After hearing this, Xiaoer was shocked.

She had a bad feeling before they set off, and sure enough!

She closed her eyes and calmed down before asking, "When will it happen?"

It took at least more than a month for this letter to arrive in my hands. Has this tsunami already happened, or has it not happened yet?

Xiaoer asked a little hopelessly.

"I can feel the breath of the tsunami from the letter paper, which means that when the letter is sent, the tsunami will definitely erupt within three days, and only a large tsunami can have such a strong breath attached to objects, and it will last for more than a month." Daytime also I feel like things are getting serious.

Under the influence of the tsunami, that area of ​​​​the sea is definitely a dangerous environment with a narrow escape from death.

"I have to save him!" Xiaoer quickly left the space.

Xiao'er got out of the space and talked about the matter with Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu hurriedly pulled Xiao'er: "No, it's too dangerous for a little girl like you to go to such a far place alone!"

"Mother, Shangguan has arranged four secret guards for me to protect me. In addition, Zhao Yong and the two maids Yangliu and Yangmei are all skilled in martial arts. Mother, don't worry! I'm leaving, and it's about the shop at home. , you tell dad."

"Mom, I'll go with you!" Ms. Liu couldn't persuade Xiao'er, and Xiao'er also said so. Only if she goes there in person can she best find the Sixth Prince. In this case, she should accompany her daughter.

"Mom, please stop making trouble. Now that the storm has passed, I just wanted to make sure that Brother Shangguan was okay? My life is not in danger! We can't live without people at home, and we can't live without the jewelry shop when it's ready to open. Don't talk anymore, I'm leaving. Aunt Rong, take good care of my wife." Xiaoer left these words and left.

"Don't worry, girl." Aunt Rong quickly agreed.

The Sixth Prince did not misjudge the person! Aunt Rong secretly wiped her tears.

Xiao'er left the mansion in a carriage to avoid Liu's disobedience. As soon as she left the city gate, she immediately switched to riding a horse. To facilitate her, she also disguised herself as a man.

A month ago, on Nanzhou Beach

The two sides fought for nearly two months.

Finally, under the tremendous power of one of them bombing a warship, the Japanese pirates finally became afraid and handed over a letter of surrender.

That night, soldiers and nearby people came to the beach to celebrate.

Tomorrow they can return to court.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei stood on the beach looking at the sea in the distance.

"I can finally go back tomorrow! After two months of sea breeze, my whole mouth is full of salt." Di Shaowei said exaggeratedly.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't speak. He was thinking about a cruel girl who hadn't written a single word to him for such a long time.

Fortunately, Xiao Fuzi had been told to report her situation regularly before departure, otherwise he would have thought something had happened to her.

"Speaking of which, have you really finished the food that Xiao'er girl gave you? Don't lie to me! Before we left, that girl asked me to ask you to get it after I finished eating!" Di Shaowei was very dissatisfied with someone's food protection. satisfy.

But he didn't want to think about it, Xiao'er had already prepared a lot for him, and then she went to Shangguan Xuanyi to ask for a lot.

Even Shangguan Xuanyi didn't eat as much as him.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at him and said, "There's more."

Seeing that he was talking about someone, Shangguan Xuanyi kindly replied with two words.

"I said you must be hiding something. Where is it? I have to get some to eat to get rid of the salty taste in my mouth. It's been a hard day for my stomach." Di Shaowei heard that there was still something to eat. My eyes lit up.

Shangguan Xuanyi took out a bottle of pills and gave them to him.

"Medicine!" Di Shaowei rolled his eyes, this man has learned to joke.

Dishaowei decisively abandoned him and went to cultivate relationships with the people.

The night got deeper and deeper, and many soldiers and civilians went back to rest.

Only a few common people were telling these soldiers about a storm at sea decades ago.

An old man over sixty years old said:

"...Not long after I felt the violent shaking, I saw a wave higher than the city wall rushing towards our village. Many people saw it at that time and ran to the hill behind my house. Fortunately, I was young and ran fast. I reached the top of the mountain in one breath and hid behind a boulder, otherwise I would have been washed away. The huge wave washed down all the houses in our village, and many people were also washed away. , and even the corpse was not found. There are not many people in our village who survived, and I am one of them." The old man's voice became heavy.

The soldiers started talking.

"That wave is so lethal?!"

"Nonsense! How can a huge wave higher than the city wall not be powerful? Even floods can destroy houses."

"What do the waves that are higher than the city wall look like? I have only seen big floods in my life, and I have never seen real sea waves! It must be spectacular!"

"It is indeed spectacular, but believe me, you will never want to see it." The old man said.

After the huge wave passed, the place was in a mess, with broken trees and broken houses, corpses of people and animals scattered everywhere.

The scene was tragic, spectacular, and scary!

"You live by the sea all year round, don't you have any warning before such a storm comes?" Di Shaowei asked curiously.

As far as he knew, many people among the people had the ability to read clouds and know the weather.

Why don't you go out when the morning glow comes, but the sunset glow travels thousands of miles.

It rains for a long time, the wind is clear from the west, and it rains and clears from the west for a long time.

There are carp spots in the sky, and there is no need to turn over the grain to dry tomorrow.

If we knew it in advance, casualties could be reduced.

Just like the last earthquake in Qinghe County.

"Not that time, but sometimes before a big storm comes, the sea water will recede quickly, revealing a large beach. There will be many fish and shrimps on the beach..." The old man said the experience he had accumulated over the years.

Shangguan Xuanyi listened to the old man's words and watched the sea water recede quickly, as if there was a huge suction force in the distance that quickly sucked them away.

His pupils shrank and he shouted: "Run!"

"Old man, isn't this what it is like?" Di Shaowei faced the sea and saw the sea water receding rapidly. In just one breath, the sea water seemed to have retreated thousands of miles away.

It can't be so unlucky! Whatever you say!

The old man looked back and his face changed drastically: "Run! Run! The big wave is coming!"

After hearing this, the people on the beach stood up quickly and ran to the shore when they saw the water disappearing.

Di Shaowei also quickly carried the old man on his back and left using Qinggong.

Shangguan Xuanyi also used Qinggong to leave, but halfway through, he heard a boy crying and shouting behind him: "Wait for me! Wait for me!"

Shangguan Xuanyi turned around and saw a huge wave approaching quickly in the distance.

He quickly turned around, quickly picked up the little boy and used Qing Kung Fu to leave.

He had already used ten of his powers, and his speed was very fast, but he still couldn't move faster than the huge wave that was more than ten meters high.

A huge wave came over and enveloped both of them in the sea water.

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