xiao Fuzi got off the horse and saw the blood stains on Xiao'er's body. He was so nervous that he forgot to salute: "Miss Xiao'er, are you injured? Where is it? How did you get injured? Zhao Yong, how did you protect the girl? How did you show your respect to the Sixth Prince after he came back? The prince explains!"

Oh my God, this was the first time he saw a girl injured. There was so much blood on the sleeve, how big the wound was! The Sixth Prince had repeatedly warned them before setting off that they must protect the girl and put the girl's safety first, no matter how big the deal was. When the Sixth Prince came back and found out that the girl was injured, he would not let them go.

"Come on, Xiao Fuzi, don't ask so many questions at once and make such a fuss. This is not my blood. I got it when I hugged her after saving someone."

After hearing this, Xiao Fuzi breathed a sigh of relief.

wrong! The girl just said: Hug!

Remembering that someone is a jealous person who holds the most sour vinegar in the world. Usually, if Mr. Di and the second prince get a little closer to the girl, his eyes will kill people, but now the girl actually hugged someone else!

Xiao Fuzi's heart agitated again: "Is the girl holding a boy or a girl?"

"Female!" Xiao'er said angrily when she saw Xiao Fuzi's expression of imminent disaster and remembered someone's usual behavior.

I really thought she didn't realize how stingy and old-fashioned he was! It makes everyone around me nervous.

Hearing the two words he dreamed of, Xiao Fuzi smoothed his eyebrows and relaxed: As long as she is a woman! Just be a woman!

"What's the matter with Xiao Fuzi's visit?" He must have believed it.

"Master has a letter for the girl."


"Girl, if you have a letter to reply to the master, you can have it brought to me."


"Oh." Xiao Fuzi replied disappointedly.

The master has already written two letters to the girl, but why hasn't Miss Xiaoer replied to one of them?

If he gets Miss Xiaoer's reply and has someone send it to the master, the master will be very happy and will definitely reward him heavily when he comes back.

How could Xiaoer not see Xiao Fuzi's little thoughts?

"I want to write a letter, so I can send it by flying pigeon!" Xiaoer kindly told him.

She doesn't need to be like someone who sends every letter together with the military intelligence report, just to tell everyone that he values ​​her.

That way, even if someone wants to cause trouble for him, he will still consider whether he will settle the score when he comes back!

After hearing Xiao'er's words, Xiao Fuzi's mood became brighter. When he wrote back to his master to report on Miss Xiao'er's situation, he could mention by the way that Miss Xiao'er could fly pigeons to send letters to him, so that his master would be happy after reading his letter. .

What Xiao Fuzi didn't know was that Xiaoer had no intention of replying to the letter at all. It was just a few words from someone, how could she reply even one word?

After returning to her yard, Xiaojiu opened Shangguan Xuanyi's letter.

Another few words that can be counted on the palm of one hand!

See you in July

Well, wait for you! Xiaoer said in her heart, then folded the letter with a smile and put it into the space.

Although there were only three words on the letter, Xiaoer felt that her mood was much brighter.

More than three months have passed since Shangguan Xuanyi left for the expedition, and we will be able to meet him in more than a month, which makes me happy just thinking about it.

Xiaoer flashed into the space and started farming happily.

During the day, I looked at my master’s beautiful mood, and I couldn’t bear to say what I was about to say!

Bai Tian glanced at his wife and said, "My dear wife, why don't you tell me?"

Tian Bai rolled his eyes: It's useless!

Then he swam away in the colorful fairy pond.

I feel so wronged during the day, being looked down upon by my wife.

well! Master, I'm sorry!

"Ahem, Master, I have something to tell you."

"Say it!" Xiaoer didn't even raise his head.

"From the letter you just put into the space..."

Xiaoer's movements stopped, waiting for Tian Tian to finish speaking.

"...I felt the breath of the tsunami."

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