Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 271 Chapter 271

The other side of the fan is embroidered with a happy bird on a branch, which is vivid and full of spring atmosphere.

This is the first time for this foreigner to see a round fan that combines jewelry inlay and embroidery, and it is also embroidered on both sides. He is very surprised!

Min Zeguo's embroidery sells very well in their country, and double-sided embroidery is even more expensive!

"Oh, my God, this fan is so beautiful? How much silver does it cost? Oh, beautiful lady, can I use a golden clock to change careers with you? My golden clock is accurate, exquisite and durable, and it is made by a famous teacher!" I kept flipping through the pages with my fan and couldn't put it down.

Xiaoer sneered after hearing this!

She wanted to exchange a gilt bronze clock for a round fan that could be exhibited in a museum. It was simply nonsense.

Someone seems to have forgotten that if these golden clocks were brought to modern times, they would be destined to enter the museum!

Since you want to use gilt copper to deceive me that it is pure gold, then I will use fake gems to deceive you!

As the old saying goes, it is disrespectful to come and not reciprocate!

Let’s see who is better at deceiving whom!

"Sir, please take a serious look at my fan. First of all, look at the white silk. The silk thread used to weave this white silk is bright and white and has elasticity. This white silk is woven densely and evenly, as thin as a cicada's wing. Who have you seen? The white silk at home is so thin and so strong when thin? Has Mencius ever heard of it? Let me tell you, this white silk was woven by Mencius’ mother. She is the only one in the world who can weave such white silk. ! There is not much cloth left in the world that Mother Meng weaved. If I hadn’t passed by here today and didn’t have any money with me, I wouldn’t have been willing to exchange this fan for something! I originally wanted to use this fan as a pass. It's a family treasure." Xiaoer carefully touched the empty space on the fan, her face full of reluctance and heartache.

"Who is Mencius?" the foreigner asked curiously. Is Mencius great? He has never heard of it!

"Isn't it? You don't even know Mencius? Your Mr. William is not as famous as Mencius! You even know Mr. William, how could you not know Mencius?!" Xiaoer's eyes widened, looking in disbelief.

"I really don't know." The foreigner shook his head. Is he too short-sighted? I’ve never heard of Mencius!

"It's not good to be too ignorant. Let me tell you, Mencius, he was a great thinker and educator! He is famous at home and abroad, and deeply admired by people with a history of five thousand years from ancient to modern times! Do you think such a person is amazing, right?" Xiao Xiao His face was filled with memories and admiration.

"Awesome!" The foreigner nodded unconsciously. Five thousand? ! His eyes glowed blue when he looked at the fan. Isn't this an antique? It doesn’t matter who Mencius is.

"So, if you think about the great man who taught Mencius, is his mother more powerful? Is it greater? Is the cloth she weaves very valuable? It is simply worth a thousand dollars!"

"How can it be bought with a thousand pieces of gold?" The foreigner swallowed. Is it so expensive? He held out two fingers hesitantly, "Then I'll trade you two golden clocks?"

His golden clocks are also very valuable and he has been collecting them for a long time.

This iron cock! Xiaoer secretly rolled her eyes!

Mencius and her mother wanted to replace the cloth weaved with two gilt copper bells! He really missed his heart!

You must continue to work harder to carry out the deception to the end!

"Don't talk about it now, look at the silk thread on this embroidery! Can you tell it's gold thread? Gold thread is very valuable, right! And this is heavenly silkworm silk, do you know?" Xiaoer looked at it Xiang Yangren, waiting for his answer.

"Have you never heard of it, a kind of silk?" The foreigner shook his head.

"There is a huge difference between silkworm silk and Celestial Silkworm silk! You know how valuable gold silk is! But today silkworm silk is more valuable than gold silk! Do you know how often Celestial Silkworm spins silk? Do you know how fine Celestial Silkworm silk is? You know you are on top of this How many celestial silk threads are made of the celestial silk thread you see?" Xiaoer pointed at the embroidery thread on the peacock with a look on her face that you can't even imagine.

"I don't know, how much?" The foreigner swallowed unconsciously.

At this time, Xiaoer's words and the exquisite fan in her hand also attracted many foreign devils to come and watch.

Xiaoer was very satisfied with this.

No one is plowing the thin land, but when it is plowed, someone will fight for it! Wait!

By then, there will be many foreigners who want this fan!

"The Celestial Silkworm only spins silk once every ten years, and only ten Celestial Silkworms can twist out one Celestial Silk Embroidery Thread! And the Celestial Silkworm lives on the top of the highest mountain in the world. The peak is covered with snow all year round, and you can reach the sky with your hand!" Xiaoer He compared it with his hands, and then continued: "So a piece of silkworm silk thread is worth one hundred taels of silver, and people are rushing to buy it! It is really priceless! You can see for yourself how much silkworm silk I used on this fan. Embroidery thread!" Xiaoer looked at the front and back of the fan.

Everyone took a look and found that there were indeed many of them. This fan was really expensive!

"Then I'll exchange it for four golden bells!" The foreigner was a little heartbroken about the four golden bells, but he didn't want to give up the fan in Xiaoer's hand, so he had to give in one more step.

Xiaoer secretly rolled her eyes again.

This Grandet! Do you want to exchange four golden clocks for your family heirloom? Even the embroidery thread on it is not enough to replace!

I need to add more firewood to keep my price negotiation skills burning!

"How many golden clocks can be replaced? Don't worry about this! Sir, you have to understand the true value of this fan first, right? It seems like you won't know if I don't tell you, right?"

The foreigner nodded. At first glance, he only thought the fan was exquisite. He really didn't know it was so valuable. It was really amazing!

"Sir, do you know what kind of wood this fan handle is made of? Hundred-year-old peach wood! It's rare for peach wood to grow to a hundred years! What's more, the peach wood that makes this fan handle has not only grown for a hundred years! This peach wood It's been five hundred years! The century-old peach wood has the effect of warding off evil spirits. It has almost become a spirit after five hundred years! Ordinary people have no place to look for this kind of precious wood! I guarantee that I will give you one or two for this fan handle. A golden bell, you still deserve it!" Xiaoer boasted to Haikou with all his heart.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei, look at me and I look at you. Do you understand? What is this girl talking about? Why has it attracted so many people?

And looking at the fiery eyes of those people looking at the fan, they were all worried that someone would just go up and grab it!

The foreigner took the fan handle and looked up and down, but he didn't understand!

"Do you feel it? Do you feel the spirituality of the century-old peach wood?"

The foreigner was confused: "What?"

"It's that sparkling, heart-chilling feeling!" Xiao'er casually used an advertising slogan.

Sparkling and cool? Does it mean cold?

The foreigner took the handle of the fan and felt it, and then fanned it again. It was indeed a little bit, so he nodded.

The onlookers were excited. Is this really spiritual? But what is spirituality?

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