At this time, the southeast wind was blowing on the ocean, and the ship was sailing with the wind, going in the opposite direction to the wind.

"Guys, please sail the ship southeast." Xiaoer immediately asked the helmsman to change course after hearing Tian Tian's words.

After Xiaoer said this, she went back to the cabin, planning to eat something first and then come out to take a look.

When the chief helmsman saw Xiao'er entering, he whispered: "Let's adjust the sail a little, and don't change the general direction."

Seeing that Xiao'er was just a little girl, the chief helmsman thought that she was just saying this just for fun, but he also guessed that she had an unusual status. Such girls are the most unruly, and they would definitely make mischief if they didn't agree, so he wanted to follow the rules and pretend. Just adjust it.

Change the course. If no one is found in the southeast, we will have to turn around and go back here to look for him! What a waste of time this day is, what a fool!

"Wouldn't this be bad? What if the girl finds out?" A young helmsman hesitated in a low voice.

They were invited by Mr. Di to look for someone. Logically speaking, they should do what the master said when they took someone's money.

"How old is that girl? What can she find? Maybe she just said it casually! In this ocean, there is nothing but sea water in all directions. Without Simon, I dare not tell which direction is southeast!" The helmsman sneered, it would be strange for the girl to realize that it was heading southeast! Or maybe she didn't even know the ship hadn't changed direction.

"That's it! She just said to sail to the southeast. Why? Our ship has been traveling for most of the day. It's not in vain!" Another person echoed in a low voice, worried that the soldiers on both sides of the ship would hear it. .

"Yes, is she a girl familiar with this sea or are we familiar with it? There is a legendary death zone in the southeast. The ships that go there never return. Who knows the specific location of that ghost place? What if we accidentally enter the death zone? I dare not go to that area of ​​the sea!" A tall, thin, bearded sailor fully agreed with the chief helmsman's words.

He went out to sea to make money, not to lose his life.

"That's right, we carried out search and rescue from nearby to far islands according to the plan. Mr. Di also supports it. Now she changes the route just by saying a word. What if no one is found in the southeast direction and Mr. Di blames her? ? Are we going to go this way again then? That's not a fool's errand! And the longer we stay at sea, the more dangerous it becomes. No one knows when the storm will come!" The man who spoke had dark skin, a pair of triangular eyes, and big Thick lips.

"Then it's settled. The weather at sea is unpredictable. Let's get to the island as soon as possible. After completing the task, we can return to the sea quickly. After this trip, I won't go out next time." Anyway, this month, how many times did we go out? Cihai earned more than three hundred taels, which was much more than he had earned in the past ten years.

No matter how much money is said, it is not as important as life.

"Maybe that girl really felt something. Sometimes my mother's intuition is very accurate. If we act like this, what if the Sixth Prince is really waiting for us to save him..."

"Are you stupid? How long has it been now? Waiting for us to rescue? It's a joke! Do you think we are really going to sea to save people this time? It's good to find a bone! He looks human He looks like a human being, but I didn’t expect him to be a brainless person!”

The young helmsman blushed and lowered his head.

Xiaoer sat in the cabin and took out a meat bun from the space to eat. After taking a bite, she felt that the ship began to change its direction a little. But after she finished eating the whole bun, except for the small change just now, the ship moved forward. The direction has not changed. Strictly speaking, it is still sailing northwest.

Xiaoer frowned, walked out, and stepped onto the deck, just in time to hear the last two conversations.

"Have you adjusted the course?" Xiaoer said expressionlessly as she looked at the few people.

"Back to the girl. The adjustment is done. The ship is now sailing in the southeast direction." The chief helmsman said seriously, as if he had never done anything illegal.

"Really? Are you sure it's the southeast direction?" Xiao'er looked at him and asked calmly.

"Yes." The chief helmsman felt a little guilty because of Xiaoer's eyes, and he hurriedly avoided Xiaoer's gaze.

"Okay, you don't need to be the chief helmsman! You won't even get a penny of the money from this trip. Now that you each receive ten pieces, you can treat it as punishment for deliberately delaying the rescue of the Sixth Prince." Xiaoer said with a straight face. .

"Why?" After hearing this, the chief helmsman blushed.

"Do you need me to have someone bring out Si Nan?"

Several people were shocked when they heard that they had no money and would have to deal with the consequences.

"Girl, even if we didn't change the route, there is a reason. We also want to find the Sixth Prince as soon as possible." The tall and thin sailor hurriedly explained.

"Girl, we control this ship. We have done the work. Why don't we get paid? We also sailed according to the plan we made with Mr. Di before departure. We did nothing wrong. Why should we be punished? That's the county magistrate. All cases must be handled in accordance with the law, and lynching is not allowed!" the chief helmsman said with a red face and a rough neck.

"So from this moment on, you don't need to control this ship anymore. You won't have any work to do! I remember that Master Di told you as soon as I got on the ship that my orders are his orders." This is seeing myself Are you bullying yourself for being young and ignorant? !

Xiao'er didn't hear what a few people said before, otherwise she would have thought of throwing them directly into the sea.

"What's wrong?" Di Shaowei just woke up and walked out, and asked when he saw Xiao'er's face full of anger.

"I asked them to change course and sail to the southeast, but they did it in disguise and deceived me!"

Dishaowei's face darkened after hearing this.

These people had gotten along with Di Shaowei during this time, and Di Shaowei was quite polite to them. I had never seen him look so shameless.

Several sailors started to explain one by one.

"Master Di, our plan to search for the Sixth Prince from near to far is the most feasible. The wind is strong on the sea today. At this speed, we can reach the island in four or five days. We have searched all the nearest sea areas. The Sixth Prince is the last one." Youneng is on that island. There is a death zone in the east-west sea. We have never been there, and we don’t know whether there is an island or not. That’s why we didn’t obey the girl’s orders.”

"Yes, we also want to find the Sixth Prince as soon as possible. Now we are changing our course to the southeastern sea. We don't know how many days it will take before we encounter the island. If we don't find anyone there, we have to turn around and go back here. It will be even more delayed. Time to save the Sixth Prince?"

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