When Shangguan Xuanyi was struggling in the water with the little boy in his arms, he only remembered what Xiaoer said: "What a big loss!"

The little boy failed to save him, but instead got himself in!

Shangguan Xuanyi put an arm around the little boy and swam hard to the shore.

Huge waves hit the two of them one after another, advancing and retreating. Shangguan Xuanyi felt like he was about to fall apart, being teased so much by the waves.

Several times, I almost lost my grip and let go of the little boy in my hand.

"This can't go on like this!" Shangguan Xuanyi thought of the space ring given by Xiaoer and wanted to go in to avoid the wind and waves, but found that he couldn't.

Is it because I brought an outsider with me? Or is it because it's in the water?

Thinking that if he entered the space and the sea water followed him into the space, Shangguan Xuanyi was a little lucky that he couldn't enter the space.

There are still things that the girl gave him in the space. If the sea water enters, it will be completely destroyed.

The waves have not subsided yet, and Shangguan Xuanyi no longer swims hard, so he and the little boy just let himself and the little boy drift with the current, floating on the water. Now he has to save some energy for when the sea level recovers.

A huge wave came over again. Shangguan Xuanyi saw something like a bed board on the top of the wave. He tried his best to swim upstream. When he felt that he was about to lose strength, he finally grabbed the corner of the bed board, gritted his teeth, and waited for another wave. Even if he was blown away by the waves, he would never let go of the person and thing in his hands!

He knew this was the last straw!

Half a day after Xiaoer left, the emperor received the news.

He immediately ordered to mobilize 10,000 elite troops for Zhao Youwei to lead to Nanzhou for search and rescue.

When Shen Chengyao came back from the office and was about to tell Xiaoer the news, he realized that his daughter had already known about it and went to save people alone.

Mrs. Liu told Shen Chengyao what Xiaoer said and wanted him to chase Xiaoer back.

Shen Chengyao remembered that Xiaoer could enter Xiantian anytime and anywhere if he was in danger, and shook his head at Ms. Liu.

"Xiao'er knows it well, and she is very capable, so don't worry. Besides, the people arranged by the Sixth Prince are trustworthy. She will definitely find the Sixth Prince, and the two of them can come back safely."

Xiaoer worked very hard and only slept for one to two hours every day. It could be said that she rushed to Nanzhou non-stop.

At this time, Nanzhou City has returned to calm, but you can still see collapsed buildings, seawalls, and city walls that were ravaged by the huge waves. Broken wood and broken boards can still be seen everywhere.

You can imagine how devastating the roaring waves were at that time!

When Xiaoer stepped into Nanzhou City, it was still dark.

Dishaowei led a dozen soldiers and several experienced fishermen from nearby fishing villages and was about to go out to sea again for search and rescue.

Xiaoer followed the instructions during the day and came to the temporarily repaired port and found Dishaowei.

"Brother Di!"

Just as Di Shaowei was about to get on the boat, he heard Xiaoer's voice and turned around suddenly, his face full of disbelief: "Girl! Why are you here?"

"Where's Brother Shangguan?"

After hearing this, Di Shaowei almost cried, "I am also looking for him and am preparing to go to sea. He must have been taken away by the huge waves."

Xiaoer also knew that Shangguan Xuanyi was not around this beach, "Get on the boat first and go to sea before talking."

Xiaoer got on the boat with the four people Shangguan Xuanyi arranged to protect her.

It’s okay not to take him with him, these people are simply inseparable from him.

Xiaoer asked Di Shaowei about the situation at that time. She knew that Shangguan Xuanyi was in trouble because he went back to save a child, and she didn't know what to say.

When a tsunami comes, you have no time to take care of yourself.

"I hope God will spare his life for the sake of his kindness."

A large sailing ship is sailing on a calm sea. Who would have thought that such a calm sea would become turbulent and take away everything?

Dishawei and his people have already searched for the nearest islands, and now they are looking for farther islands.

"Did you feel Brother Shangguan's aura during the day?"

"not yet."

Xiaoer looked at the distant coastline, lost in thought.

"Girl, you haven't slept during this journey, why don't you go back to the cabin and take a rest first?" Di Shaowei looked at the huge black shadow under Xiao'er's eyes and said heartbrokenly.

Except for the first time we met, this girl was as thin as skin and bones. Every subsequent meeting was not in spirit.

I got the news so quickly and rushed over, without stopping to rest much on the way.

Xiaoer took a look at Di Shaowei's bearded face and his panda eyes, which were even worse than those of a panda, and knew that he had probably been looking for Shangguan Xuanyi day and night during this period.

"Brother Di, go take a nap too. It's still far away from the island. Don't fall down first before finding Brother Shangguan."

Di Shaowei also knew that what Xiaoer said made sense, so he nodded.

Inexplicably, Di Shaowei felt a lot more at ease with Xiaoer's presence.

Xiaoer was also in a room in the cabin, catching up on some sleep.

She slept uneasily. She vaguely woke up when she heard some noise outside.

She got up and dressed before walking out of the cabin and onto the deck.

I saw Zhao Yong tying up a man and planning to throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

"Sir, I don't dare anymore, please let me go! I have seniors and juniors waiting for me to go back and raise them! I can't die."

"Sir, please let him go. He is the only pillar of his family. If he dies, it will be pitiful to leave a family of old, weak, women and children behind!" A common man couldn't help but come out to plead for mercy.

"What's wrong?" Xiao'er frowned, what time had it been and she was still in the mood to cause trouble.

"Girl, this man is saying behind his back that the master is dead. He might have been feeding the fishes long ago. It's a waste of time to keep looking for him. He might even take the lives of us on the boat. I will throw this man into the sea right now. Feeding the fish, how dare you curse your master."

After hearing this, Xiaoer glanced at the man coldly: "If you don't want to go to sea with us to save people, just say it directly next time. We won't force you. Every life is precious, but don't curse Man, the person we rescued is definitely not dead! Keep your mouth shut and never do it again! Otherwise, I will be the first to chop you up and throw you out to feed the fish. The Sixth Prince is not someone you can just talk about! Otherwise, you will die. It’s not just you.”

The other people on the boat turned pale with fright after hearing this. They cursed the Sixth Prince, wouldn't they have their homes confiscated and their clans exterminated? !

"No, I won't dare to do it again. Thank you girl for sparing me." The man was so frightened that he almost peed.

"Let him go!" Xiaoer said to Zhao Yong.

It's been more than a month since the incident, so it's understandable for this person to think this way.

You can't really kill him just because he has a bad mouth or speaks in an ugly way.

Xiao'er walked to the stern of the boat and asked Tian Tian again: "During the day, have you been out at sea for so long, have you felt the aura of Brother Shangguan?"

"Not yet." Bai Tian shook his head, Huh? Bai Tian sniffed again, "Southeast, southeast!"

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