The return journey was uneventful.

At night, the sea breeze is gentle and the stars are shining.

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi were sitting side by side on the stern of the boat blowing the sea breeze, both holding a pot of water in their hands.

Others gathered in a circle, eating peanuts and drinking wine.

The sun was so strong during the day that everyone could only go out on the deck at night to get some fresh air.

The happiest person on this ship is Wan Fusheng. Why? Because there are many people talking to him!

Wan Fusheng talked about the process of Shangguan Xuanyi rescuing him and his life on the island.

Everyone was sighing after hearing this, and at the same time they admired Shangguan Xuanyi even more.

Several helmsmen also talked about the things they encountered when going out to sea in the past, some interesting and some dangerous.

"There are all kinds of people on that island. I can't understand a word they say. They are always pooping and pooping! The sentence I remember most is that pooping and spitting rice stinks! Guess what this sentence is? What do you mean?" The chief helmsman looked at everyone, as if you must not know.

Xiaoer, who was drinking water, choked on the water after hearing this and coughed violently.

Shangguan Xuanyi hurriedly patted her on the back.

Shit and vomiting smell like rice? It’s nicetomeetyou!

"Is this a curse word? Do you mean to eat shit?" someone speculated.

"Go, go, go! Just go and eat shit!" the chief helmsman waved his hand.

"The poop smells like spit-up rice?"

"You are so disgusting! It's all wrong. You don't need to guess. If you continue to guess, I will spit out all the wine I drank!"

"Then tell me! You said it yourself, it's disgusting! You vomited because you were drunk, not because of our words!"

"Go on, I'm not drunk! There were a few people on the island who were visiting us, and they told me that the person was telling me: I'm very happy to see you."

"No, this is too far apart!"

"That's right! If no one explains it, who can guess it!"

Others were in disbelief when they heard this.

"Uncle Chief Helmsman, do you think they are scolding you?" Wan Fusheng asked curiously.

"That was the first time I helped someone take a boat to do business on the island. I thought he was scolding me, so I immediately replied, 'You're just going to eat shit!'"

"Haha... I'm just telling you! You thought he was telling you to eat shit!"

Xiaoer regained her breath and smiled after hearing this. Then he remembered that he said he would help people take boats there to do business, so he asked: "What kind of business is done on the island?"

"What we brought there were silks, screens, purses, handkerchiefs, tea, sugar, porcelain, paper, etc. Those barbarians sold mostly gems, corals, statues, amber, blankets, etc. There were also many weird things. Something, I can’t even tell what it is.”

"There are many people living on the island?"

"It's not that many, but I can see a lot of aliens, some with blue eyes and yellow hair."

"Where is that island? Is it far from here?" Xiaoer wanted to see what she could take back. This opportunity to go to sea was really rare.

I never expected that such a trading platform would exist on this vast ocean. If the distance is not far, you might consider taking a detour.

"If we go from here, it will probably take about three or four days."

Xiao'er was a little hesitant after hearing this. This is still quite far!

Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer's hesitation, "Then let's take a detour and take a look."

Shangguan Xuanhao said before that he was ready to go to sea, so this girl asked him to take something back. Now that she has gone to sea, she will stop by the island to see if there is anything she needs.

After all, I have been at sea for such a long time, so it won’t be short of a few days.

"Okay! I'll listen to you!" Xiaoer agreed with a smile.

How could she not obey the words of the biggest boss?

This is a typical example of getting a bargain but still being nice!

The ship continued to travel for three days before docking at a port on an island. Several large ships were also docked nearby.

"There should be a lot of good goods this time, with so many ships coming," the chief helmsman said excitedly.

He brought some money with him, and before going to sea, he also bought some handkerchiefs, purses, rice paper and other items to bring on board, just thinking that if he had a chance to come to the island, he would go back with some rare items.

If you take things overseas and sell them back, you can get a very good price.

When Xiaoer saw those boats, she felt that the island was lively today.

"As soon as you get to the island, you can see stalls of various sizes. How about we go separately and buy what we need?" the chief helmsman asked.

Naturally, everyone has no objection to this. After all, everyone has their own little thoughts.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer's baggage and carried it on his back, took her hand and walked towards the island.

Di Shaowei walked on the other side of Xiaoer without hesitation.

"Don't follow us!" Shangguan Xuanyi didn't know what politeness meant, so he directly spoke to chase people away.

Doesn't he think his candlelight is too dazzling?

"No!" He only had banknotes on him and no money. He was shopping alone. What if he saw what he wanted and didn't have the money to buy it.

"Girl, is there anything you want to buy?" Di Shaowei asked, ignoring someone's murderous gaze.

“I don’t even know what’s for sale there.” So how do I know what I want to buy?

The three of them walked onto the island together. There were many stalls but not many pedestrians.

The three of them looked at each stall from stall to stall. Xiaoer came to a stall selling Western clocks and asked, "How do you sell this clock?"

"Five hundred taels." The foreigner replied in English while holding out five fingers.

"What about this one?" Xiaoer pointed to a gold-plated copper clock with jasper bird relief next to her and replied in English with standard British pronunciation.

The foreigner was stunned when he heard that Xiaoer was speaking English.

Not only the foreigners were stunned, but the two flower protectors beside her looked at her in surprise.

"How much does this cost?" Xiaoer asked again.

"One thousand taels of silver! The body of this clock is made of pure gold, and it is inlaid with emeralds! The movement inside is made of pure copper. And this clock was made by the famous Mr. William himself. Two is a good deal!" The foreigner reacted and introduced enthusiastically.

"Pure gold? No! This is gilt copper! I bought all the two hundred taels for you."

"Two hundred taels? No, that's too little!" The foreigner waved his hand and shook his head.

Even the gilt copper has real gold on it! For two hundred taels a piece, he would lose money!

Xiaoer took the baggage Shangguan Xuanyi was carrying, opened it, and took out a round fan inside.

This is a round fan with a lacquer handle and embroidered peacock on white silk. It is embroidered with a distinct and green pine tree. Under the tree is a peacock with its tail embroidered. The peacock is lifelike and vivid. The most important thing is the peacock. Each green feather on the tail is tipped with an oval pink rhinestone. There is also a blooming pink peony next to the peacock. If the fragrance of the flower is refreshing, it will definitely attract butterflies!

So many votes today, thank you all

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